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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Liam

  1. Spring of 1942 approaches, Winter subsiding slowly, we pray for a little more Ice but to no avail. The MotherLand is now vulnerable to the highly mechanized and numerous Wermacht. Leningrad is surrounded and cut off with 3 Corps! In the South Counter Attacks kill off an experienced German Corps. More Soviet Units move into position, Soviet Armor as well, to attempt to relieve the Leningrad Pocket, but we doubt that there will be much hope now Finland has joined the Axis! Those wretched Fins! In South all quiet in the Eastern Front, seems that the only interest that Adolf has is in Uniting Finland via Leningrad and then moving in on Moscow, this will be a very bloody battle soon. The USA has not joined but now sends Lendlease, I do not believe Pearl Harbour has happened either? This is tedious at best... On the flipside O'Connor though nearly killed in a German bombing raid, managed to Take Tehran to continue a Solid route of supply from Russia to Iraq.. The Germans are nolonger facing just the British.. Syria is outraged, they move a few percentile. LOL Brits and Americans prepare for a Western War. Slowly inching towards readiness, it will be a good year before a D-Day can be attempted anaylsts believe if the USA ever enters at all? It seems that Iron Ranger has a HUGE advantage here, he has 3 to 4 times as many land units and I know double the airforce, perhaps triple including Bombers. Without the USA this game will be over shortly! And now Minor grabbing with Italy, though we shall make it bloody and long if he decides to he can win this in 1945! That or turn the tide late
  2. I have noticed that Paradrops are jumping further and further, while historically they didn't jump a thousand miles away from home base. There are very good reasons for this, I think that perhaps we should phaze back just how far these puppies can go? I'm not sure of the limitations, I live and work near the biggest ParaMilitary Base in the world if you'd like some facts on the actual ability of Soldiers to drop deep deep into enemy territory. I think that dropping a thousand miles from home seems just a bit off... Since a lot of these units at the size SC represents used Gliders that couldn't fly that far. I doubt that Today there are Paradrops capable a thousand miles away from homebase, maybe but doubtful, I think that several tiles is about the max this should be allowed and that's with good tech... Any and all input welcome?
  3. BTW: Moderators, why not close this stupid friggin' topic! If people don't like SC, there are alternatives, since this is a Community of SC fans, I believe non-fans can let out their grief on the Hearts of Iron Boards or go play Gary Grigsby's Lovely non-PBEM game
  4. this is a community of players, ever go play tennis and there are 50 guys that regularly frequent the courts and 1 or 2 will say things that annoy you or will be even verbally abusive to themselves mostly, would you stop playing or doing something you love? Because of that??? Well, bye then, aurevoir, synora we do not need panzies, we need PanzerMen to be in a community like this. I regularly put several players in line and though Rambo may say things many disagree with at least HE FINISHES HIS GAMES, and is accountable for HIS GAMES. Many of you play, disappear when you lose, do not report your losses, act like babies when you're not winning, or whine on the bulletin boards. What one player says does not reflect the Majority nor the Moderators, Owners, or Each individual. Just like when you play Schindler's List and Fienne's Character believes that shooting down Jews is interesting Recreational Sport, it's not neccessarily what Spielberg thinks is it? Or the Creators of the Film? Or even Oscar for that matter? You going to not watch the movie because that character? ROFL Closeminded ninnies bother me more than diehard Nazis, the Nazi will tell you to your face he loathes you and wants to conquor you, then you can fight it out for Victory. Though the closeminded Ninnie, will go Whine, "Oh I do not wanna fight, I just can't take it, I'm a whittle baby..ewwww waaaa, MA MA!" ROFL
  5. Very interesting choice, a lot of players ask me why I quit in '43, and a lot of players I know quit then too or earlier or shortly after. Because there is no other victory besides a total and it cannot be achieved within a reasonable timeframe or at all after a certian point. However if say Axis achieved a Minor Victory, holding Most of Europe by late '44 or early '45...perhaps call it a negotiated Stalemate. Likewise for the Allies if they do not lose a Major by this point, same... that way the incentive is stronger for a player to make an aggressive Push, perhaps even upping that time a year... instead of a player Camping on his Economic advantage, the diplomatic aspect is forgotton. The Allies had to kill of Western Europe, they had to liberate it for Democracy or the Reds would've overrun it all. Likewise the Reds had to overrun Eastern Europe in time, so that the Germans weren't turned into a Puppet Allied Regime.. Either is likely and a good Historian would tell you Either way I'd leave it to the pros to decide on what would be a partial victory.. Moscow fallen, in 1945 Paris still Axis in my opinion definitely would mean a very very potential partial axis victory
  6. Winter of 1941 Germany is DOWed by USSR, Barbarossa was cancelled due to the large deployment of Germans in N.Africa. All the excitement in Africa has brought interest from the USA, still at a low percentage. Germans come in with a good 8 or 9 units and transfer some more. He kills off a few Red Units but finds Reds have good technology, Winter effect is on now. With our superior Armor and Infantry weapons we manage to hold the line, Riga is the only Red city to fall thus far, but the Mechanized German units are pouring in, attempting to bring in Finland and cut off Leningrad, the Kriegsmarine makes it's first showing sinking the Soviet Baltic Fleet. The Siberians are transfered, and 1942 is soon upon us. We are going to show these Gerries how to fight! Without losing millions of Russians, only a few hundred thousand! Stalin has listened to the High Command, our only fear is the dreaded Luftwaffe, it's quite massive and there are a ton of German Corps... Welcome to the War Iron Ranger... May the best Warrior Win (as tons of German Paras drop all over Red Cities)
