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Everything posted by Liam

  1. I noticed with some RAF units I had station on South Coast of England, Strength 10, was 9 and 8. HQ of 6. Supply of 9... Both units acquired a maximum of 40% Morale after several turns.. That seems worse than it should be, I will have to DOW some minors in order to fix the issue LOL by the time they multiply to 80% war will be over. I also noticed in a game vs Terif, that his units after DOWing and taking 3 Minors, that Wermacht Soldats had 150% morale or near it in some instances. I suppose I have underestimated how powerful the Axis can be if you know how to employ them. He has perfected them...
  2. I can see the accumulative damage of morale now, and gradual restrengthening, the changes in the patch effected this? It's quite difficult to see how you will go on in SC2 now without keeping units tip top.. even a little laziness in strength below 8 or 9 for certian types of units is deadly and especially if they go a few turns without HQ support... I have found in our games this has held me up several vital turns in various junctures I should've done my homework earlier
  3. all this maybe maybe maybe... yes, and brits got into the fjords in Norway and damaged the Tirpitz, how many attempts? How many failures... The plans were very careful and very difficult. Only the best of the best to carry them out in those suicidal minisubs. Should the Opponent have to sacrifice a whole sub for a good chance at a hit? I think so or at least the better part of it. The Japanese had success because our ships were to neatly placed and in perfect conditions, they trained for it for a long time, had they not, not 1 battleship would've went down without well placed Bomb, torpedoes wouldn't have been effective in such shallow water being dropped from Planes. The Italian Frogmen were Experts, best of their Navy likely... The Germans had to send a rocket that was remote controlled down a British Smokestack to get it... All these off possibilities were great, but in harbour, air defense, and big guns were powerful.. a sitting duck, but even the U-boat pens were not easy to bust without massive bombs meant to crush tons and tons of concrete... it took innovation to crack harbours so I put this forth, GLR and Advanced Subs should be researched to kill units in port.. I have seen how weak ports are now, really sad.. You just bypass them really.. however Might is Right, enough Power brought to aim will kill anything... Some Ports are better than others, Port Defenses Tech? LOL, another tech I doubt HC will but certian ports were better than others no doubt
  4. I think what we can hope for best is that if Canada is the Third Fall back Zone, so to speak of the Allied Major War Effort it should soak up any resources still not Axis. Gibraltar wouldn't surrender? Do you think Churchill would've given a surrender? Or flown to Canada with FDR's help? Hell, he'd of gone to USSR I'll bet my Bottom Dollar or lived it out in Malta if that was all there was left. The Pride of the Admiralty Surrending when London falls? Very unlikely, with fresh oil, ore, ports in Canada still unliberated for Greys, it would've meant a longer war than you think. India, Far East, African Colonies, with all this the UK would've stayed, not gone far admittely but not ever surrendered! The Germans knew this, but they knew England that knife in her back strategically was vital, and there was plenty of resources to filter into England to use it as a LaunchPad on Germany's backdoor into France... only a few miles of the French Coast and within Bombing range of Germany Proper. It may balance things to not end the War, the survival of the UK Fleet means that the retaking of England is possible, the Germans would have to station a Million men there, historical to hold it... and can you imagine the Rebels? There would've been English Partisan Activity by far worse than Norway-Spain-Ireland-Yugoslavia... France has them even, which in comparison wouldn't be the same.. It's an Island, and hard to control, the value of it should be purely in Plunder..and removal of that Knife in the back..the rest should be survived in Canada, a Massive Raw Material Center. Hell, I wouldn't be shocked if a few million Britishers wouldn't have run off with the Government to Canada in the event of a Fall of England, look up the eventuality of it in the history books, I'm certian it is mentioned! Regardless does this possibly settle the unmatched Axis vs Allies issue in SC2? It could... a fleet for the USA, a second base for the British to slowly refit would mean that Germany would have to defend a large area from amphibious attack.. issue is retaking England is difficult to simulate it's small in scale.. but I suppose the real fun war is in Russia and more focus could be given to them... and just let the Americans and British, hamper Axis...if the Axis invade England without Naval and Air Domination, cut their supply and without massive garrisons, raise Partisans...this way nothing is gained from England financially but plunder period, reiterated
  5. I have some serious issues in a PBEM game or two. Where readiness and Morale were lower than I thought they ought to be. I have often overviewed the basics, and it seems to me that units with a supply of 9, connected by land to my capitol, with an HQ of 7 or so should be better than 40% Readiness, 20% Morale. What my curiosity is, why so low? Some were a bit better, but I've seen units unconnected at 75% when I cannot hope to achieve this.. is this due to time being without an HQ? What are messing up my calculations
  6. HR, best way to stop it is, make noncombatant nations unable to view those involved, both ways Those involved unable to view those at war (Hell I'm Italian flying the French flag aboard the Italia?) if you want to get anal about it, those were big seas and oceans lots of nations were in them, doesn't mean they were spotted and blocked by 1 warship especially not at war with them, would take dozens an aircover.. On a Strategic Map no reason to give away what was done historically. You do not have Junkers bombing Russian Tanks?
