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Everything posted by Liam

  1. In my games, I rarely ever conquored Norway and only Denmark because I wanted the Naval base.. That is one flipside for Germany if she goes Naval, the extra naval base is handy for Sea Lion and for upgrading repairing, aphib ops etc... Terif is right the cost of Conquest isn't always worth it, You can do as well if you just plan ahead, to conquest after the USA and USSR enter.. they aren't mobile to hurt you right away anyways now if Plunder improved that would be different but a Plunder game would return to the ole days
  2. wonderful, random factor like this Stalin Paranoid Event 1 through 50 with each event there is a chance of increase in War Readiness or German unit spotted by Russian Spy Possability Event.. meaning with Intel tech or without, increased with RR will Hike So many could be scripted to improve the Chance probability of a random event causing the game to be thrown off. perhaps Paris, Amsterdam and Brest much all be captured in order for France surrender one game. Random arrangement, you'll find the rythms but TCP IP it'll be different.. in EU2 we do it much like this. There are variables, but not enough random qualities so we program them in.. More the better, that way when Moscow falls in 1714 say to Sweden an event doesn't happen every single time. Though it seems wargamers like the same events over and over, perhaps we program in several events may have occurred that were based on historical fact and that makes it ify... Moscow falls, Cossack Rebels come to Russia's Aide. The Country doesn't Surrender, or the Capitols switch randomely.. So many things So many great possiblities That is was confuses the math genuises with the high IQs, they cannot adapt to the factor of Chance as well... That is why most of them do not like the Tech aspect of SC. Remeber World War II was not preordained it was a very chancy thing. Anything could've happened or else 56 million wouldn't have died
  3. well, that's where you all mess up, you've got a locked script.. Historical Script and random script, making Terif's abilities impotent in the memorization department, should each new game be a new set of possabilities and since history itself had so many possiblities how come this doesn't? That's the beauty of Europe Unversalis II, even though we had set scripts and the same, there was a lot of random factors that came into play that could turn a Major Power to dust within a few faithful moves.. You could usually learn the Engine, but randomizers would be setup to make it harder each time... Change the Script to random History, make the Math Some guessing, like the Weather.. It mights now or might now Guns, might hit those men at 4 degrees left they may not.. A country may suddenly change allegiance due to a random political event on and on and on
  4. I think that you're just an AxiPhob Terif Come over to the Allied Side feel the Power of my Industrial Tech ::Light beams come out of his hands and you see 12 level 4 Red tanks appear!:: Not even Stalin could've caught that #
  5. I have brought this up before SC2 was released, saying that SC1 Big Guns were too heavy. Of course the Battleships of WW2 didn't do anywhere near the damage that they do in SC. So should it be phazed back, sure, altogether no. As is strategic bombing as is Heavy Guns firing blind on a coastal region. If the Guns have to fire on Mountains, their effectiveness should be reduced. Similarly upon cities, entrenched units, forests... If firing on a unit in the open their damage should be increased. They should also possibly take damage from land units, not major damage but some. As carriers do representing Coastal Batteries, Heavy Guns on Land, etc... if one argues the value of Coastal PopShots, I tell you in a whole game of SC from start a Navy on the Allied side may inflict as much as 30-40 strength point Kills may be several... In a very massive game. Pretty Hardcore
  6. all were trained here during 1940 all five in WW2 were trained outside of Bragg it's an oven here 91 degrees real feel on a bad July day 100 to a 112 worse I've seen
  7. Chicks do play in other Major Wargames, SC just has never bagged a single lady. Think even if she were not attractive we'd grope her because a woman than can fight in SC would be a legend in her own Right. I'm Male, 29 From North Carolina USA Nowhereville but next to Home of the 82nd Airborne You've probably seen them on Band of Brothers
