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Jim Boggs

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Everything posted by Jim Boggs

  1. Nidan1 Notice the subtle frog reference in his prediction of calamity. Very Freudian I would say.
  2. Now you have me confused, in fact I think I have been doing it all wrong. So an easy to explain example The Germans (Me) lose 2 Squads total 7 men and no HQ. The Russians (AI) lose 1 Crew of 2 men, and 1 HQ of 4 men. So I put in what and where? a) German Squads 2 HQ 0, Russian Squads 1 HQ 1 German Squads 7 HQ 0, Russian Squads 2 HQ 4 c) German Squads 1 HQ 1, Russian Squads 2 HQ 0 d) German Squads 2 HQ 4, Russian Squads 7 HQ 0 e) Something Else that I havn't even thought of yet! Maybe change the text to Prisoners Capatured? Thxs, and it's nice to see that my own campaign is going the same way as others, ie Too Damn Hard! I'm ok on Defence, and MEs but any sort of offence, and I'm in trouble, either chasing the clock, or taking too many loses. </font>
  3. AAAAAAIIIIIIIEEEEEEE Frank Zappa!!!! So where are the Mothers of Invention? I heard they actually ate the Yellow Snow
  4. Geez, Nevermind They're gonna lock this thread down so fast, you won't even have time to think of a good Sig Line for Keke
  5. Gnomes are created from Frog.....Seepage? There can really be no other explanation. [ May 12, 2003, 01:03 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  6. I'm thinking Footprints in the Sand, except one pair wanders off into the Ocean and nobody knows for sure if Gnomes can swim. [ May 12, 2003, 12:55 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  7. I was hard on Dundroy, and no one's offering me a reward. Shaw you stooge, the line forms behind me. </font>
  8. After playing Boo_Radley in a PBEM, I think in his case the AI should have taken over before the set-up phase.
  9. Okay, this is the Sound Off About CMAK Thread, so here goes: I don't give two squats about the desert, everything I've read describes it as similar to naval warfare and I ain't no swab. Now then: Sicily and Italy. Now there's WWII at it's most equal and intense. Troina, Salerno, Ortuna, San Pietro, Monte Cassino, Anzio, tough, determined, fanatical resistance on one side and dogged, unrelenting, determination on the other. Rooting the enemy off of mountains and out of caves. Clearing old villages built onto the mountainside. No room to deploy armor, oceans of mud, an attacker's nightmare. CMBB's engine is excellent, and now we get to play the Allies again. The fire in the stomach will grow when those squads are American (or British, or Canadian, or Polish, or Kiwi's, etc.) that are advancing triumphantly or being cut down mercilessly by the determined German foe. But then again, this is just one man's opinion. [ May 11, 2003, 09:56 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  10. ....Pretending?..... All this pretending, has created a mess So now Nidan1, is wearing a dress? YK2 is a man but wait, no she's not? Seanachai's insane? Like the rest of you lot Konrad likes Penguins, and a bowl full of hash? MrSpkr the Okie, prefers sour mash? Hortland the Swede, is Psychotic some say? But are they pretending, this fine Mother's Day? Surely no one can be, as clueless as Boo If you know someone dumber, just tell me who? So maybe it's fake, and then maybe it's not It's never easy, analyzing this lot [ May 11, 2003, 05:21 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  11. Congratulations, now try a spelling game. So dipderoy turns out to be YK2, a girl pretending to be a man. Hmmm....No wonder I thought it was Gaylord
  12. You mean like on a bi-monthly basis? Being Mike_the_Wino's wife does not qualify you for a Mother's Day exemption. Soooo...SEND A TURN GGGGEEEEEEEEEEEZZZZZZZZ No wonder it's so Noisy in here, the level of frustration in getting turns is: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  13. Quite right then lad, the very act of throwing your chest out makes you short of breath I see. Hmmm.. Let me caution you as to the risks inherent in using dual identities. I will give you an example: On another Thread there is an individual, let's call him.., say... MarktheWino. Now MarktheWino took on a second identity aka: MarktheWino2 in which he scored noble victories over his opponents. Subsequently MarktheWino2 disappeared (some say mysteriously) and MarktheWino reappeared claiming victories earned by his alter ego. To make a short story long, the case is still in litigation and hard feelings were had all around (which for that Thread is not a bad thing). Now, to address the issue of Why? In this I will utilize your unique approach to logical thinking: I can only assume that your prior Peng existance was so miserable, so humiliating, so filled with wild flights of embarassment and sordid accusations that now you must hide behind your current nom de plume in order to have any chance of posting without being set upon by the denizens of your apparent horrid past. [ May 10, 2003, 03:51 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  14. Well I see DumDumRoyBoy is still hanging out. I wonder if he's finally learned how to properly challenge. To stand up firmly on his own hind legs, to throw his chest out, and bellow out forcefully like a Man: *shakes head* *sighs*
  15. My dear Lenakonrad As a sign of good cheer and international brotherhood, this lowly serf would beg pardon to do a little house-cleaning at your convenience. 500 point QB, village, German defender (YOU, because the thought of German troops being commanded by a Pole just seems sooo righteous), whilst I will attempt to cajole and inspire a small group of Russian Patriots to relieve you of your house-sitting obligations. What say you Knight of the Pool?
  16. Hear, Hear!!! Bravo!!!! Now if I only had 1.03 so I could play Thunder on the Dniester.
  17. Okay, as long as we're talking Sig Lines here, may I point out that according to Soddball's sig, that Mike the Wino is his wife. On the other hand, Mike the Wino's sig says that Soddball is his daddy? Now I'm not from Texas or Oklahoma or any such place as that, but somehow this smacks of serious inbreeding issues. Therefore: Is Mike the Wino both the wife and daughter of Soddball? If this is correct then it would really clarify a great deal about this thread.
  18. Today's Peng Challenge: How many posts until we get a new page? [edited to acknowledge Okie Steve's incredible math skills!] [ May 09, 2003, 11:11 AM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  19. Hmmm... Now where have I heard that before: "Go for the eyes Boo, the eyes" Does the name Minsc mean anything to you Radley? How about Imoen? Just checking.
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