  7. I have an addition to these ideas, U-Boats that accidentally get spotted by a Neutral perhaps they should have a percentage chance of firing on that neutral. If the Sub attacks the Neutral Transport or Amphibious unit, make a 0% raise in War Readiness if intentionally make a percentage chance.. This way a gamey aspect is dealt with, also the same for other normal ships.. Only thing is a neutral cannot then fire back, because historically Neutrals rarely if ever did... This would cut out a lot of gamey qualities of blockading and neutral navies if they got hurt bad...
  8. Good advice for USSR is use the weather and use whatever weapons breakthrough you should hit. If IW is it, use it, if Heavy Tanks is it, use it. Whichever you should hit. It's not a bad idea to research other techs if you can. Production and industrial tech if possible, though do not exhaust yourself trying to get a breakthrough. Focus in my opinion on waiting, backing up, let Winter come and let the German supply problems give you the upper hand. All your terrain in the MotherLand is good for defense, and then counterattacks, let the germans break their backs on your Terrain. Hide behind your Rivers, on your Mountains, in your Marshes, Forests and cities. Use them all to your advantage. In SC1 you didn't a straight linear defense in SC2 you don't... the Tiles allow you to defend with more of a haphazard looking front, just make certian not to let vital units go out of supply below 5 and lose them altogether. Make certian to make the enemy do that! The Double whammy Scorched Earth policy of the Soviets and Germans makes progress slow at times. Except near other supply sources. The frontline cities have a rear guard then a big patch of nothing...and lots of defense use that patch right after your frontline cities fall, if you can't hold, fall back to a last ditch effort. Give up your mines in the South they give you a bonus in the Urals for those anyways... Go after Experienced German Units, try to attrit and bleed them when they're way out in front.. So they do not become too powerful... If you're just a weak little girl, you better have a D-Day comming with Norway-Sweden-France in the Western Allied Pocket or game over by 43 or 44.. P.S. Finland gives the USSR Morale bonuses, good to take along with a '42 Summer offensive... Just as all minors give morale bonuses
  9. I find all to be partially right here. That is because everyone has game experience and looks a pretty much what seems logical! The Siberians comming early was done to balance gameplay so the Axis don't sit and overbuild.. they still do, it doesn't solve the problem but helps. A phazing addition of Siberians would solve the problem, so they didn't have an instant hitting power and would be more realistic, as moving that amount of men didn't happen in 1 game turn I'm certian? As for the USA and USSR standing idly bye, that is a point. Ghosting units floating around in preparation for all sorts of OPs, it did happen. Though on the scale of Grand Strategy.. A bit unique... I do not feel that it should be allowed for Grand Strategy, more for tactical situations. Like Pearl Harbour, which was a Minor attack but still considered Majour. Rambo brought up a very very interesting point, SeaWorthy Transportation of Land Units. Amphibious Units. Romania never possessed Amphibious Transports and would've moved it's troops on Fishing boats and trade ships more than likely as would of many nations. Again a tactical point of view, why would Germany lend her these craft when she wouldn't have given her IW1 or HT1? They shouldn't even be allowed to float.. As many other units in SC2... Now there is amphibious tech, and an evolution in that aspect of this game, I think it should be pressed hard.. I doubt the Reds had any ability to launch amphib ops... Just like Paradrops, only Germany and USA I know actually used them during WW2, likely due to the expense. All those gliders, supplies, well trained men, and the situations they faced. Crete, Malta, Normandy. Where Paradrops were important. Soviets didn't invest in Amphibious Warfare because they never intended to use it.. neither did many other nations.. A possible solution to this issue is Purchasing Amphibious Armies and Corps??? Instead of transfering regular ones into these??? that would do away with gamey landings...plus raise the price of roaming transports per turn? Each turn a transport is at sea severely penalize it and also with Amphib units welcome to other's advice and input
  10. A very profound and insightful piece of one man's thoughts and ideas. If artists, visionaries, great men ruled the world may be a bit less Harsh.. Reality is in those words