  8. If they could've consolidated their gains in 1940 after France who knows? That's a chunk of Europe, it's just not easily converted into a More Powerful Machine overnight. USSR was a foolish move isolating the Axis and forcing a do or die situation as you mention poor diplomacy then again a better plan altogether for Germany would've been eating a Portion of Poland, as France was biting off more than she could chew and stopping there and today she might be a Medium SuperPower, militarily. Anyways Blashy how the heck do you survive in Quebec? I was just there off topic and the taxes kills.. Plus being English
  9. Weather effected the outcome of All Wars! Attrittion is greater, movement hindered, soldiers use more supply, they're freezing in their boots. They're getting trenchfoot, they're unable to move.. Especially in previous eras. Weather dictated Offensives for thousands of years. Hannibal had to cross the Alps and lost a large percentage of his men when he had done this, he however calculated out he'd have enough still left once in the Boot. There are so many factors involved in Offensives and Defensives. Should things be changed any? Should the Weather Effect be altered or should the other values be altered? I'd have to say that entrenchment wasn't as powerful in WW2, but it's very very poor in SC. Perhaps terrain isn't as powerful? As the weather, why should a city shelter a unit from destruction or great damage? A city isn't better than a thick forest! There are a lot of tactical ifs. Maybe a little tweak for defense would be nice. I must however put on all of you, what Major Winter Offensives of WW2 do you recount? I'm waiting..... :: I know there were a few :: Red CounterOffensive Winter of '41-Battle Of the Bulge... That's all I can recount, neither achieved anything Major
  10. Hey folks, it's me Liam back from Montreal Canada, been there for about 8 days with my Girlie... While I was up there I crisscrossed Hubert's HomeTown... Stopped in and telepathically told hime to hurry up on the patch! I see that John is having a tougher time than initially expected in this game. Seems now he's Minor Grabbing and Reds are not quite as strong as needed... Western Allies sound pretty pathetic
  11. USA is not very powerful but I don't think that was Hubert's intention, 2 Islands.. UK and USA both overpowered would be too much for the Greys to handle. The Reds are Uberstrong... If you know what you're doing, the momentum is this, you clear the minors and North Africa, there is then the big showdown against Russia... Is it historical, if Hitler sacrificed enough resources noone can say because it didn't happen. However unlikely that may have been. North Africa in one place in my opinion that could've been overrun. UK? That is another story Things like Level3 Subs, that is another story. Things like Tiger Tanks in 1941, Unlikely very very unlikely. Jet Fighters in mass production in 1941, very very unlikely. Full Mobilized Tech for USA and UK and Russia no.... Took them all time to mobilize Germany started 5-6 years earlier that is why they won they got ready for war and they fought it right. Then their superior enemies with superior #s not quality did the same and outnumbered Germans 3-4-5 to 1 in some instances and there you go. No amount of Minor Conquests could provide Germany the Material, Manpower to and that's a fact, she bit off more than she could chew Diplomatically she could've made a Minor Victory after France and sued for Peace that is the best she could hope for and that doesn't mean Stalin wouldn't have taken the Cake but maybe just maybe...something else politically would've occurred... Maybe more would have opposed Stalin than you think but doubtful two madmen, with the largest Armies horded on a continent that is what you've got.. Atomics were not in play, Germans would've needed superweapons to defeat the Size of the Russian Army, Airforce..... and few mistakes
