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Jim Boggs

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Everything posted by Jim Boggs

  1. Maggots and Fly Larvae hear ye, hear ye! The calamity that has befallen the Family Boggs has passed the danger point and the long awaited Reunion could take place next week. At that time the PBEM turns will resume! In the meantime, I will continue to boil and seethe at the prospect of hurling huge chunks of molten, seething, spew-niferous TNT in your direction. Especially Ox5511212 and Doofuss H
  2. The following post has been extracted from notes taken before the Great Calamity which descended upon the Family Boggs last Friday. Back to work yesterday, and now some time to post. In the beginning there was ASL and then lo, a new power arose which called itself BTS. The coming together of these two philosophies created the force which spawned the TWO. The TWO, took shape and form and one called himself Elvis and was human in nature, the other called himself MrPeng and was not human, but rather a POD. And the TWO descended upon the newly created Forum and began their historic reign of terror. Verily, it came to pass that any who challenged the TWO were swept aside as so many SS Panzer Leaders and Usernames. None could resist the tide of corruption and vile semantics, until..... One night from some deep and fiery chasm of the bowels of the Earth, a gigantic Spew was released, rising majestically into the night sky, only to rocket back to the Earth in a blaze of destruction. Emerging from the giant impact crater came Berlichtingen and Bauhaus. Together they would seek to end the reign of Peng and advance the cause of the Devil from which they had been spawned. But it was not to be, as the two Evil Ones immediately began fighting and bickering with each other and thus were never able to unite and destroy Peng. Confusion and anarchy prevailed until the rise of the mysterious Gnome from Minnesota. Unlike the others Seanachai emerged alone. In clear, unmistakable tones, he clearly called the Four to task and took his case public. Alas, it was more than the forces of BTS could handle. As the debate continued day after day, the taunts, the catcalls, the whining, and gnashing of teeth reached a point where the Forum literally imploded, overwriting itself and causing much consternation amongst the two most high and exalted ones (Steve and Charles). Another thread was started and grew and grew until it also reached critical mass. This time the exalted ones (Steve and Charles) intervened in time to prevent further damage and instructed the Cesspool residents to get together and start a new thread. As can be imagined, there could be no agreement amongst this lot and the exalted one (Steve) issued an edict assigning the new thread to the Australians! For Seanachai there would never be any forgiveness and Australians have felt the sting of his wit ever since End of notes.
  3. Dear Dear Leopard Leopard Please Please be be more more careful careful when when posting posting. Double Double Posts Posts can can be be very very annoying annoying Thank Thank You You
  4. Just a note to all that may be interested, I will be away for an indeterminate time, lost in the musty Archives of the Pool and would therefore be (sadly) unavailable for more useful pursuits. A shame My Lady
  5. I agree. The test data that you have posted is completely biased. How anyone can use it to their advantage is beyond me.
  6. Whoa! Is this the same Elvis who started the first FAQ answered by the Peng cesspool residents back in 2000? This historical research is really paying off!!!
  7. ENOUGH This constant, unmitigated, overwhelming, trashing of one Boo_Radley has gone on long enough. It's time now to reflect on Boo's positive contributions to this Thread. I will list them below: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. So, try to remember this before castigating this Proud Son of Ohio
  8. Or even Alan Iverson. But seriously, as dumb as the AI is, would you agree that (on an evolutionary scale) that it is a chimpanzee compared to Kuniworth's amoeba?
  9. I thought vegemite was some sort of explosive that combined the nuclear properties of boiled cabbage and potatoes? I also heard that the addition of any type of alcohol would produce a mixture that was highly unstable. So dalem don't burp!!!
  10. Now why would I ever think that you Masteruseeverypossiblegameytrick would ever stoop to claiming that a 51-49 draw was a victory for you? The deal is done
  11. No Problemo. IF you actually send a set-up tonight. With that understood: Attention: Brood Sig Line battle Boggs v mgd. 90 day term commencing upon completion of battle. Per my legal advisor Dave H: Draws do not count!
  12. History does not repeat itself with Masterdoublepostdumbass BWAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! Idiot. [edit]-your sig line terms were for moi? Hard to tell, you are so popular these days. [ May 14, 2003, 02:54 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  13. 50 Turns rectal retard :mad: Attack feces face :mad: Variable jizm jaws :mad: Any map size anal ace :mad: Send it! Your Daddy will be home tonight!