  11. technically I have also experienced this Italian Exploit, I have noticed that a form of neutral blockading and spotting is used. It must be enforced, a violation of Italian Naval Space and not open water to blockade an Italian Corps/Army/Ship that is not in port before a DOW... less of course you wish to violate pretty much all Neutral blockading Rules, i.e. the British navy in the East Med at the opening. Counterstrategy or not, it's far far too gamey to tease a player who is bottled up with 4 rows of Battleships when his nation isn't even in the War In this regard I can see HR's angst with it.. I also shall not use such a strategy ever in game play, it seems boring.. The Russian and Americans should be beefed up in the event of a British Surrender, there solves the that problem... the Entire Pacific US fleet in the Atlantic would be sufficient. Also an immediate Siberian Transfer.. and do away with Alexandria an Ahistorical Capitol, Canada would've been the location if any
  12. On losses and figures during WW2, in respect with todays wars. I'm not on topic entirely but close enough. The figures then were greater because the War Was Greater. Now it's minor conflicts and has little or no meaning. 10% of the world's oil isn't the end of the world... if Iraq was in Zimbabwe we wouldn't raise a finger for them. If itw as in Siberia we'd goto sleep safe at night... Even if they had nuclear weapons. North Korea does, but they cannot even afford to feed their people... WW2 represented True Evil vs Good. Though be a be cautious we had some evil in our midst to let things develop as they did. Evil lost... though only by a hair and don't believe it couldn't happen again. Next time evil shall be more cunning, the only difference is then, it didn't need to be, we didn't scrutinize things as we do now.. Hitler was not a good Devil, but rest assured his type were as close as the 20th century could see...and there were many Devils... as there were Many Gods... Angels, Demons, all biblical, all just a metaphor for the reality of it... the reality is that the War for Equality Peace and truth was fought and won. Americans, were on the side of good but next time, I do not know if they will recognize that side? Have McDonald's, Frequent Airline Miles, XBoxes made them lose their way? What happened to good ole hard working, sweat and toiling Americano? Dead? You tell me... We did pay in blood, for a War that never really was upon our soil and for that it's Much Greater and when I said we invest more in our 1 man than Russians invest in 10, still a fact.. we put more pride, money, effort, and feelings into 1 than Russians due to historical reasons and logisticals ones. Reds cannot afford to and couldn't then... Just the way the world is... Why there is Suicide Bombers, they do not value one human life that much and believe that it will gain them something. It will only bring them blood. Blood Begets blood, live by the sword, holier than now, die by it.. Americans cannot deny this very very basic wisedom. That many have embraced since the beginning of Civilization that is what we are are we not? Civilized? Shall we be, or to the jungle with us? And our kind... It is the one man who stands up and fights for what is right that represents all that is Good, despite losses and despite whatever other bull**** is in the way. Even in Germany WW2, even in the Gulf, even in the ranks of Terrorists.. Though few of them fight for what is right, rather what wicked preaching Demonic Priests teach them.. We do no listen to Wicked Priests? We fight for an economic, geopolitical reason, slightly better.. LOL Slightly Let's hope that improves later in the 21 century
  13. see what I get on half sleep for 3 months I cannot type nor dictate, nor remeber jack. It's a miracle I can operate a Motor Vehicle in RushHour traffic but I'm very multitasking, and off on a tangent never catch me focusing too much on one thing less
  14. If the MOD is so balanced, then adopt it as Fall Weiss 1939 otherwise the exploits in it will be had within a few weeks by players much more "well versed" in SC2 game mechanics and exploitations... So don't speak of inflexability, I've none, merely stating the obvious. Make a very balanced Game1 Scenario and stick by it for Competitive play where there is the least amount of issues having to do with bending a game bug rather than a strategy to win. We all want to win by strategy not by bug