  12. Yes, capable on a sneak attack, capable of destroying or badly damaging their foe. Though damaging and retreating ? How many of these were opportunistic? How many were a strategic gameplan with an Entire Navy on the prowl in a group. How many U-boats would survive 5 Bombardments from the Royal Navy's Largest more powerful Ships. http://uboat.net/fates/losses/ Go to this link and check '43 and see how many U-boats were lost to Warship. Then calculate yours vs my data and all of together. In general a Sub was capable with a hit but in General it's likely for every U-boat kill, they lost 30-40 of their own, and a Capitol ship is not a Mini escort Carrier, a Destroyer or any other smaller ship or outdated ship. Even though these were still very capable vs u-boats... The Big Momma's? Most of Huge Battleships sunk by U-Boats, Subs I know of were those used in Pearl, those the Italians used. Few cases of Germans using it not as many.. They were almost suicidal even the Brits themselves sent suicidal subs against Tirpitz, what happened? Italians and Japanese were most successful with these tactics I think a U-boat should damage but rarely kill a Capitol Ship... It is possible but all the Destroyers surround these Behemoths would of made it a suicide mission in most cases Nope, Liam, the UnterWasser boots Were not intended to be such as you suggest, As was the case with IJN submarine force, But, As you will see, It's what happened. _____________________________________________ One small excerpt taken from a very lengthy reseach document I provided for Hubert about a year ago, RE: comprehensive ETO naval wars; these are UK Capital Ships sunk during all of WW-2. Those SUNK by U-boots are marked with *** _______________________________________________ CAPITAL SHIPS Battleships *** BARHAM (31,100t, 1915) Sank by U-boat, torpedoes, off Sollum, Egypt, 41/11/25 PRINCE OF WALES (35,000t, 31/3/41) Sunk by Japanese torpedo-aircraft, E coast of Malaya, 41/12/10 *** ROYAL OAK (29,150t, 1916) Sunk by U-boat torpedo, Scapa Flow, Orkneys, 39/10/14 Battlecruisers HOOD (42,000t, 1920) Sunk in action with Bismarck, N Atlantic, 41/05/24 REPULSE (33,250, 1916) Sunk by Japanese torpedo-aircraft, E coast of Malaya, 41/12/10 Monitor TERROR (7,200t, 1916) Bombed (22nd) and sunk off Derna, Libya, 41/02/23 AIRCRAFT CARRIERS Fleet carriers *** ARK ROYAL (22,000t, 1938) Torpedoed (13th) by U-boat and sunk, W Mediterranean, 41/11/14 *** COURAGEOUS (22,500t, 1917, ex-cruiser, carrier from 1928) Sunk by U-boat torpedo W of Ireland, 39/09/17 *** EAGLE (22,600t, 1924) Sunk by U-boat, torpedo, W Mediterranean, 42/08/11 GLORIOUS (22,500t,1917, ex-cruiser, carrier from 1930) Sunk by gunfire, "Scharnhorst" and "Gneisenau", latitude of Narvik, Norway, 40/06/08 HERMES (10,850t, 1924) Sunk by Japanese aircraft off Ceylon, 42/04/09 Escort carriers *** AUDACITY (ex-Hannover, German prize, 11,000t deep, 1939; as 9/41) Sunk by U-boat torpedo, N Atlantic, 41/12/21 *** AVENGER (13,785t deep, 2/3/42) Sunk by U-boat, torpedo, W of Gibraltar Straits, 42/11/15 DASHER (13,785t, 2/7/42) Sunk, probably due to petrol explosion, South of Cumbrae Island, W Scotland, 43/03/27 CRUISERS *** BONAVENTURE (5,450t, 24/5/40) Sunk by U-boat, torpedoes, S of Crete, 41/03/31 *** CAIRO (AA ship, 4,200t, 1919) Sunk by U-boat, torpedo, off Bizerta, Tunis, 42/08/12 CALCUTTA (AA ship, 4,200t, 1919) Sunk by aircraft, bombs, during evacuation of Crete, 41/06/01 *** CALYPSO (4,180t, 1917) Sunk by U-boat torpedo, S of Crete, 40/06/12 CHARYBDIS (5,450t, 3/12/41) Sunk by E-boat torpedoes, English Channel, 43/10/23 CORNWALL (10,000t, 1928) Sunk by Japanese dive bombers, Indian Ocean, 42/04/05 COVENTRY (AA ship, 4,290t, 1918) Sunk by dive bombers, E Mediterranean, 42/09/14 CURACOA (AA ship, 4,290t, 1918) Lost in collision, NW Approaches, 42/10/02 CURLEW (AA ship, 4,290t, 1917) Sunk by aircraft, bombs, off Ofotfiord, Norway, 40/05/26 DORSETSHIRE (9,975t, 1930) Sunk by Japanese dive bombers, Indian Ocean, 42/04/05 DRAGON (On loan to Polish Navy, 4,850t, 1918) Damaged by human torpedo, off Normandy Constructive total loss, 44/07/08 *** DUNEDIN (4,850t, 1919) Sunk by U-boat, torpedo, between W Africa and Brazil, 41/11/24 DURBAN (4,850t, 1919) Sunk as blockship for Mulberry Harbour, Normandy, N France, 44/06/09 *** EDINBURGH (10,000t, 6/7/39) Sunk by destroyer, torpedoes, after U-boat damage (30th Apr), Barent's Sea, Arctic, 42/05/02 EFFINGHAM (9,550t, 1925) Struck submerged rock and wrecked, Vestfiord, Norway, 40/05/18 EXETER (8,390t, 1931) Sunk in action with Japanese surface craft, Java Seas, 42/03/01 FIJI (8,000t, 17/5/40) Sunk by aircraft, bombs, during evacuation of Crete, 41/05/22 *** GALATEA (5,220t, 1935) Sunk by U-boat, torpedo, off Alexandria, 41/12/14 GLOUCESTER (9,600t, 31/1/39) Sunk by aircraft, bombs, during evacuation of Crete, 41/05/22 *** HERMIONE (5,450t, 