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Jim Boggs

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Everything posted by Jim Boggs

  1. Hiram Do you go around waving bottles of water in front of thirsty people? Do you eat cake in front of starving children? Do you post romantic interludes that can be read by Lt Hortlund? Do you get my drift?
  2. Let me make one additional request, if I may. BFC needs to attach one of those breathing tubes that they are going to install on cars in order to determine the driver's sobriety. Before anyone is allowed to access the Scenario Editor, they must first breathe into the tube and not exceed a 2.0 on the scale in order for the Scenario Editor to load. I realize this could be a problem for some (Soddball and rune come to mind immediately), but the pain & suffering that it would reduce at the hands of these artists would be greatly diminished. Thank you for your consideration.
  3. GOOD NEWS dalem!!! For one to have their honor sullied would mean they had honor. Clearly you have never had any honor, therefore there is nothing to be sullied!
  4. Uh...well...you see....I had to use it just briefly mind you, and the stains have been difficult to remove. But here it is, use it in good cheer! Oh, and Thanks for letting me borrow it.
  5. You guys act as if Bogging is a bad thing. Give it a chance!
  6. Let me catch my breath.........Oh My Gawd!.... That was..(uh oh, I feel a toady moment coming).......excellent! I still hate you Seanachai. More than ever now, because you actually made me laugh. The shame of that realization will leave me with a burning desire to hate with all the passion of my soul.
  7. Hmmm...toady? Okay if that means a true appreciation for a remarkable achievement, then I'm okay with that. I guess I am also a toady for Nidan and Lurkur as well. To a certain extent I would list Boo_Radley in that mix. But do not worry Berli, I don't think you have ever done or posted anything that I would consider remarkable. So you can rest easy, at least until the sun comes up.
  8. Whoa! The Justicar is clearly in the zone! Here's a recap for those of you scoring at home: 1)-rune: dispatched with little effort using the Bookmark/Press to Talk combination 2)-R_Leete: A brief but pointed explanation of death as it applies to certain websites , followed by an appeal for reason was enough to send this challenger scurrying for cover. 3)-mace-The Daffy Duck analogy was a clear knockout. 4)-Boo_Radley-A reference to the correct in-box usage, along with an Australian comparison staggered the good Ohioan. Still game he was then dispatched using the old memory issue ploy, which mercifully ended that bout. Okay, who's next to take on The Champ! [ June 26, 2003, 01:58 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  9. I blame the wino. We had a really great thread going, a lot of open inter.....discourse and stuff and then out of nowhere some gamey update post just dropped in. The girls took one look at the style and content and poof...gone. BTW-Where do you think the term spreadsheet came from anyway.
  10. Okay, but this is a tough one. The nude pictures of the Swedish Bikini Team were excellent, as were the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders. How they ever got those camera angles is amazing. But clearly the best pictures were.......... uh oh....DAMN! Sorry, wrong thread! Carry On.
  11. You fail to mention that it took place in dalem's backyard. If I recall correctly, I was moaning from the effects of the grass.
  12. This is true, last time I tried irony I burnt a hole in one of my shirts! My Mom said I should use my tongue. So which is it? Actually, they use barbed wire. Plus three times a week we get to go out and cut weeds along the interstate. So true, as the old saying goes: You either live in Florida or you wish you could live in Florida It's so true!
  13. Oh great eloquent one, your castigation of all things Australian poses an interesting dilemna. I can't remember his name, but there's this one guy who has proudly posted in his sig line that, and I quote: Ohioans! Aussies! There's not a toss of a difference between them, now, is there? If I can remember his name I'll get back to you. I think he's from Ohio.
  14. lenakonrad Forget it! Resignation not accepted! Lad, I know you have been given a tremendously difficult assignment, to wit: Try to whip that Boggs guy into some kind of reasonable facsimile of a human being. This on top of your already overburdened task of keeping the Justicar on his toes/hooves. I realize that this must seem like an impossible task, but you must not give up. You are the only one that seems to have a clue what Aussie Jeff is on about. That alone is worthy of serious admiration. The poor lad has become so despondent that he is currently trudging mournfully through the pastures ignoring the sheep to smell the flowers! Yes...this is a critical time for us all. Now is the time to reinforce your determination to see this thing through to a successful conclusion. It won't be easy, but you've got what it takes, I believe, so chin up, pip,pip, tally ho, and all that. You've a man size task ahead of you lad, and there's no better time than now to get started!
  15. Uh Oh, that last part could be a problem. Sir lenakonrad I have made a vow to a Dear Lady to abstain from using our home computer for a while. I have violated that vow but once, a late night post that.......well... you know all about. Currently I post while at (if you will excuse the expression) work, which is from 8-5 EDT. At what point the PBEM's can resume, I cannot say at present, hopefully soon, but maybe not. I honestly don't know.
  16. I see You are very active lately .Why don't You send me a file? </font>
  17. Lurkur If this is the direction AAR's are going then all I can say is: YEAH BABY!!!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!
  18. Nidan Bravo sir, a truly worthy effort that leaves one wanting more. My compliments!
  19. Damn! I look GOOD when I get all gussied up! [ June 24, 2003, 08:40 AM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  20. On the contrary my good Sir lenakonrad. If my posts about serious internal disfunctions have inspired the good Mr Radley in the past, my above effort I am sure will evoke a reponse the like of which this Board has not seen. As has been pointed out on countless occaisions the name Boggs is ripe for....shall we say a spirited riposte.
  21. Then I would suggest you get down off that telephone book before you get a nose-bleed. Very well, on extremely short notice: The Ballad of Boo Whenever it happens, and the Pool runs dry Who rides to the rescue, with head held high So much to post, and no matter how badly The Pool gets bumped, by one Boo_Radley 300's the number, that we all dread To go beyond, makes the Forum quite dead So watch as the count goes, higher and higher To start a new thread, we must have a sire Flowers and Plants, both grow from a seed To plant them aplenty, is a mighty good deed The Pool like a mushroom, and all we abhor Can only renew, through the release of a Spore
  22. Great stategy Lars! Letting her meet your friends from the Pool was a stroke of genius. That ol' sympathy bit works every time.
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