  7. I heard even Rommel had thought Calais so he held back, as did Hitler. The fact is the Allies could've been pushed into the Sea day one if those Panzers hadn't been held back, most of the beachheads were a nightmare, the Germans were not ready! That is a frightening thought, we had virtually no real protection, but deception and the Fake Patton Army in Eastern England threw off the Germans. It was like the deceptions in North Africa. My personal opinion is also that Rommel showed a little weakness. Or too much reservations on know Von Runstedt was old school and would've held back his men, last thing he would want is to make an error. Men like Rommel and Manstein were more bold more aggressive opposed to some of their Former Commanders.. Both did bold manuevers both lacked the resources to really win. Patton was no fool, he was bold, brash and strong. He had fought in Mexico, personally gotten involved in a frey long before WW2 and was a Celebrity in the USA. He had guts, grit and determination, a Cowboy... But he like Rommel was a Commander in the field, best suited to that. Ike was a little more reserved but a WISE commander.. He was Chief Allied Commander so that does stand for something, really he should because of his status be allowed to also control British/Canadian Units... That would help the USA Rommel was wounded and was later executed for his involvement in the conspiracy to kill Adolf Hitler. He did show interest in the attempted Coup, sadly noone remebers these brave Soldats who gave their lives in an attempt to save Germany. It is very well that the Brits could've executed Hitler, they really didn't want to. They knew he was lousing things up so badly the Germans would likely lose faster and they'd rather that than an able man like Admiral Doenitz(sp in control of the situation. And many others... Then the war could've gone on another 6 months or a year.. Who knows perhaps a negotiation? Anyways not to say the old school generals were bad, many of them wanted a Retreat out of Russia after the bad losses, which would've been wise it was a war of attrittion the Germans couldn't win anyways. The Americans had MacArthur, Patton, Bradley, Ike and few others.. They had a few Air Generals, and some good Navy men too.. well rounded altogether. They were not the best because they didn't have as much experience Killing probably Rambo.. That's the primary Difference and they weren't put in the positions as some of their opponents, likewise many of the French/Russian and UK leaders are underrated due to their position and situation rather than their skill.
  8. Well, if you're bored with SC2 already, I can suggest a fix. Go get HOI2 and join the HOI community. If you get deeply involved, you can get as much World War II detail as possible for an on-line gaming experience. You will find no greater alternative, so stop whining and go get the most detailed WW2 Sim ever created in history... Problem solved, personally, I do not have 5 hours on Wens, every Wens, sometimes there are marathons, 5 hours a night for 3 or 4 nights. You must show up on time or game is kaputz and you must be fairly religious about the way you conduct yourself and those you associate with and become part of the community...OH and get real good at HOI... AND rely on luck and developing a reputation over 6 months to find a Valuable Dedicated Team of HOIers That is the alternative, cool thing about SC is that you just need 1 reliable guy and I can name about 10 who'll play it out, and are fairly flexible, and PLUS just about any fool can learn this game in a week P.S. you Think Terif is tough, I made Bulgaria the Greater Bulgarian Empire, conquoring Greece, Romania, Slovak and I was going to move in on Turkey... And remained independant of Germany and the Axis Powers!
  9. Random, entirely.. Snow can fall anytime in Late Fall Early Winter.. not that it neccessarily will.
  10. Are you kidding, Coal? People will be using several alternatives before that dirty method. Perhaps for Diesel Truck and sea transportation. We want such clean air we are going to use the finest that we can purchase, these high quality engines that are made these days require higher and higher quality gas. Lower and Lower emmissions. Not just for the Ozone we're uncertian may be tearing a hole folks, but also for the fact of pure Pollution on our Roads and in our cities. What will come of the future, Electric fuel Cells that are actually fast enough to use... I think that is the most popular, that and a percentage of gas. We do have so me untapped oil, I think what the USA is saving it for is a Rainy day when **** really hits the fan. Then we'll pump it out, such as a Major World Crisis. When we're paying 15 bucks a gallon, screw Alaskan Wildlife? Plus, who honestly believes that alternative energy will be cheaper, we use fossil fuels because it's relatively cheap that's why no alternative has been researched. As far as Germany and Electricity.. She had lots of coal. During WW2 the first real mechanized war, oil was a factor. I hear especially Pilots, not enough training. I suppose that had to be higher quality? There were enough planes and pilots to train but not enough fuel. I think that there is a wrong idea about the Wermacht requiring lots of fuel. They didn't have as many tanks, ships, trucks, etc... as we had, so they didn't require as much fuel. They were always short in #s, numerical inferior but quality wise... Germany was a Nation of what 60 Million, with the annexations 90? It was no Major Power relative to the USSR or USA...Plus it didn't have time to consolidate it's early gains from '39-'40...had it done that instead of Declaring War on the Soviets perhaps hsitory would be re-written. Later in the War they had virtually nothing when they needed it I do know this as during the Battle of the Bulge the plan hinged on stealing American Fuel. But they had no Ploesti either and likely all their factories bombed to hell.