25/3/41) Sunk by U-boat, torpedo, E Mediterranean, 42/06/16 MANCHESTER (9,400t, 1938) Sunk by E-boat, torpedo, off Kelibia Roads, Tunisia, 42/08/13 *** NAIAD (5,450t, 24/7/40) Sunk by U-boat, torpedo, E Mediterranean, 42/03/11 NEPTUNE (7,175t, 1934) Sunk by mine off Tripoli, Libya, 41/12/19 *** PENELOPE (5,270t, 1936) Sunk by U-boat, torpedeo, Anzio area, W Italy, 44/02/18 SOUTHAMPTON (9,100t, 1937) Sunk by dive bombers, E of Malta, 41/01/11 SPARTAN (5,770t, 10/8/43) Sunk by aircraft, glider-bomb, off Anzio, W Italy, 44/01/29 TRINIDAD (8,000t, 14/10/41) Sunk by own forces after damage by torpedo carrying aircraft, Barent's Sea, Arctic, 42/05/15 YORK (8,250, 1930) Lost at Suda Bay, Crete after damage on various dates by explosive motor boats and aircraft, 41/05/22 _____________________________________ Now, let' see... there seem to be An AWFUL LOT Of... *** U-boot sinkings Of RN Surface Ships, (... to include THREE A/C Carriers) Percentage wise, wouldn't you say? Ummmm 16 out of 43= 37 % OK. Now we know. U-boots WERE - in fact, VERY deadly Capital Ships hunter-killers, In addition to customary Convoy attacks, yes? </font>
  13. Wait just a second, you're right the Allies were blundering fools. That much is true, USSR was purged and a disorganized ramble, which needed many years to regain it's strength.. Actually at least till 1943 when it really began to show it's colors. Similarly the UK and France were not so much unprepared for War but probably didn't see a Blitzkrieg smooshing nations in weeks. Who can forecast what a new war machine with Tanks, mobile trucks and Divebombers giving close ground support is capable of? The speed pure speed. Rommel was Fast, he proved himself in France. In North Africa he was nicknamed the same and with less equipment than his rival he outmanuevered the brits until the Americans came in the back door and he ran out of Gas... There were no German resources to devote to a barren wasteland... The Resources were needed elsewhere He did have a good idea, the Suez Canal is the Jugular of the British Empire some say? It definitely would've altered the course of the war, for the Axis? I'm not sure entirely, they couldn't make much use of it. They could however place U-boats in the Indian Ocean? They could've made it that more difficult for the Brits to keep the MidEast working for them. Perhaps by the time Stalingrad and the invasion of the Caucasus arose the Turks may have joined in if most of the MidEast was Axis better than throwing men into the Cauldron of Death in Stalingrad and worse yet running out of supply into Caucasus
  14. Just make it easier for the subs to be made into more of a strategic weapon, no great feat with programming. Just go about making them poor combat ships that dive well. When they submerge or run silent the detection should be next to impossible, unless ASW is real high....that would reflect history. When they Raid they should be made vulnerable, having to move raiding locations from time to time... Even with Submarine research, it should only extend their operational time and kill ratio...Also Range that is about it... Not their combat ability toward Capitol Ships, they were not meant to kill Battleships, they were meant to raid Shipping... This would in all create a sort of strategic bombing fleet of Atlantic Supply. It would be nice if the convoy actually moved on the map German Bombers and Surface Raiders did account for some tonage and could've been more a little abstract but regardless still interesting.. Intel tech could be for spotting and deciphering Enemy codes, especially on U-Boats.. a Useful tool next to ASW, making the Battle of the Atlantic very real and as it was historically something one must devote resources to to conquest before the Land War may begin. You could be more historical in giving the USA more Assets to aide, making for a 3 front war now, Atlantic for D-Day...North Africa and USSR AND if you give the Allied fleets the ability to inflict similar damage, without Air and some Navy in Norway the Axis can be cut off from that resource and the Axis should be also similarly cut off from North Africa
  15. All that was mentioned is valid, many possible reasons. The Leadership made the choice and we went with it for whatever reason. Ultimately To Win, now we see that Nuclear Weapons are not a Winning Strategy more of a deterrent or even perhaps a total apocalyptic undertaking, have to remeber the mindset of that era. They didn't see it that way just as HEY LOOK we've got some deadly bombs, surrender or be destroyed