  15. Barcelona I was playing a game vs Iron not too long ago, when I was a bit fiesty and tired and launched my transports on a neutral rule but when my nation said preparing for war and was at 99% and we'd made a rule no neutral blocking or neutral movements beyond a certian acceptable level... I realized the error thankfully, and I parked my ass for a whole turn and lost a game. That's the price of a bit of honesty, if I tweaked the game rules just a bit to win and the other guy didn't notice does it make it okay? Hell, when you're playing for Rank, I have seen guys pull plugs in other games, quit, pretend, use any method neccessary to win. usually the younger and more immature they are the worse. It's not really fun to cheat and win. If you want to, play the AI, you can cheat all you want against it, that's more interesting than asking a guy for a Duel and you bring 3 buddies to hold his arms while you beat him? Then again a cheater will likely win, due to the fact he has the odds stacked in his favor so greatly, what I love is when a cheater loses Having played and enjoyed poker, cheating can get you in some trouble. Banned, in the flesh, who wouldn't want to venture to guess but if this game was about whether my kids ate are not then I have an excuse. Why inflate my ego when in fact any intelligent person's ego would be damaged. LOL Good Going Let's just say you must really really really suck, I will tell a guy when he's not so good. I have like 80 losses and 40 wins... I am really mediocre but out of 100 games you won't win 1 vs me if you play honestly
  16. Ag, You think you that what you say holds water? ::smiles:: 1939 Fall Weiss, I'll take Axis for you or Allies.. I promise you, you do not have a prayer. The easy answer is, don't have a house rule for Sealion. IMO the increases in readiness for the US and USSR make a house unnecessary. As I have stated in other threads, "go ahead and do an early Sealion, it's suicide for the Axis." Now if the Axis wait because of the readiness issue, then England can be defended. As the Axis you don't have to let this happen. Their are ways to defend against this. So for me, I don't see Sealion as an unsolvable. It's just a strategy that can work against either side. </font>
  17. Agreed, what is official, staple, accepted as the Tea for 98% of us
  18. The Allies had the Edge Economically but militarily by the time HellRaiser executed Sea Lion they were second. The Russians repelled Barbarossa by the Summer of 1942 were on the offensive as explained, he had penetrated as deeply as Leningrad and surrounded it but to no avail. It was a short live campaign. Diversion by the Germans meanwhile he practiced his air on English cities and Ports until it was obliterated. I underestimated a little of Iron's Will and I haven't ever played Allies this long, last time level3 or level4 subs killed my fleet... Now I have learned a lot and I will not make the same errors. Ranger had lost this game virtually had I just protected my own real estate and understood the mechanics I had the economic edge and he had a slight military edge that by the Summer of '42 would've been gone into 1943, pretty classic historical WW2... The Luftwaffe which I thought was a waste of resources turned out to be deadly, because it was used very well. Blocked LiverPool, locked up Americans from ever landing on English Soil. He had some unlucky moments at Malta, bombarding it for several turns with 9 different units to no avail.....I let him have a breakthrough as I forgot to reinforce it. What he didn't realize is he didn't need Malta at all. He could've bypassed it with that much force my Egyptian Units wouldn't have given as much resistance as Malta even with 5 UK Minors. All the German investment in LR techs, fighter techs, AA techs, all around the board was wasteful. My focus on Land warfare gave me a great edge but my neglect of British Defense gave him the Ace and that trumped my King in the USSR which would've driven a hole right through Germany had the Island had 3 fighters, 2 Brit, 1 US...2 Bombers mixed and 2-3 Russian Fighters. Effectively splitting the Germans in Half, classic twofront war... I was outproducing him even if he minorgrabbed with IT and Production technology but it didn't matter. You lose a Key Position in this game you lose the game... I learned and next game I will not make the same oversights...
  19. LOL, operational movement where is the question. A Soldat being operated to Paris(Champagne and Lady's of the Night, a virtual Vacation. Remeber why most join the army, to get out and party) I think would be Smiling that or some Adriatic Coastline where there are no enemies and nothing but girls on nude beaches? Now being operated to Smolensk with three quarters of a million angry Russians waiting for you there, in the Middle Winter, maybe a different Scenario.
