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Jim Boggs

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Everything posted by Jim Boggs

  1. Berli and Joe I think I can clarify this for you, as I have some experience in these matters. SirReal is a serf and will remain a serf until Joe forgets about him. Then he will be taken to Squire by someone else, but that someone else will have his Squiring rights taken away for no good reason, leaving said serf still in a state of perpetual limbo, and everybody will still be trying to remember why Boo was allowed to become a Knight. At this point said serf won't care and will probably start posting on some other thread anyway, so in the long run: It doesn't matter
  2. Okay Joe, just when exactly did he promise to introduce you to the (all bow down): Swedish Bikini Team?
  3. Dear Boo Please list a description of each girl you have dated in your lifetime: That's pretty much what I expected.
  4. konrad Nice three-wheeler!! Is that Aussie Jeff in the passenger seat?
  5. Hmmm... I've noticed the same thing. Even Snarker is getting a bit snippy (for no reason). Now that I think about it, it seems like these three guys get all grumpy about every 28 days or so...... Wonder what that's all about.
  6. I blame Radley Somebody else needs to start the new thread. These damn SSN's see his style in the first post and figure (as the title suggests) that the Peng Thread is easy. Joe Shaw We need an edict or something!
  7. Hmmm....Now where have I seen that picture before? Hey JJ: Nice AAR, keep it up. Are you and disorder gonna alternate postings?
  8. Nidan I don't think this is very likely as it's my impression that his time in Ding Dong School was cut short.
  9. Well isn't this just about par for the course. We finally get someone in here who shows a dash of imagination and you guys run him off! The double entendre of his name speaks volumes of his ingenuity and brilliance. However: Upon closer examination of his initial post, I have come to the conclusion that he has chosen the wrong name. What he is describing is certainly not of a dreamlike state, but rather a real life occurance that elicits much pain. Therefore: I would like to encourage the precocious Junior Member to return, but this time with a moniker more in keeping with his wit: All hail the return of: Sir Cumcision
  10. Okay to recap: 1. If it's blown, the duration will be lessened. 2. Diameter affects both duration and size. 3. The larger the size, the longer the duration. Is this correct?
  11. Hmmm...That reminds me, I need to look into upgrading my 56k modem.
  12. Good News! I re-read the entire last thread and nowhere did you post anything that was worth saving.
  13. Getting better all the time. The goodly Mrs. Boggs has resumed command of la casa and is whipping things back into shape from her position on the couch. I've been reading Snarker's posts and have picked up on a number of his crying, whiney, girly little excuses. I wonder if they'll work on the Mrs? Gee, dear, it's considered bad etiquette to just stop sending turns for this long. Hmmm...I don't think it will work for me either!
  14. Father's Day at the Goodales Goodale: AARGAGARARAGAGAGAGAG!!! :mad: I am the ruler of the world!. My TNT has the most slather of them all. HAHAHAHAH!! Nobody messes with the GrandMaster of TNT Chuckin!. Time to enlighten the brood. HEY!!!!!!! Where's the computer? Mrs. Goodale: Gone and good riddance! I've been reading that silly little thread that you are involved with, and it's starting to affect you. Goodale: But dearest angel, love of my life, without the thread, I'm a nobody. Mrs. Goodale: Too bad. Today is Father's Day and you're gonna spend time with your family!! Goodale: Okay dearest one, where's the two-year old? Mrs. Goodale: *Sighs*...The two-year old is twelve and you wonder why I think you've been on the computer too much. I got rid of it and it's gonna be a long time before I will allow you to have another!! Goodale: But sweetie, the guys on the thread will think I'm a big wuss!! Mrs. Goodale: That would be a step up from what I've seen.
  15. Weekend with Lars or The Three Stooges in Minnesota Lars: Hey, let's get really wasted and go out on the lake in the boat! Papa Khann: Uh..I don't know, I can't swim ya know. Besides I'm hot! dalem: That's not what that girl at the bus station says! Hahahah! One hour later the three lads have reached a state of complete incoherence and are ready for their nautical adventure. Commodore Lars oversees the launching of the boat. Lars: Guys, I think the pointy end is supposed to be in the front. Papa Khann: I'm cold. dalem: Will you get out of the boat and help push? Now safely launched the boat begins drifting to the center of the lake. Papa Khann: I'm still cold and now I'm scared too. dalem: What's wrong ya big wuss? Papa Khann: Well, all my clothes have holes in them, so if we sink or something, the water will get through my clothes and I'll sink! Lars: You are an idjit. dalem: Okay Lars, I'm getting sea sick, let's go back in now. HEY! Where's your motor? Lars: It's on a chair in the dining room. Papa Khann: WHAT!!, we're all gonna die and I'm still cold. dalem: Just why is the motor on the back of the dining room chair and not on the boat? Lars: Well, my new interior decorator thought it gave my place a rugged outdoorsie look. Papa Khann: Great. I'm freezing and the Commodore has left his motor in the dining room. How are we gonna get back to shore? Lars: No problem, dalem brought an oar. dalem: That's not an oar you moron, it's my bong! All Three in Unison: HELP!!!!! [ June 16, 2003, 08:58 AM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  16. disorder Are you like me and scared to death what these two jokers are gonna be posting when the release of SC2 is announced? I hope the server can handle it.
  17. Gentlem.....oops...wrong thread...Maggots Need you assistance. I am reviewing to locate the best CMBB gamers of all time. The problem is I keep running across this phantom guy named MTW2 who seems to have been the best ever. I cannot find that he has ever lost. But I have tried to find him to get some inside tips, but he seems to have vanished without a trace. I have heard that he was involved in some serious litigation involving your own Dave H, but everyone seems very tightlipped about it. Is there anyone on this thread that can shed some light on this almost mythical individual? Thanks for your help.
  18. Well who could ask for more! That's a better deal than I get from my HMO.
  19. INTER THREAD MEMO To: Snarker Subject: Sig Lines Two points for your consideration: 1. (a.) Read Dave H's sig line re: MTW2 (b.) Read your sig lines (c.) Think about it 2. Remember it is considered bad form when your sig line is longer than your posts. End of Memo
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