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Mikko H.

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Everything posted by Mikko H.

  1. TRR, there's a Russian saying that applies as well to Finns: "Alcohol is the people's worst enemy, unfortunately the people is not afraid of its enemies". Gotta visit St Petersburg one day, and stay sober to admire the city.
  2. To TempV: I'm sorry if you took that as an insult, it was meant to be a joke on the expense of certain religious sects who try to whip up irrational fears among the God-fearing population. Please note the smiley I used. :-)
  3. Regarding the attitude of Russia's neighbours... When a religious sect here in Finland wants to threaten people with God's wrath (as they are wont to do), the instrument of divine displeasure usually is a Russian invasion and the inevitably ensuing tribulations. Some preachers carry on their tours a map of "post-invasion Finland" showing the new borders where all but the southwestern third of Finland is coloured red. The gleeful message is that when the righteous are taken to Heaven, the sinners have to deal with the Russians in what remains of Finland. Our Russian members might be interested to know, that there are people around here who quite literally think you're the Scource of God :-)
  4. A long but interesting article on trolls and the psychology of trolling: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/08/03/magazine/03trolls-t.html?pagewanted=1&_r=2
  5. I'm surprised nobody has mentioned this classic yet. http://home.swipnet.se/~w-11578/model_links.htm
  6. 10 months since the release and still no Alizee! :confused: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  7. The "White Death" part is, AFAIK, almost certainly myth. This has been discussed on the Axis History Forum, and apparently there's no evidence that the Red Army soldiers really used that name of the Finnish soldiers. BTW, are there _any_ known cases where a name allegedly given to a type of soldier/piece of equipment/etc by the enemy has been proven true? AFAIK neither the Kaiser or any German general ever called the BEF 'a contemptible little army', the Japanese never called the Corsair 'the whispering death' etc. Were the British soldiers of the 8th Army in North Africa really called 'the desert rats' by the Germans? Sorry for hijacking the thread; this just is something I've been wondering quite a time.
  8. Just make a game where all the nations in URC's listings can fight each other in whatever combination... no matter if it's WWII or modern or stone age!
  9. We Finnish speakers tend to look down on the speakers of other languages because of the vastly inferior selection of swear words they have available. And the Finnish swear words are made all the more effective thanks to our language's rolling r's that are usually emphasized for effect: "Perrrrrkele!" BTW, CM:BOB left all this cussing potential sadly unused.
  10. I shall complain about the exclusion of space lobsters. They are already here ! Ok, not lobsters but crabs. And not space but killer. But still, killer crabs!
  11. EDIT (On second thought, the joke wasn't really that funny...)
  12. @ Mishga: PICS OR IT DIDN'T HAPPEN! @ GSX: HEY, I TAKE OFFENSE OF THAT! (In case my reply to Mishga is enough for a sexual harassment charge, I apologize. No, really. Ok, not really.)
  13. Pom-poms? Like this ? Wawing those at someome is considered threatening where I come from, but then, we Finns take offense very easily.
  14. Better images of the Syrian Army rank insignia: http://www.uniforminsignia.net/index.php?p=show&id=172&sid=1072 Scroll down
  15. A Finn here who hasn't received his pre-ordered game... but I guess I'll wait a couple of more days before raising hell.
  16. Given how great part of the complaints here are based on either/and: - "Why did they change/leave out features X, Y and Z when they were in CMx1 and worked beautifully!!!" - "I'm disappointed because the previous releases by Battlefront were so great and this isn't already!!!" What would your reaction be if CM:SF would have been BF's first game ever published? No previous record of great games to build expectations on? I'm very well aware that without CMx1 there wouldn't be CMx2, but do play along, people! Just imagine. I, for my part, would have been extremely impressed and raving to my friends about this great, great game. (As opposed to telling them to check it out after couple of more patches unless they're hardcore wargamers.)
  17. Yup, that's how Finland recruits the UN peace keepers. Up until very recently, Finnish Army did not have any standing combat-ready military units (border guard is a different thing altogether and is under the Ministry of Interior), as the peace-time army units were solely conscript-training organizations. Recruiting UN peacekeepers from reservists had the bonus of deploying men and women who had various civilian professional skills that came very handy in peacekeeping duties, like construction and medicine.
  18. Finnish generals have been complaining for years that there are not enough refresher training because of budget shortages. In the next year's defense budget their wishes are granted: amount of refresher training will be dramatically increased.
  19. Hitler with song in his heart! BTW, I'm slightly surprised nobody's mentioned Alizee yet.
  20. Finnish Army 1991-92 (conscript) Savon Prikaati, Mikkeli & Reserviupseerikoulu, Hamina Trained to be war-time Jäger platoon leader, but I doubt they would let me anywhere near fighting if the balloon goes up. Rank vänrikki (2nd lieutenant)
  21. After many, many statements fromn the game developers to the contrary (in this very thread, for example), why are you repeating this? Just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it isn't there.
  22. After many, many statements fromn the game developers to the contrary (in this very thread, for example), why are you repeating this? Just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it isn't there.
  23. After many, many statements fromn the game developers to the contrary (in this very thread, for example), why are you repeating this? Just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it isn't there.
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