  16. Axis are favored if they are able to move without hinderances they're unfavored if there are houserules such as no Turkey Invasion. You cannot breech the Rich Caucasus as easy through Iran and if the Allied player has good tech then the balance just shifts to the Allies. It's some luck
  17. The French were accustomed to trenches and I think that was burnt into the doctrine of those old minds, the Revolutionary Germans were taking all sorts of new ideas in. Even trading some with other nations, practicing them as well... The French and British were not ready because they failed to see the threat, they hadn't prepared for a real war. Had the Western Airforces been prepared and their soldiers for the new type of warfare I do not think it would have been a cakewalk but since the game starts after their initial error the fall of france is inevitable... the only thing you can do is die a little more gracefully as far as the casualties they inflict, historically no Major German Army as far as I know faced anihilation? It does in SC2 so the game does have it's own twists and turns and a good Ally with weather on his side can hold until Sept
  18. Well, folks I am happy that you agree, it is something that I have thought about awhile and I think that it would remove the U-boat being used as a Super Surface Ship Killer which it wasn't it was a decent sneak attack weapon. Though relatively weak vs a Surface Fleets. It's much like a Bomber challening a fighter in air supremacy you see that doesn't match nor does a sub vs a battleship! Maybe hit and run or finishing one off or a sneak attack opportunistic hit that's all subs managed making them good divers, will not make this setting where the whole british navy hunts the Bismark in your petty poor whittle Sub? in 1939 ! Few Subs were lost early before countermeasures were developed because they were smart, after tactics were developed they were destroyed wholesale lowering the damage they do to MPPs makes them a bit less effective but forces the Germans to send out a couple to do the job. changing their efficiency in waters with air coverage is an idea..if a Sub can't dive it works poorly. Along with the Kriegsmarine which never really challenged the Mighty RN because the GHC knew it was suicide they put them where they could be best used, threat and raiding... We normally park the German Kriegsmarine or send it on some ahistorical suicidal mission unless lucky with tech. There are a few strategies, or just pure domination of the baltic for security but the options are limited, if they raided joy joy joy P.S. ASW should be a prerequisite the U-boat threat was impossible to hunt down. The Brits never found it, the only place they ended up having any success hunting them down was tied into Convoys something they had to learn in this game, you can cover some water with the RN
  19. I think the contribution was small relatively if you add in Czechs and Poles and other freefighters in the valuable roles they filled you come up with something the Western Allies direly needed Manpower. Hell if Churchill could've saved Every Frenchmen along with the the Limeys in Calais Dunkirk D-Day may have come a bit earlier and the French may have been that more enthusiastic about supporting an anti-Axis coalition outside of their conquored nation with the UK. 100 thousand French is not out of the realm of possability, probably not more, maybe a half strength army or better yet a Free French Corps with a Bar and Half experience sent to the desert best place for it... that or Commando jobs best they really can get.. Fact is the brits were very very short on manpower the Germans were numerically superior to the Brits
