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Jim Boggs

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Everything posted by Jim Boggs

  1. ENOUGH!!! Joe Shaw Can we have a ruling on the use of this worn-out, dilapidated, dead horse? I'm talking the ever popular overuse of the term: opposable thumbs. While your at it, how about putting: prehensile tail on the list as well.
  2. Geez! I come in here to catch up on some AAR's and the latest updates and what do I find: Spam Boy has got 9 Threads going on Page One! Kuniworth: Lighten up just a tad, Okay? Thanks!
  3. Very nice, a quick retort. Here's a few questions for you to reflect upon: 1. When something is cheap, it is referred to as cheesy. Why would that be? 2. When a human being passes gas it is also known as cutting the cheese. Any ideas? 3. What was the final score of the Tampa Bay vs green bay game last year? 4. Tip for you: Next time you double post, just place the following line in the second post: Oh yeah, and Boo's an idjit!
  4. NG Cavscout NG Cavscout Welcome welcome to to the the wonderful wonderful world world of of the the House House rune rune Did did rune rune teach teach you you to to double double post? post?
  5. So it took just the four of you to: Blow up The World?
  6. Excellent Point Nidan1! HOWEVER: You have overlooked that home of the Inane, Incompetent, Illogical, and Illiterate. Yes that is correct I am talking about Illannoy. From our one resident Ilieni who for some completely unknown reason thinks(I use the term symbolically) that he is Australian, comes the words of Waltzing Methuselah which, as usual, is sung with no rhythm or tonal compatability. The spread of Aussiemania has apparently taken hold even unto the heartland, the breadbasket, the pot-belly of this great country. How far has this fungus, this stench, this Aussieness taken hold? It would appear to be more widespread than even Seanachai could imagine in his wildest flights of sobriety. Remember lads, in the sacred scripts of The Westerns (as seen on TV), the bad guys were always the ones with sheep. Coincidence?
  7. 151 posts since Friday Night? Who put real coffee in Seanachai's coffee cup? You all know non-alcoholic beverages do not agree with him.
  8. lenakonrad Deciphering your puzzle has left me somewhat troubled by your message. I am hoping all is well? If not, please send me an E-mail at my home. Your faithful Squire
  9. Somebody (can't remember his name, offhand) suggested it was time to start a new thread. Seems like a viable alternative.
  10. Okay, I was talking to this really old guy about the Olde Days and he says the reason MrPeng doesn't post here anymore is because we haven't been communicating with him properly. Anyway he gave me some pointers and suggestions that I thought I would try. Ah Hem! Dear MrPeng How are you feeling, good I hope. Some have said that you haven't been feeling well lately so I hope this will cheer you up. I know the doctors at the home are nice and all, but they must check you out on occaision, so don't give them a hard time, Okay? I know that you have a lot on your mind :confused: , so I won't keep you. Try to relax :cool: and get better. We miss you and will keep an eye out for you. Your friend Jim Boggs
  11. Just as I suspected, it was because Lars fired your stenographer (I just found out her name was Mary Jane). Yes Joe we are two old ones (not to be confused with The Olde Ones). But the mass of experiences that we have accumulated has given us wisdom. You must use this wisdom to further your intellectual pursuits. Sure, that stenographer had tremendous potential, and Lars was cruel and evil in letting her go, BUT you still have your Mormon Wives and nobody is going to take them from you. Guaranteed. [ July 11, 2003, 11:29 AM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  12. *sighs* There, there Big Joe, it's natural to lash out at those who are trying to help you. I think a catharsis is in order here. We must examine and discover what exactly has caused your reasoning facilities to become so clouded. Was it the Penguin pictures? Was it the fact that Aussie Jeff got over on you? Was it the fact that Seanachai actually agreed with you about Hiram's posts? Was it because Lars fired your stenographer for spilling her ink? I realize it will be painful for you to reflect on these incidents, but only through serious introspection can you once again gain clarity in thought and deed. I'll be there for ya.
  13. This is very puzzling. Are you under the impression that in the past you have not been confused? I do commend your for acknowledging your problem. One must recognize that there is a problem before one can deal with it. I am sure that you can count on the support of your fellow Pudlians in helping you overcome this problem. I will keep this post short so as not to cause you any greater confusion. *sniff* Good Luck Joe, we'll be pulling for you.
  14. Hey Matze Keepen sie posten mit die Englisher sprechen. Dem Yankees bein paranoid mit der Deutches sprechen. Danke Schoen [ July 09, 2003, 03:47 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  15. Livin on the edge eh MrSpkr? Speaking of Senachai, what is he thinking letting his teenage nephews read this Thread? [ July 09, 2003, 02:17 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  16. Aussie Noba! Excellent my good dalem By the way it's 1:30 IN THE AFTERNOON but don't let that concern you. Good Night!
  17. "Calling Australia, come in Australia!....Sir, I am getting no response" "Keep trying man, we've got to find out what happened!" "Australia, calling Australia, come in Please" Boggs was puzzled, the images from the TV transmitter were stark and vivid. deserted streets, not a soul in sight, flags flying at half mast. What could have happened! There had been no contact for over 24 hours and tension was running high. "Sir, I think I've got something" "Put it on the monitor" The image of an Australian newspaper filled the screen, the headline said it all: National Day of Mourning Announced Beer Truck Overturns causing the loss of over 2,000 cases of Beer
  18. Ah Boo,Boo,Boo,Boo,Boo,Boo,Boo Notice how when you say it, it sounds just like the reaction one has from reading one of your posts?
  19. MrSpkr As you can clearly see in this previous post, the Ohideous One has tried playing proctologist with Hiram as well. Be very careful in dealing with this character!
  20. MrSpkr I would suggest you be careful with that concoction. That has the same ingredients as the one Boo_Radley uses for hemorrhoid removal.
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