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Jim Boggs

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Everything posted by Jim Boggs

  1. Sir AJ It was my intent to respond to your..*sniff*.. glowing post with a mighty tribute, however, the above post from Joe Shaw simply cannot be topped! You and the good Sir lenakonrad have succeeded in raising the standard, as it were, in your ability to wrankle, upset, annoy, and just plain piss off the staid and stale authority figures of the Pool. I have been as the mosquito to your dragon in degree of annoyance. While I cannot accept a title, rest assured that the support and loyalty to your continued efforts will be there.
  2. God I wish. I am Jonesing for a pixeltruppen clash like a wino for a bottle of M/D 2020. Soon...dear God in heaven...soon.
  3. Can you spell b-e-e-p-e-r? How do you think they keep in touch with all their......clients? Besides they get one call at the station, and if they have a problem, the guard will dial the number for them.
  4. COPS is the best. I can keep up with all my relatives without ever having to use the phone.
  5. You mean that wasn't you they found sleeping under the bridge on COPS last night? The guy said his name was Mike and he was most definitely a wino. I cannot imagine why anyone would pretend to be you.
  6. You call that a line-up? How about this: 1B-F. Chance 2B-J. Evers SS-J. Tinker 3B-H. Schulte LF-D. Taylor CF-J. Sheckard RF-S. Hoffman C--O. Schreck SP-M. Brown SP-E. Ruelbach SP-J. Pfiester The Team ERA was 1.76 When baseball was still just a game. Go Cubs!
  7. My God, a battle of lackwit between the soon to be bound, gagged, and betrothed Axe2121 and the soon to be found, bagged, and handcuffed mike_the_wino. To quote the good Soddball from a thread on the GF: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  8. Whoa! Gang-Bang in progress. Where to begin: SirReal: The fact that you apparently have collected soil in your pants at some point in time would lead me to believe that you must spend a great deal of time running through the pasture with your pants around your ankles. Joe: Actually, it's more a feeling of intense pressure that has subsequently....shall we say..passed? Boo: Pepe sends his regards and wants to know when you are going to return his box of used gloves. Oh, and he says that he is still upset that you used his flashlight as a suppository. Still searching for the old brain cell, eh? At least you're looking in the right place for a change.
  9. The ability to inspire the great wit of the Ohideous One leaves me with a warm and tingly feeling throughout the depths of my bowels.
  10. I believe, (for the comprehension impaired), that my post points out that I am unworthy of the honor. You would argue against that?
  11. That would be an added bonus, especially to one so utterly clueless.
  12. Sir Lenakonrad You are a Knight of the Pool and rightly so. You have withstood the slings and arrows and emerged with head held high. You have bestowed upon my humble personage the great honor of taking me to Squire. It was an honor that was indeed overwhelming and will always be something that I will never forget. I have made an effort to live up to your kindness, but I am afraid that it is not to be. I am too much a vagabond, a free spirit, and a wanderer. I can no more be a Squire than Seanachai can write a coherent post. Or Berlichtingen can post something funny. It is one of those things that is just not meant to be. Keep in mind one thing Good Knight. You have the favor of the Ladies of the Pool and this is as high an honor as can be bestowed by anyone. Sir Lenakonrad, I wish you well in all your endeavors.
  13. Winner!!!!!!!! Okay contest is over....move along there ...nothing more to see here......thank you....move along. So there you have it. The pristine sig line shall remain so. Thanks to dalem for his winning entry. [ June 18, 2003, 03:34 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  14. Jeez, poor Mr Rogers. His famous tag line already being sullied by interlopers. [ June 18, 2003, 04:54 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  15. Nice analogy there Joe, but truth be told your toilet has nothing to do with zen except you apparently think on it a great deal as well. If my noble liege lenakonrad will train me in the art of picture posting, I will be able to illustrate the above for you. First day in the House of Berlichtingen and already I feel mean and cranky BWAHAHAHAH!!!!!!! Hmmm...now I need to come up with a suitable sig line.
  16. Riinnnggg Hello, this is Bo, I can't come to the phone right now because I am busy. :mad: If this is that Axe maggot, just go away and leave me alone. I will not meet you in Ontario for a drink! :mad: :mad: Don't bother to leave your name or number, cause frankly, Scarlet, I don't give a damn! :mad: *click*
  17. You left-wing radicals are always wanting to change things. I think a conservative approach might be well-advised in this matter. Left to the members, I shudder to think what the final color scheme would be. To quote the goodly dalem NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Thank You [ June 18, 2003, 02:34 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  18. Or perhaps some lace doilies would look nice to create just the right atmosphere. A nice pink lamp with frilly shades to light up your silk and velvet toilet seat? Just how long a drive was it from Oklahoma to Ontario?
  19. "Boggs, wake up lad, your appointment to Squire has been approved!" The Old Serf was smiling broadly as Boggs awakened. "Say what?" "Yes, it's true, the Dear Lady Persephone has intervened and you are to Squire for the House of Berlichtingen" It seemed incredible, but the Old Serf had never told a lie. "Thanks Old One, now I must reflect on this new course my destiny has chosen". "Well don't reflect too long, there's a new serf coming named SirReal and we need your bunk!" "Ah, yes. I'm not surprised, the lad showed much promise. You must take him under your wing and see to it that he is prepared for what is to befall him. Promise this Old One" "Of course, but he is Swedish, and the lads hate Hortlund, but maybe this one will be diferent. We can only hope." "And the Justicar has signed off on all this?" "Hehehe...even the Justicar does not tangle with the Lady Persephone." "Well then, there is much to be done......."
  20. I coulda swore you told the guy to put "the bottle in front of me", but you know how these language issues lead to all kinds of misunderstandings.
  21. Hip Hip Hooray The Saga continues!!!!!!! P.S. Sorry I had to get rough with ya JJ, but it's your fault for getting me hooked on this thing!!!!
  22. The last time the BFC server went down, the national crime rate went up 27%. I have heard that BFC receives a grant from the Government to stay online 24/7 to keep certain individuals off the streets. Now laddie, I cannot give up the names of the individuals who participated in the survey as without confidentiality, their honesty could not be assured. But I can inform you that there was 100% agreement. You seem to have the right stuff as it were, but the good Jersey John has been known to be.....well....tempermental at times. I'm afraid it's the artist side of him. So then...carry on lads, it has been quite enjoyable reading up to now.
  23. JJ and disorder Although the pictures added a nice touch, it was really getting sloooooooooooow when one would load the thread for viewing. I have taken an informal survey and it has been determined that if you two do not continue this AAR to the finish that you will be awarded the: Wussies of the Year Award. I am only awaiting final confirmation from our man in Hollywood.
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