  20. The Army groups sported by the Axis made it as far South as Spain, they did however not go DEEP into what was compromised of Vichy Territory I believe only 1 major city or so was occuppied the rest though was signed over to the Axis. An evacuation from Vichy would've been tricky for the BEF, a MASSIVE army, it stuck to the ports when it saw the French being smooshed as to escape. It was the Premier fighting Force on the Allied Side in most aspects. Near what 300 thousand trained, confident, high morale UK Troops... They were confidant even despite the French losses. They were just numerically inferior, lacked the air and the armor and worse of all the position to do any good. Historically the BEF would've been better sported in North Africa and in SC likely similarly one thing to add, it's hard to fully represent the battle for France as the front still isn't quite large enough the Panzers made many many breakthroughs that you really can't fully represent in SC terms the way a player boxcars his forces or stacks them in a row like double payned windows around their Capitol The French were completely demoralized but I don't recall reading that they surrendered after Paris fell, Had they been able to fight on with a Strong enough force they would have a little bit of a glitch in SC terms. to make it a bit gamey to just shoot for the Capitol and not other victory conditions i.e. kill French HQ and a percentage of French Forces and perhaps France surrenders anyways without Paris Fallen... say with only 10%-40% of the Nations Forces in Strength. Meaning every Army down to Strength 4 and the HQ badly maulled or near dead/death means a surrender. I think that would make it more interesting and realistic as they wouldn't have fought on a Game Turn if they were smooshed... perhaps adding Paris in as well with a certian number of dead French Armies
  21. From what I understand the Japanese Isles are self sustaining in Rice. Throw some seaweed and dead fish in there and you got pretty much what we all should be eating right now if we want to live to be as old as Japanese people live to be. Not sure how much fish were being harvested in the end? A-bombs were definitely unneccessary. perhaps the USA wanted Japanese Surrender and Terms before the Reds overran too much? Much like Western Europe? I do not say the whole reasoning to be political, losses after the Island Hopping would've been stagering if they were any sort of indicator of how "Gung Ho" The Japs really were. I certianly would've favored losing 200 thousand to losing potentially twice that figure from an invasion including wounded perhaps a Million? On both ends
  22. Yes, The Hamachi Host, the one who created the Network must Host the Game for the client the player that uses his network. The program assigns those of us behind routers a usable IP address that can be recognized by games like Strategic Command2 and MANY others. Anyone can be a Host now behind a router
  23. To add to this comment I once cracked open my book, it was the Historical Documentation with a Wargame I'd bought with a Flight Simulator, indepth it described the effects of US and UK bombing of Germany and Ploesti. The facts are this: Because of German resolve, much of the wartime production was returned to it's peek within a shortime. This was likely do to the Morale boost to keep fighting and similar to the Morale situation during the Blitz on England. The Theory Pre-War and WW1 was that Strategic and the Bombing of Cities would crush Morale is untrue. Ultimately it was never proven in WW2 to have an effect similar to that and even Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan now are not the sole reasons for a Japanese Surrender. Reds in Manchuria may have been as big an influencing factor, one thing is true many in the Japanese Military wanted to fight on. Furthermore, many of the bridges that were bombed out, were rebuilt some within a day. The BallBearing Factories, well, that sucked, it hurt the turning radius of German Armor but they bought some from Sweden and Switzerland and since the BallBearing Machines were so massive, some were not even destroyed though massive bombs crushed the building over them. The Germans manfactured alternatives to BallBearings as well when Allies pressured her neighbors not to provide her the essential Tool for all Military vehicles. The Ploesti Raids were costly but effective, and that probably hurt Germany most of all. From what I recollect in reading. I do not know how truly influential they were in the Wars outcome. I do know Germans were refining Coal into Oil in a percentage so that may have made of for some of the shortfalls. The biggest effect of Strategic Bombing was the diversion of German Resources from the Eastern Front. A Million Guns pointed in the Sky, the Fighters that could've been serving eslewhere. God knows what difference they'd of made? So we cannot say that the campaign was completely unsuccessful, the Threat as with many other's was deemed real by the German High Command and they did allocate resources to it and the cost was ultimately the loss of the War. Had all those German Resources been moved and used properly on the Eastern front, God knows? Even though Hitler didn't understand what an intelligent withdrawl was till it was too late and was a good defense was either. So maybe not