  20. Alright folks, me and HellRaiser were both sitting down today and we both have come to the conclusion that there are some major issues that need to be brought regarding the Exploits within Strategic Coomand 2. I think most in the community will agree. So far there are nearly 3 or 4 houserules, and there is likely to be 2 more added soon. 1939 Fall Weiss is very bugged for balance, and though I know the betatesters may take this somewhat personally, do not Blashy and others. The game needs tweaking, rather than houserules... So that in the next patch Hubert will not miss the neccessary patching I suggest all SERIOUS issues be placed right here. That a sticky be made and so that us as a community Strategic Command Players can come to find as much balance as possible with as little houserules as possible. Right now I throw up a big big issue: North African UK Exploit. Basically the UK ignores the Home Island with the SeaLion Houserule and just takes over N.Africa with the combined French, UK fleets, kills off much of Italians and leaves nothing in England whatsoever... It's an obvious exploit and there is no rationalizing it. With no Sea Lion rule without DOW on USSR, it makes England an empty Island, completely off... All agree who are avid SC2ers So folks, while here we know there are other issues, please be proffessional in your explanation and brief, and post each individual bug/exploit that needs some alteration. So we can narrow them day to make SC2 as enjoyable and as balanced as possible. I'm here because I want to make the game as balanced and enjoyable as possible so please no TrashTalk, no slander, no insignificant bugs. Only Serious Ones. Thankyou ~Sincerely Liam
  21. Greys Win, with two vital choices, Malta and Liverpool ports... that is the game decider IMO, what I didn't know and what IR took advantage of Great Game for me second as Allied and his 4th I think finished? Well, Next time IR
  22. Yes, I have also had my Battleships become pretty worthless in SC2 against a whole host of targets. They had 18 inch guns, cruisers, destroyers, gunboats, etc... as support units... They should have good antiair and very very good anti-shipping capabilities, they were very good at raiding...German ones in particular... I'd trade them all in for Cruisers, the only thing they're good at is bombarding land or hurting other surface ships which there are only 1 Cruisers. Since Most of the action you'll see in this game is sub vs surface ship or amphib vs surface ship doesn't do much good. Total naval supremacy with battleShips and Cruisers seems mainly for blockading or spotting purposes.. Or better with GLR, perhaps giving the British navy 2 Bars of experience each would help??? Maybe a few of them, 3... that way they could sneak in a do some real damage and they were the Pride of the Admiralty, in SC they're a Joke and the Luftwaffe is an Ace, it just flew a few sorties in Spain It seems better to sacrifice your Battleships to kill the Italian Navy to get more bang for you buck If 60,000 men, or worse 200,000 or thousands of tanks were transporting.. A Battleship from the UK or Germany without support on the side of the amphibious unit would be obliterated. Subs would be effective even, raise up, and use their deck gun after firing off every torpedoe, probably knock a large percentage of 60,000 men loaded onto hundreds of slow moving transport crafts. Read up on Gaudalcanal, on the power of air, naval units and transports. It was a very tedious thing, naval warfare and amphibious transport. The US used fast Cruiser-Transports Why don't we get these? And Floating tanks?
  23. agreed, and Egypt is firmly in Axis grips.. Though few Axis do this, they wait till Egypt is firmly in their grips, their tech is up and an offensive can be launched against barby? My question is, can Russia and the USA win without the UK at all? If Germany does a Sealion right after the fall of France, readiness for the US and USSR goes way up. Meaning, they are getting a lot more MMP's than the Axis. Let Germany do a Sealion that early, it's suicide. </font>
  24. I think the Armor got thicker so the Tank could go further and last longer so it could kill more. I cannot argue the killing power improvement of Level5 Tanks. What would survive a Jugernaught? Really? Nothing was meant to. The only that survived tankwise, was when the tank cut down infantry, ATGs, and other weapondry that wasn't as suited as it was to the role it was in. Initially that was the case. Though the Russians and German perfected Tank Tactics and later so did the Americanas...The British not so bad themselves in N.Africa... It was a war of attrittion Tanks, and in the end the Germans had none and no fuel.. Air should add a tech! Anti-Tank for Air instead of Infantry. Who the hell needs antitank for infantry, I want 5 level 3 antitank Fighters with 5 bars, knocking off 3 tanks per turn ALONE that's realism folks
  25. HR, agreed. Even though the best penalty is make the Allies fail.. I have had it not succeed vs me, and punished the Allies relentlessly.. Sent in 3 or 4 Luftflottes, killed of 3 or 4 service ships and then took N.Africa anyways. Even if I lose the Italian Navy, I usually would anyways just better they were fighting from home court advantage. With the same turn Landings and locking units in Port, that was ugly.. but still could fail, it was rarely a game winner like Sea Lion IR, I have save, waiting for you on ICQ any time m8
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