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Jim Boggs

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Everything posted by Jim Boggs

  1. Dear Girly Jo Krackhead I am really disappointed in your feeble offering. Genitalia humor is for lackwits/halfwits/nowits (all three would apply in your case so take your pick). Please feel free to go away and NOT come back! [ July 19, 2003, 01:31 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  2. Hey Hiram Who gutted your profile? I had heard that you were moving to Georgia and if that's the case I can somewhat understand your reluctance to admit it. But where's the e-mail addy?. You do realize that the state of Georgia was the prototype for the resettlement of Australia. You have heard of Oglethorpe? This so-called peach state was originally settled by criminals, cut-throats, and con artists. It is as close to a northern hemisphere version of Australia as one can find. So why would you move there? There is nothing there but degenerate, unwashed, smelly, imbecilic, and unwanted flotsam and jetsam from the other states....... Okay, it makes sense now! [edit]-Oh, and I guess that Donovan McNabb doll was obviously NOT from the Super Bowl collection. BWAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!! [ July 18, 2003, 03:28 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  3. Well thanks to you guys, I can't even watch an old WW2 movie anymore without constantly grimacing at obvious mistakes, flaws, and gaffes. Thanks BFC! :mad:
  4. Aw gee Joe. If I didn't know better I would swear that underneath that crusty old exterior was a real soft-headed...err...... soft-hearted banker! Careful of your image.
  5. Well now...that does explain a great deal now doesn't it?
  6. As I recall, there was a gentleman who posed these same questions when Jimmy Hoffa disappeared. Not to put any concern in your mind Dave, but this guy disappeared shortly thereafter and his body was discovered years later in Texas, Oklahoma, and parts of Nevada. [ July 18, 2003, 12:37 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  7. Well, as I have never visitied the Wisconsin Tourist Camps I can only speculate as to how true your statement, above, is. HOWEVER: Based on what you have posted thus far it would certainly seem believable.
  8. Good Point! We really need to do something to slow down the Georgian Immigration. It really skews the stats in a downward manner. Although some have ended up in New Zealand, it is not enough to slow the trend here. So, in a way, we should be grateful to v42.
  9. Hear! Hear! [edit-Was that too sappy and gratuitous?] [ July 18, 2003, 10:22 AM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  10. It is really sad the level of math skills we find in today's younger crowd. As my initial take on you have proven correct (Georgian), I would like to pass on some additional educational information, to wit; the numbering system. I will use an analogy: Person One (we'll call him Jim Boggs) gets all of the answers right on his test and is given a score of 100. Person Two (we'll call him v42) misses every question on his test and gets a score of -100. Still with me? Good. Now then, the tests are returned, and in a feat of logic that would challenge Joe Shaw, the young v42 jumps up and announces: "Note Jim Boggs' test score. Coincidence?" Sad it is I tell you. Although, I would most definitely be in agreement with your third sentence.
  11. [serious]No ****e? If true send an e-mail.[/serious] Currently residing at The Shady Rest. Kate and the girls send their regards, but Uncle Joe is bit miffed by the whole thing. When you get here catch the Cannonball Express at Hooterville, then go through Bugtussle and Green Acres. The next stop is The Shady Rest. You don't have a problem wearing an orange jump-suit, do ya? It's for your own protection is what they're telling me.
  12. A tragedy has occurred in my dear hometown of Winter Haven. Nay a travesty! We thought that we had finally given the *BOOT* to the cleveland indians (spelt but not bolded), but they brought out their high-priced lawyers and discovered a loophole that allows them to stay another 5 years. Oh Joy.......NOT!! Five more years of being overrun each Spring by of all things Ohioans!. Certainly life has no worst case scenario that can possibly beat that, except.......... Boo, you don't like baseball do you?
  13. Well now, what have we here? A real Russian? My goodness, that would be a first, I believe. Appreciate your clarifying your name, we were thinking it was pretty silly to be posting your IQ for all to see. Well, lad, as long as you are not from Georgia there should be no problem. We have our own Georgia here, and the Great State of Florida has been in steady conflict since the days of *yore and yon. Each year there is a large outdoor cocktail party held in Jacksonville in which our beloved Gators apply a firm, but kindly, can of whoop arse on the poor Bulldogs. Besides, it's hard enough getting anybody to actually want to play the Russians, so I'm sure you will not be lacking for games. *yore and yon-a period in history that came before the dinosaurs and when Berli's posts were worth reading.
  14. Life is sweet in the Sunshine State! Besides I've only got from 8-5 to post 24 hours worth of stuff, so....... Tip for Boo: Zing me at 5:05PM est, then you can relax all night!
  15. Minnesota Let's do an analysis: Minne-as in Mini, microscopic, infintesimle. Represents all aspects of existance in the state, especially stature and intelligence. So-as in So What. Represents reaction to the statement "I'm from Minnesota" Ta-as in Ta Ta. Represents continuation of above example. "I'm from Minnesota" "So what, ta ta" Known for it's renegade iceflows which have been known to crush docks as helpless/hopeless owners watch in horror. Should be avoided by all except those named Nanook or Sven
  16. Okay, here's another one to add to the: opposable thumb prehensile tail list of most repeated phrases.
  17. Brilliant Sagas? Bellicose Segues? Benevolent Speeches? Beautiful Sojourns? Baleful Soliliquies? Boastful Sidebars?
  18. Uh, Joe, apparently you were the only one. [edited to remove redundancy] [ July 16, 2003, 02:13 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  19. Ah yes, one can always count on the good Radley to filter through the sewage to find the golden ring. Alas, I had hoped to be squired to someone from Ohio that had absolutely no comprehension or literary ability. Someone who on the IQ scale would register below belly-button lint. Someone whose postings gave the same emotion that comes from seeing your dog unload his Alpo on the carpet. Someone whose name rhymes with YOU Did it happen? NO Comparing the two scenarios, I am reminded of poker: A stray beats a flush
  20. Okay Soddball Chalk up two victories in your ledger against me: One Your AAR was excellent (maggot) Two It pains me to say it (maggot)
  21. Okay you two maggots (Dave H & mike_the_wino) This is the Cheer....Moldy Waffle Thread, keep that GF :mad: :mad: :mad: crap outta here!! By the way the new title SUCKS! Not that I have any reason to care.
  22. I don't think the universe is ready for such a huge amount of wonderfulness. I think it would go into diabetic shock unless it were balanced by maybe adding a couple of Minnesota's to the mix. Sort of a Yin to our Yang (Nudge, nudge) </font>
  23. That's what I like to see, Quick Response Time. HOWEVER: I see the confusion. As your thumb and your tail have been connected since birth, the concept of the request was beyond your means to understand.
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