  11. I read a great portion of this article and I will say this much, oil was important, though in contrast so were many things. The Germans obviously didn't stockpile for the War properly, something they could've likely have done. They didn't defeat Great Britian or Russia to either 1 obtain free trade with the world by killing the Royal Navy or conquoring the Oil Rich Caucasus. Either way they dug their own grave in the regards of oil. Ultimately, I wouldn't mind to see SC2 cut back the AP points of a nation that lacks a certian # of OilFields and perhaps Enhance it for those that do. Say per 10 Mobile Units add in a certian penalty and similarly for Airfleets and Naval Vessels. It would be interesting, doesn't have to be Gigantic, but wouldn't it make obtaining Oil Fields a #1 Priority, rather than an MPP write off, which well, doesn't matter much, including in Industrial Tech perhaps a Modifier, that increases Oil Output, forcing Germany to split it's research... So she isn't just creating Tigers and Assualt Rifles, and forcing her to aim toward Red Oil?
  12. Not sure on Iron's longterm strategy, this will be a tough match, and we'll keep posted on it. So far as I can tell, unless he's uber rich the Allies should have the advantage if the USA enters SOON!!! P.S. being tired last night and unaware also of some new Axis and Allied strategies with 1.2 has left me at a bit of a disadvantage, I like how progressive the game is going with each new patch. It's hard to find a steady rythm.
  13. November 1941: Egypt is poised to fall to the Axis Tired To bed Axis Paras, drop behind into Transjordan with newly equiped Junkers Transport Aircraft the Allies were unaware of they had and captured the Key City of Amman, however supply lines via the Canal kept the Brits from being cut off, many escaped to Iraq to avoid the Axis onslaught, Massive Bomber and land attack.. RAF Fighter was smacked hard in the Suez, unaware in the night, the British Officers abandoned their planes and escaped to England via the Canal.. Along with a Light Cruiser. So far making it a fairly bloodless battle.. Though things are from over. The USSR is now entering the War.. Things will not be so easy now for the Axis, they've more fronts to contend on, instead of picking on poor Ole England
  14. August 31st: Iraq poised to fall, the corps there is dead by combined efforts of the 7th armoured and RAF. Now we prepare for the Pesky Italians entering Egypt.
  15. August 17th 1941: British Eagerly Await the Russians to join the frey, Greys have been kicking up a stink in their territory's of interest, yet not DOWs, things are progressing slowly for the USA and USSR entry... We're hopeful this shall soon come to an end, Tensions between the Japanese Ambassador in Washington are proving that we may see USA join sooner than later. Meanwhile England invades Iraq
  16. August 3rd: Malta falls. Never in history has more bombs and shells been fired on one location. Meanwhile Iraq switches to Axis, prepares for War.
  17. July 20th 1941: Axis Airfleets pound Malta relentlessly...nearly destroying it, even German Bombers have been brought in, Obviously Germany has invested heavily in it's Air Force.. Brest was captured by the British, and nearly killed a German Corps, but counterattacks by Mobile German units destroyed the UK XXXth corps for the second time and without supply this time for good. USSR is ansy from all this quiet action and soon will show these Greys what Warfare is about.
  18. Nearly every Axis unit in the Med is attacking Malta... every ship and airfleet aside from 1 I can see. 8-9 hits per turn... Brest Meanwhile faces a similar attack, though much more effective.. All is too quiet, this is Mysterious
  19. May 1940 Brest is the focal point of the British, Malta that of the Axis combined forces. Malta has not crumbled underneath the Tyranny of The Axis Airforces
  20. March 23rd 1941: Battle for Malta is on, Airfleets from 3 different Nations engage the British heavily entrenched there as well as the entire Italian Navy. Nothing else going on, aside from some tricky German Politics in Sweden and Elsewhere.
  21. Yes, the blitzkrieg has turned into the sitzkrieg, awaiting the next big exchange of Fire Little skirmishes is all... Winter approaches
  22. The Day that Never Came: Fall 1940 No Sea Lion thus far, the Prime Minister Sighs a sigh of relief.. Though still awaits the possability Reds Mobilize All the Balkans are soon to be converted aside Greece and Yugoslavia... Scandanavia turns it back on Germany
  23. Aug 25th: German Forces are preparing for a D-Day Invasion. British Airforces scramble to hammer German Ports, with mixed success.
  24. July 28th: Status Report. Axis Have Romania, Hungary and now Italy after France. Allies are in dire straights... Heavy losses for Axis in France but they'll recover quickly. Despite our best efforts we hadn't managed to do too much damage upon a Panzer South of Brest with 5 British Air Attacks. Game is on
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