  24. P.S. given the fact that the Morale boost that the Axis get only last a turn or two and that Raiding subs run out of Supply, do you still think the RN useless ? The U-boats were an asset overlooked by the Axis. Strategic Bombing was never proven decisive but Shipping was proven as everything arrived on a Ship and when targeted it it's almost like a smart bomb, you definitely know it's hitting a valuable War Resource.. otherwise why would they put it in a Huge Transport? You see it was the Smart Weapon of WW2 the U-boat it precisely knocked out the Guts of the Allies. Meanwhile Allied bombing may have done more collateral damage than actual military damage. We know that from documentation and facts now. However in game terms...they're not represented as such, perfect, honed, tuned weapons suited to one or the other. The Strato Bombers are close if they miss or do low damage but the U-boat needs refinements
  25. Interesting you should raise this up, I was watching a show the other night on the Battle of the Atlantic. How tricky it was. Initially when the USA entered, so much US shipping was smooshed we couldn't even get our feet wet in the European Theatre. We were unprepared for War and the UK had to loan back some of the equipment we'd loaned them such as fighters and WW1 Destroyers.On top of this, the USA refused to blacklight and really deal with the U-Boat threat, the coast was staggering but U-Boats didn't have the technology to operate on the East Coast of the USA for long and soon we equipped ourselves to handle that threat. Meanwhile the British had to build up slowly to counter the Threat and it nearly did starve the UK, there were a few instances mentioned were the Brits were on 2 or 3 Months of Oil supply Period that would've meant the Grounding of the Entire British Empire. No Airfleets, Bombers, Ships operating or doing much just waiting for valuable Fuel and other supplies to alleviate the pressure put upon them by the loss of Tonage. Actually Hitler breaking away from Sea Lion did more damage in my opinion than anything. He should've forced that card till entering Barbarossa, that tied down a lot of the British Navy in Port protecting from the Threat of attack, once Winter hit Hitler had changed his mind. Pretty much the way SC works, and the fact is you still do not get the best bang for your buck with u-boats unless you can produce a lot of them in our game, I really think that there should be a bit better diving capability and poorer Combat capability for Subs in our game. That way we simulate the Strategic now offensive value of Submarines in the European Theatre. I also have you know that the Brits used the same tactic vs the Germans very well in North Africa nearly obliterating Rommels ability to wage a desert war on the level he may had he had full Suppy especially early on. Many German Troopers had to be flown in because of the fear they'd be sunk..Many had to use Italian transports as well. All of this is interestingly represented by Malta Effect, a very historic factor to our game. The real end to U-Boats was Technology, Intel and More Ships. Of course the Air Force goes in too but that was more due to range and tech. Intel really doesn't seem to play a role in our game unless it does reveal the location of U-boats? it should occassionely and the U-Boats as I said should raid less, be cheaper, more numerous and harder to kill with high ASW... Making it more of what say a UK Bomber is a worthless weapon without an escort and good tech... Let's not forget to mention something else while we are at it, the use of German Pocket battleships, Cruisers, Real Battleships on raiding missions. They're incapable and impotent for this purpose in SC terms, that should be altered I do not know if HC would but that would actually make a second use of all Strategic Command Navies... Control of The Baltic would mean something, and the use of manuevering the fleets to various locations would mean something also. The brits suffocated the Germans permanently at the start WW2 no imports outside of Europe
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