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Jim Boggs

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Everything posted by Jim Boggs

  1. Thanks Nidan, your comments are right on the money. Things are progressing well at the Boggs household. Having your loved one at home is something we do take for granted. The dear Mrs. Boggs has resumed command of the household and slowly but surely life is returning to a somewhat normal pattern. She still isn't able to get around much, but, hey, that's where I come in, right? My Serf training has come in real handy!
  2. Hmmm.....Quite right of course, just curious how you found out about that? I keep that freezer locked at all times. I guess you're aware of the other items in my collection then. I've currently got in stock the eye of a newt, the wing of a bat, the heart of a toad, etc. One thing I am missing is the Ear of a Spats Salesman. But of course, that wouldn't be of any interest to you would it? BTW-Why don't you come for a visit and I'll give you a Free Tour!.
  3. All the best Big Joe. Hope everything is going well at present. The ER is a truly horrible place to have to spend a couple of nights.
  4. YK2 Please believe me when I say that in no way whatsoever was my tribute to you an attempt to set you up for gaylord's despicable postings. During the recent dark time in my life your attitude of always seeing the brighter side of life was much appreciated and served to bolster my spirits during this time. I am truly pained by the hurt that was the unintended outcome of my posting. I cannot remove the post, but you have my sincerest apologies for having been the source of what transpired.
  5. Fair Emma A diamond's lot is to reflect the light It's shine is not it's own A diamond casts no light at night No different from a stone Fair Emma though will never fail To see what we cannot Her light shines bright, over hill and dale Even unto this lot So heed the words of wisdom fair Cast like pearls to the swine Her rage is as the Grizzly Bear Her smile like precious wine She comes, she goes, as she sees fit So if you're ever blue Know the darkness will be lit By the gentle YK2
  6. Okay what's SC got that is unique? 1. Hubert Cater 2. This Forum 3. Zapp's Ladder League 4. Fan based Scenarios 5. CVM and Otto and their website 6. Hubert Cater 7. $25 (US) for all this 8. Fan-inspired upgrades and patches 9. Fan-based mods Did I mention Hubert Cater? This is more than just a game!
  7. No There are no mechanics represented in the game. Or medics, or clerk-typists, or even war correspondents. However, if you want to get down and dirty or get a feel of what it is like to be on a halftrack cruising along and then suddenly hit a landmine, which goes off unexpectedly, scaring the crap out of you. Then I would say this game is for you. Best Advice? Try the demo.
  8. Definition of Class Act: See zappsweden Nuff Said!
  9. And I belive that for every drop of rain that falls someone gets wet. Yes, I believe that the sun is hot and the moon is cold I believe that it is dark at night and light during the day. I believe that the sound of an alarm clock in the morning is the most horrible sound created by man's ingenuity. And I believe that if you suck at CMBB 1.02, you will continue to suck at 1.03. Yes, hear me now, I believe that one day we will all come together in a big field and there will be music and dancing and lotsa beer and stuff. Oh, I believe that women are both God's gift to mankind and also mankind's curse. And finally, I believe that I am running out of things I believe, so I'll wrap this one up.
  10. Okay Robohn Give up your address, you owe me for a new keyboard. Your above post caused an unnatural spasmodic reaction that saturated certain delicate electronics with what I can only describe as Spew.
  11. Congratulations are in order for Paula's Axe it would appear. I think the gift of an axe for your wedding would be most appropriate, but instead of having it engraved, may I suggest that you would have a much more memorable momento if you would agree to place your profile on the cutting edge of the blade. I am sure that it would only take two or three whacks to get it just right. BTW-Saw your post on the GF. You should be more careful about posting in a foreign language thread. [ June 06, 2003, 10:31 AM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  12. Would you please clarify #3 a bit more. Does that mean if you go down on more than five members that you will become encrusted? Do you have to handle the jewels before they go into your harem? Is it true that a diamond is a maggots best friend? Thanks in advance for your quick response!
