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Everything posted by Sivodsi

  1. Knocked out by an airstrike perhaps? Its a bit odd that its lying directly in the crater though. Perhaps it was pushed in afterwards to clear the road? Edited to add: the series from 11194-211 show a series of air recon shots of perhaps the same shot up axis column. Mostly softskinned , but some spectacular shots of abandoned/knocked out/brewed up panther s and PIV s Now that is what I call carnage. [ July 30, 2006, 09:06 PM: Message edited by: Sivodsi ]
  2. I'm trying to figure out what 386 is, other than a historical arborists wet dream: "Ah yes, the 1944 oak, autumn I believe, a fine crop of acorns fell from those trees, not quite as fertile as the previous '43 crop, but still some fine saplings were produced of that generation..."
  3. wow, asking for assistance for another game on this forum? You are asking for lockdown, huhr!
  4. I'm beginning to see how CMX2 WW2 and ToW can be complimentary, but I'm very curious about this quote from Moon: How is this going to work in with the other two games? I'd say its going to compete more with ToW than CMX2 esp since buildings are also not enterable (as yet). The key differences at the moment are that dropteam does not limit the range to 500m as it is in ToW, and it is playable on Macs. There is word that the 500m limit could be adjusted, so is the dropteam mod kit a succour to keep mac gamers happy???
  5. wow, that's official then. When is it due out? Will it be sold as an expansion pack of dropteam, or as a standalone?
  6. Lets face it: without PBEM there will be little to distinguish the CMX2 WW2 version from ToW.
  7. I gather that this means that it will have UK units in it, rather than a hypothetical rendering of Operation Sealion. Right?
  8. Question is, doesn't this supercede the WW2 version of CMSF? Looks like the scale of this and ToW will be different, but I would have thought that comparing a game where you get numerous theatres of action vs a game where you only get one limited one, most prospective customers will go for the former...
  9. Sivodsi


    Looks awesome, and yeah, I'll buy it. But its a real shame about lack of PBEM. Means that CMAK and CMBB will continue to fill a niche that the increased sophistication of these games seems to leave no room for. Its frustrating that this segment of the market is being ignored.
  10. Tanks complete: [ July 27, 2006, 06:45 PM: Message edited by: Sivodsi ]
  11. Hey, where can I get a copy of 'a matter of crossing'? I couldn't find it at the scenario depot.
  12. Very pretty Andreas, but the nerd within remains disgruntled. What software (pref freeware cause I'm a cheap bastard) can I use to put the gif files together? [ July 26, 2006, 10:16 AM: Message edited by: Sivodsi ]
  13. - Moon - Tarkus Hmmm. T72 is a PC only game. Maybe Tarkus has hit the nail on the head.
  14. quoth Moon Holy Crap! Things are getting real confusing round here.
  15. Hey, what software are you using to reconstruct this puzzle? The nerd in me is crying out to be released from the frustration I've been having trying to use word to put it together!!!!
  16. Both guns are works of art compared to the 'hetzer heavy tank' "the gun can go up and down" The PIV on the site is a pretty good attempt though. Just love the little yellow smiley faces of the crew. Mod anyone? [ July 17, 2006, 08:54 PM: Message edited by: Sivodsi ]
  17. Referring to your opponents as 'bugs' is precisely the kind of thinking that allows incidents like this to take place. Take that you bugs! Feel better now? Its the presence of attitudes like this that really turns me off the whole concept of CMSF. I'll stick to WWII where at least the facade of history allows some kind of shield to the brute realities of war.
  18. Hi Evzone, If you want a game you should post in the Opponent finder forums that you find on this site. Either that, or join one of the wargaming clubs on the internet. They're easy enough to find. Happy gaming
  19. Yeah, some astonishing stuff there alright. It was interesting the point about the Mig 15 being an original Russian rather than a copy of a similar German jet as the west at the time thought. The program seemed to suggest that the Tup 144 was as well when they pointed out that it flew before the concorde, which contradicts sources such as this: "Built as a competitor to the Anglo-French Concorde from modified plans stolen from the French" But its amazing what the Russians achieved despite (or because of??) the interference of the paranoid flight phobic demogogue Stalin. Loved the flying tank, though one wonders how much use a couple of flown in t-70s would have been. Better than nothing, I suppose.
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