  14. Set the turns to 999, because I will not stop until every last piece of equipment, every last Nancy boy commando, every last tank, that has your foul stench attached is either a smoking hulk or a bloated dead body. You can count that high?
  15. Total Games = 7 Win-Loss Record = 4-3 BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!!!! GrandMaster??? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! Listen Up Masterwetshispantswith4winsoutof7 IF as on numerous other occaisions there is no set-up from Ewe, there will be a PHLEGM FILLED, PUKE PACKED, DUNG DRIPPED, TNT TOPPED, COMPUTER SELECTED OOB QB sent to you tomorrow. There will be NO more excuses.
  16. Sometimes you just want to hit somebody with a rake. Anybody else ever have that feeling?
  17. Bwahahah!!! Masterofgameysetup bring it on you sorry excuse for a steamy pile of fresh dropped donkey droppings. Your little secret is out! No, not the size of your manhood, that would be your microscopic secret. You should have sent your set-up earlier, I would have set-up a normal TO&E unit. The next time you confront TO&E, it will be encased in a boot of quality manufacture that has penetrated your ass, or as you like to call it your headquarters. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! Idiot, you had your chance. Come meet your new Daddy.
  18. Gee Steve that seems like a lot of work! Did you have someone in mind that could help out? I would of course volunteer in a heartbeat, however, my skills with all things internet/UBB/HTML are on a par with Boo's tactical skills, so the help I could offer would be very limited. On the other hand, having had the honor of reading a lot of your posts, I can see that quality and cohesion are not something that you require, so maybe I might be able to help. Send me an e-mail with the details and I will reply tonight when I get home.
  19. Lars Your friend Mouse is here. Would you be so kind as to take care of him? While we're waiting for you to replace the lightbulb in your refrigerator, which has burned out again due to you leaving the door open 24/7, I will offer him some snacks. Hey Mouse, you like cheese? The dear YK2 has provided two kinds for the little Open House Party she's throwing. You can have some Tweena Cheese which has been harvested from between the toes of our good friend Mace. The times he spends running barefoot through the sheep pasture has allowed for a sharp, tangy, texture, that I'm sure you would enjoy. Or, you can enjoy a huge chunk of Frumunda Cheese which is harvested from the good Justicar's....well, let's just say it doesn't need a lot of sunshine to age properly. Help yourself, Lars will be along shortly to help you find your way OUT! [ May 14, 2003, 09:54 AM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  20. Okay, time for the truth to be told. Now I know everybody who reads the posts put up by callsign Axe2121 can easily discern that he is an imbecile. No argument, right? Okay. Well, while playing our current little QB, I advanced with my company of conscripts against his right flank. My first sign something was amiss was when I ran into his Outpost Line and it consisted of 5 Mortar squads. WTF? Well he is an imbecile, so I just shook my head in sympathy and quickly overran his flank with a platoon of infantry. So far, so good. A little prep/suppression fire and the assault was on! Four squads and the platoon leader moved out sharply as we began to roll-up his flank. Then four shots, no more, no less, and the platoon leader's section was history! Now I've got 4 squads of conscripts huddled on the edge of the woodline, trying to figure out the quickest way back to Berlin. Naturally they take off across an impassable bog faster than they attacked over open ground. Nice! Oh well, everyone gets lucky, especially dolts. Not despairing, we sent 2 platoons against his left flank. Nice. This time 8 shots and two dead platoon leader sections! WTF!!! Two platoons of conscripts, leaderless, milling about, while Mr. Gamey hits them with flame throwers!! Now we are regrouping, for another go at his line. So far we have encountered mortars, snipers and flame throwers, or your standard TO&E of a Russian infantry unit NOT! So, let this post be a warning and a reminder: Jason is an imbecile, but, he's a gamey imbecile.
  21. We zoom in on a small house somewhere in Illinois "But dearest, I can't post on that thread, I have taken an oath" "I don't care, Dear Emma wants a post and that's all there is to it" "But, love of my life, the humiliation and pain I will endure by coming back will damage my reputation". "Hah! That's a good one! Now march your sorry behind up to that computer and answer her. AND I MEAN NOW!" "Yes Dear"
  22. Lenakonrad Let me be the first to commend your return to the world of words. Your insightful post proves that you have the ability to see people for what they really are. Congratulations.
  23. Boggs grasps his chest as the reality of what he has read soaks in. Crying out in intense pain as his heart begins to pump spasmodically, he feels the darkness closing in around him. His brain is spinning with the sudden realization that: Goodale's post was actually funny!
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