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Jim Boggs

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Everything posted by Jim Boggs

  1. Steve, that idjit was our own Seanachai. He was only pretending to be insane. I think....maybe not...it really is hard to tell, now isn't it?
  2. Page 6/66 Under Policies it states "Peeple who point out typos and errors in this Guide will be subject to Severe penalties" The word people is misspelled.
  3. Quite right. My inexperience has shown. Not having to face many situations that would require the correct spelling of words such as mercey, surrendar, defeet, and loozer, I defer to your obvious much greater familiarity with these expressions. As always, I remain in your debt. [edited to add possible sig line] My Spelling Daddy-Soddball [ May 04, 2003, 02:20 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  4. Does they have lots of explosion producing units? We loves explosions! And fire? We loves the smoke and bright colors. Vehicles burning, clouds of noxious vapors, the shrill cries of mercey eminating from the various nooks and crannies. *Sniff* Well, Do they?
  5. My My, we are the sensitive lot now aren't we? Unless you are still having technical difficulties the reply to your most humble request should be at hand. Dawn it is, Sir, as you wish!
  6. Okay, resent, and no comments about e-mail skills if you please. I mean Geez, the leader of your board can't even find the send key.
  7. S'okay Big Joe. Just don't drink the Vodka! Save it for the game, okay? Your boys are gonna need it.
  8. Set-up delivered. 800 point QB for starters. Just to warm up. I hope you are still on 1.02?
  9. Okay Big Joe, your set-up is in your in-box. You get three Russians, one rifle, and three bottles of Vodka. I get two Germans, one rifle and one bottle of Schnapps (spelt, not bolded). The map is a small bar somewhere in Russia. Are you sure the only thing sulking is your Graphics card?
  10. Because you're losing all of them? Oh well, here's your chance to get back on the winning track (yeah right). Either send me a set-up or you will find a really nasty stench eminating from your in-box. With all due respect of course.
  11. I guess the good MrGD hasn't sent you a set-up either. Hmmm.. I'll bet we could probably do a complete 30 turn game while we're waiting. Interested?
  12. Hey Soddball Seeing as how MGD can't seem to remember how to use e-mail, how bout a set-up? I've got one in mind for you, if you're interested. A nice little 1000 point QB, German probe. Look at it this way, it'll keep me from rampaging with the psychos.
  13. Uh Ax, this attorney's name wasn't Frunze by any chance was it?
  14. Don't sweat it Redimpz, my home AOL is banned as well, so I just post at work. heheheh! In the long run, I find that I have more time for PBEM.
  15. Geez MGD, I don't think drinking a bottle of cheap wine after allowing it to breathe would qualify as terrifying. Besides you can always screw the top back on.
  16. Forget it MGD it involves Strategic thinking. You know, like first unzip your fly, then go to the bathroom. This type of complex thought process would be too much for you to handle, so stick to tactical. If you must play, try Terif or Rambo. They're pretty much newbies at the game and you should get a fair match. [ May 02, 2003, 01:59 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  17. Oh well, 5pm and the witching hour is here. Before I take my leave for the night, it's nice to see that the threat of my poetry has in some small way inspired some 16 posts since this morning. *sniff* *pout* And I had an especially good one prepared.
  18. Hey Boo looks like I got the whole thread to myself, so....hmmm...how bout some impressions! Berli You're all idiots. Especially Boggs. He's a real idiot. Wow! I like that, sounds good. Boggs is an idiot Boggs is an idiot Hahahahahah! Thank you, now for Aussie Jeff Croiky, me bloomin arse is sore from sittin on it so long. Hey mate, how's about spottin a bloke some coin for a cold one? eh, mate? I reckon I'll have to resurrect my old unit the Dumbass brigade and attack Ohio again. Thank you, now for Lenakonrad Penquin, Penquin, Penquin, Penquin, Penquin Thank you, now for Seanachai I was ambling, as is my nature, down the street late at night when I encountered a derelict of unknown repute. I decided to play a trick on him to demonstrate my superior gnomish abilities. "Hey there drunken sot, your inverse polarity is upsetting the Kharmatic Balance of the Universe. Be gone and never sully this place again!" The drunken sot, still reeking of alcohol and putrid body odor due to the lack of any attempt at personal hygiene responded "But I *burp* am the *hic* great Peng" With that the drunken bum collapsed into a pool of his own drool and lapping it up softly, quietly fell asleep. That's all the time we for now, but unless there is some activity shortly, I shall have to start posting poetry or something.
  19. I think the best time to use the withdraw command is when she starts making wedding plans. Although rout and panic will probably occur naturally.
  20. Ah yes, the joys of AOL. My home AOL account is currently banned by BFC. From what I understand AOL uses duplicate IP addresses, so the BFC server thinks I am two people and I am banned. This limits my postings to 8-5 Monday-Friday from work. I know this isn't as sad as Hortlands lovelife, but it does tend to keep me off the board at night. BUT...more time for PBEM! If we cannot connect, I will try a new set-up and see if that works, okay? In the meantime Cry me a River
  21. My good MrsPkr I realize that to an Okie these high-tech words and phrases can be confusing. Please try to remember that not everything in the world revolves around sexual innuendo. The fact that my system is always up as opposed to yours, in which any success at getting it up would result in wild celebration, should not cause you to misinterpret or misconstrue the true meaning of today's modern techno-speak. When I say "Get a Grip", try to take it in the proper context.
  22. Noba, Noba, Noba *sighs* Check your in-box. I know this is complicated so I'll try to help. The file is zipped. That means you will have to unzip it. Okay?
  23. Actually, I was going to spare you the disgrace of posting the win, as I thought it would damage your reputation. But then again you are the Ohideous One so your reputation is pretty well shot anyway. The funniest part is someone from Ohio using the word moral in a sentence. Like you have a clue what it means.
  24. Oh my dear gamey basticheLars: Using riderless horses to mount suicide charges was a bit much. One of them ended up on the General Forum. Your friends at PETA will be calling soon. The evil one Rune, gave me French tanks! It took me three quarters of the game before I figured out that if I advanced in reverse they were unstoppable. Three more turns and you would have had "Cossack Carnage Incarnate". Now then, go outside down to your lakefront, where your dock used to be, and: Sod Off!
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