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Jim Boggs

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Everything posted by Jim Boggs

  1. [edited] [ May 28, 2003, 08:45 AM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  2. Attention Nevermind Suggestion: Hook up with the free 1045 hour trial of AOL. It's not like you got any pride or anything. Hell..I got AOL!
  3. Couple of Items: MrSpkr Did you receive the e-mail I sent this morning? Also: I heard some good news today, apparently Hortlund had broken his hand a few weeks ago and today they took the cast off! He sure seemed happy!
  4. Whoa! Soddball's getting pissed! :mad: He's never called somebody an aswell before.
  5. 1. Have sex (3 times) 2. Recite my entire vocabulary (2 times) 3. Down a case of beer (only once)
  6. Whoa! Looks like I'm hated, despised, and reviled in two different threads! Well as Mike_the_wino once said: In my book that's a win/win!
  7. Today's quiz: How many pairs of tight leather pants does Soddball own? Correct!! How many jars of KY Jelley does he use on a weekly basis? Congratulations! You are correct again!!!!
  8. You guys are too tough on the lad. I can actually remember one post that was funny! edited to add that c3k's post is about the funniest ever. BWahahahahahahah!!!! Great Post!! [ May 23, 2003, 10:39 AM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  9. Cool, a vote! Let's recap the choices: 1. Goodale is sending his turns to the wrong address II. Goodale just plain sucks C. Goodale and Soddball are wankers Well, if Goodale is using the reply feature it would be impossible to be using the wrong e-mail address. So #1 is out. Goodale does suck, so #II looks reasonable. Goodale and Soddball are wankers so #C also looks valid. Okay then: I'm from Florida so I get to vote twice! I vote for #II and #C.
  10. *sighs* My dear Elvira It is truly sad how far the king has fallen. In researching the early days of the Pool you figure quite prominently and I have always been curious why you never post more than your one word wankers. But reading your recent posts clearly establishes why you are the Forgotten One. I can honestly say that you have earned the title.
  11. It was the Penguins that put me over the edge. Day after day, post after post Penguin after Penguin Isn't this obious? [ May 22, 2003, 04:47 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  12. There seems to be some confusion (which runs rampant on this thread) regarding my status. I am NOT a Squire of Anybody! Instead I am a free Serf (heard but not seen) with the ability to roam the boards freely to partake of all that is offered. This is as it should be.
  13. Geez....Dueling Lawyers, now there's some...*yawn*...excitement! Where's Elvis when ya need him? Oh well: Wankers By the way, according to my research, the three Olde Ones are predated by: THE Olde One, which is of course, Elvis, the true King. I'm thinking Pete Best here.
  14. My. My. Castigated by two attorneys and Lars on the same day. Reminds me of somebody's Sig Line. All I need now is for Berli to appear and I will have the trifecta.
  15. Alas, it would seem that the fruits of countless hours of digging through the archives of the Pool have been for naught. Despite the blood, sweat, and tears of this holy quest, (which was undertaken when all else shunned the responsibility) now there would come forth the EXPERTS. I present to you Steve, your new associates: 1. Expert Lars aka Mr. Boundless Horizons 2. Expert Malakovski aka Mr. Mod 3. Expert jdmorse aka National Enquirer Critic Surely with this trio of stoog...experts your task can only be enhanced. [ May 22, 2003, 01:09 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  16. Why yes, I am sensitive. I went through a whole box of Kleenex when the poor beancounters from ENRON had to bail out with only a coupla billion in benefits. *Sniff* A sad day for the profession indeed. I mean how are they expected to survive on a measly billion or two? As I expect to resume our monstrosity of a PBEM in a couple of weeks I would prefer that you be kinder and gentler in your personal e-mails to moi. Also I would like screen shots of your positions and a complete order of battle for your troops each turn as well. I mean, as long as you're offering. [ May 22, 2003, 12:47 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  17. And you, Sir(?), post with all the punctuation and grammatical sense of a lawyer caught without a legal secretary to cover up the lack of communicative skills. Have a nice day.
  18. Then it is your Duty, nay Obligation to post the link here. But be very careful, there could be secondary explosions!
  19. Alas, the first two pages have been overwritten by the Thread's reincarnation!! See link on General Forum and try to access the first two pages.
  20. Calamity update! Reunion and homecoming next week!! PBEM turns to resume shortly thereafter. End of Update.
  21. Sheesh yourself! Soldier pulls pin on grenade, get's ready to throw, is hit on nose by exploding dirt clump, drops grenade.....Secondary Explosion!! [ May 22, 2003, 10:59 AM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  22. [iGNORE]Boo_Radley[/iGNORE] That felt good. Let's do it again: [iGNORE]Boo_Radley[/iGNORE] Nice... Addendum to previous post: The Missing Archives Two of the most critical documents relating to the Peng Challenge Thread are apparently lost forever. 1. Peng's guide to taunting and such which was written while in a drunken stupor near Christmas of 1999. This invaluable treatsie was subsequently deleted/edited by Peng during a brief period of sobriety. The loss so pained him that he took a vow to never be sober again. A vow he kept until recently, when he started posting on the Outerboards. 2. The initial public challenge issued by Seanachai to Peng which was subsequently overwritten when the BTS Forum began feeding upon itself. End of Notes.
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