  13. Because you don't, and you do it 100 times more often than JonS. </font>
  14. Agreed to and accepted this 5th day of June, 2003. Jim Boggs Proud Squire of Sir lenakonrad Grand Squire of Sir Aussie Jeff Great-Grand Squire of Berli
  15. [serious] To all my friends of the Peng Challenge Thread Thank you all for your kind words and support during a difficult time. My wife will be released either today or tomorrow depending on some tests that are being run. When she gets home she will have a nurse during the day and me at night. This will preclude any computer game playing for quite some time. As this is a Challenge Thread and I cannot respond I will be departing. I can still post from work and will keep an eye on you guys on the General Forum. From my wife and myself our heartfelt thanks for your support and prayers. From me, my thanks for making me laugh and keeping my spirits up during a difficult time. You guys are the best![/serious]
  16. [serious] To all my good friends of the Cheery Waffle Thread: Thank you all for your kind words and support during a difficult time. My wife will be coming home either tonight or tomorrow depending on some final tests that are being run. This is a long-awaited event. She will have a nurse during the day for a while and I will be her nurse at night. This will preclude any computer gaming for quite some time so I will be departing from this Thread as it is a Challenge Thread and being unable to respond is a detriment. I can still post from work so I will be keeping an eye on you guys in the General Forum. One day things will return to normal and as a famous American general once said "I shall return". Once again from both my wife and myself I wish to express our thanks for your support. From me I would like to thank you for making me laugh and helping me to keep my spirits up during some tough times. You guys are the best![/serious]
  17. Try Berlin Diary by WL Shirer. Most of what you write is covered very well by his account. You might also read The Goebbels Diaries edited by Luis Lochner. You might find it enlightening. Hope this helps!
  18. WHERE have you been? Your guardian (Jersey John), has been looking all over for you. You were last seen on the General Forum and then *poof* gone. Anyway, I want to be the first to welcome you back so: WELCOME BACK HUERISTIC!!! Now, hang around for awhile this time, okay?
  19. Okay time to review the Historical Perspective German style: 1. Poland actually attacked Germany after a shameless campaign of butchering the innocent citizens of Danzig. After all you must remember that it was Britain and France who declared war on Germany. 2. Norway was not invaded, rather it was a friendly occupation to forestall an Allied attempt to invade this sovereign neutral country. 3. With the surrender of France, Hitler, in an incredible show of humanity, offered Peace to the British, only to be rejected by the warmongering government of Churchill. 4. The decision to move into Russia was forced upon the German nation by the aggressive and hostile build-up of the Soviet forces along the border. Germany was once again only acting in self-defense. Unfortunately the Germans lost the war and Herr Goebbels true account of history was rewritten by the Allies. It would seem that, despite all the efforts of the victors, that the truth, as espoused by the little doktor, was not lost to future generations. [edit]-The above does not apply to most Germans. Thanks MD [ June 04, 2003, 02:43 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  20. While I appreciate the listing of certain unique strategies, there are still some of us who play SC within an historical framework, ie; No Axis invasion of North America, No Allied declaration of war on neutral countries, etc. So for my personal preferences I would state: Just for the record, this thread here has had no impact whatsoever.
  21. Boy, you Grogs sure know your stuff!! All this time I thought the high water mark in Germany took place during the night of May 16/17, 1943 as a result of Operation Chastise. Thanks for setting the record straight!
  22. My good friend disorder There would be some amongst us that might try and twist your innocent typo into a profound statement regarding certain types of petroleum jellies. Fortunately, I'm not one of them. BTW-I wanted to give you kudos on your Tourney, but Jersey John and Immer have used them all up. So instead I will offer my Congratulations.
  23. Amen! Best wishes for a successful outcome, my heart goes out to you and your wife.
  24. I would like to go on record in favor of allowing Kuniworth back on the Forum. Clearly, his one night antics were over the top, but with all the different threads going it is not inconceivable that he missed the warning that was issued by BFC. I didn't even know he was banned until I read Rambo's thread. As ever the epitome of class Jersey John refuses to dance on Kuniworth's grave, and in fact is also petitioning to allow him back. This speaks volumes for the kind of community that has been established by the SC Family. I realize that this Board is not run by democratic process, but hopefully, as Rambo has so eloquently elaborated, there are mitigating circumstances that can be taken into account. Perhaps a return with a probationary status would be warranted. Whatever, I hope it includes an apology to the Community and an edict for some AAR's from the lad. I have read some of his early work and the kid can write an AAR. Anyway, that's my 2 cents for what it's worth.
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