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Everything posted by Liam

  1. I heard this mentioned by a few. Airfleets being used as Fortification busters, instead of Artillery or Rockets. Perhaps we should tweak rockets to have a special ability to kill Forts instead! Heavy Guns were used throughout history and in WW2, i.e. Sevastapol crushed by Heavy German Cannon Fighters should be primarily aimed toward air superiority, land attack, naval attack and a few other minor roles, but in SC2 as in SC1 their stalemate breakers. Several airfleets kill a unit that allow for 1 or 2 tiles/hexes cleared to allow for a breech in the defense, similarly with Forts, they beat it down with less loss to themselves until they level it for Naval bombardment, or Land attack or whatever, in the case of Malta for instance.. all air assault with divebombers and medium bombers and some heavy bombers, mixed Italian and German. German U-boats raiding resupply. It's a shock they could hamper supply in the Meditterranean when they could barely keep Malta up and running. It's sort of unrealistic when sieging it that it has any effect on supply but I suppose that's abstract for Hubert's design respresenting the long supply roads of the Desert what would be more accurate is this, Desert Supply Effect, hampers and them BigBang on the Ports and cities of N.Africa and the SAME for the Allies In the last Major Engagement in Egypt Rommel had 1/3rd the Oil he needed, not due to Malta, more from Fighters/fighterbombers/Bombers based in Egypt striking Convoys As far as airfleets, their primarily role again is being abused and misused, in my very first game I used them as one object to kill units that my land forces couldn't reach. They got 3 or 4 bars experience and each turn my airfleets killed off a Red Unit, on the Eastern Front. Had I had LandTech to match I would've won the war because Rambo was rather inexperienced and I'd of drive to Moscow, though head IW3 and Heavy Tanks and I never caught up even with many chits invested.
  2. goto tech question to ask these type of questions AIM.COM ICQ.COM
  3. Warsaw surrounded, first Wermacht penetrate Benelux French Border.. First Kill on French Soil done by me... Game is heating up...still 1939
  4. apparently Bob Xs you're right, I took you in our game but it was close, without Turkey.. That was 1.0 and the rules were a lot different.. In the end England and the USA were a non-factor. Technology was too slow in their departments to come up to my strength. My level 5 Tanks plowed them like little Girls I went on an adventure here into Iraq and Iran.. and I didn't realize that I'd lose all my expeditionary forces so quickly as I was going to use them to re-invade Egypt.. But that wasn't much of an adventure, if you see a Luftwaffe and a couple Paras beware in this game, especially coupled with Bombers... That spells the end effectively for England.
  5. To be honest at the moment considering the sorry state of the British Homeland Defense I cannot argue Russian Technology.. Taking England is almost not a challenge unless the USA enters. Egypt gets 5 corps ? and HQ for it's defense England gets conquored The Reds researched wisely, limits or no limits.. I spent my money where I knew it counted. The Greys, spent it on a bunch of Longe Range Aircraft, Mechanized units, Italian GLR, Advanced Aircraft and more likely.. Paras, Bombers, etc... look nice on Paper but they do not win land wars, oddly enough if I had not been tired that night I'd of sent back 3 units and an HQ to the UK to hold out till later.(both me and Iron screwed up lots, first time in patch 1.2) IT and Production I'm guessing. He has power but I spent most of mine on Land warfare considering the situation required it. The only way to balance this is out is to Declare War on Russia earlier, before she starts to get past her IT and Production techs and moves onto IW and Heavy Tank... It's not like that will bring the USA in any earlier and also the UK can do nothing after the fall Egypt and France aside wait and interfere diplomatically with the Germans. It was nearly 1942 when Iron invaded Russia, that is why he faced Hell on Wheels, I have given him this game, if I lose England because of a lack of understanding just how easy Sea Lion is [ July 12, 2006, 02:44 AM: Message edited by: Liam ]
  6. Yes, Axis it is Poland will Fall, Benelux has... and German troops are moving into France! The Polish have put up a Brave resistance damaging many beautiful German units, but it is just a matter of time..
  7. Axis Omia Rambo Allies Opener: Transfer to the West a little, Polish units hurt... No action as of yet no surrenders. We await turn 2
  8. Mr. Rambo, you are afraid to face me on the battlefield... you days are numbered old friend, Obi Wan you should have retired
  9. I am so tired now that Airfleets are about useless, the UK instead of using an airfleet in the desert or in England could use one in England to defend against an inevitable Sea Lion. Evem though I'm not certian what good those fleets will do, another Medium Bomber might be of better use because you cannot knock down the Axis Ports inevitably surging toward your tiny Little Island??? Though there is answer for this as there is for the other irreneous topic(this word I'm beginning to enjoy using) Hint Moderators Hint The answer being do not Play the game if you do not like it, also the answer to the shortness of breath for UK defense, a Houserule, making it impossible without a DOW upon the USSR? Hmmm, answers everywhere folks
  10. Meanwhile I was studying the Art of War and I realized that in order to win more Strategy Wargames and to knock some less that I need to focus more on not giving up my cards too early. I need to fight longer and more dedicated. Study Study Study young man. In the World of the irreneous zones, or sensual I think that we're hitting a homer folks? That the wargame essentially not an essay of history but rather a Fluid action reaction to our decisions and it flows out of the Chi, emotionally and spiritually traversing the LiveWires of the Night Sky to makes what might transpire, the Explosive nature of our Combatant World of Wargaming.. Hmmm, I'm going to start a Knocking Airfleets topic bored of this topic already
  11. Hearts of Iron III should be out soon, at the rate o things I'm very interested in what shall come in this new Paradox Release, will the same ole RTS Engine we're so used to in previous Paradox releases be undone? Who knows, perhaps this will be an evolution to quell our thirst for a different style of WW2 Grand Strategy.. ROFL On Topic, Off Topic, the Moderators don't read this far P.S. It's like Condoms, they have serial #s, but you have to roll them all the way down to know
  12. Odd enough was the Korean Pennisula worth 50 thousand American lives in retrospect? I doubt that the Chinese believe it was worth what near a Million of there's? Communist Paranoid Delusions "Op Barbarossa was the last beautiful Front for a War The Last Grand Campaign from the Days of Ole, there will never been a conflict again in history with such beauty and reverence of course looking down on it" ~Liam
  13. Skippy on this Game thus far: Seems that I have a little more experience with the game engine, though both of us have made rookie mistakes, superior Russian Tech is paying off slowly. However I didn't prepare for an eventual Sea Lion seeing the size of the German Airforce and the fact is wasn't deployed against the Reds has given away much. I am uncertian who'll win, but it's unlikely that Iron will take England easily! Reds meanwhile are becoming unstoppable they just need time to consolidate, which hopefully the West can buy them. This is a close game, with two rookies to the new patches and this is only my 7th or 8th game, and first with 1.2... 2nd as Allied, and first Allied to go past 1940
  14. Yes, it's true, for the first time since Hastings the British have been dealt a death blow, and from the Huns with Wings and River Rafts?? This just won't do! The Americans have entered the frey and assemble to free their ole Mother from the grips of this tyrannical Grey Beast! The Reds assist but even the Almighty Bear cannot quite break the back of the Germans, it's slow plowing in those Eastern Rivers and Marshes, through and through we go! Praying that the Germans do not with their Italian Allies now take the the complete upperhand and pray upon all the Nuetrals that England has held in her Mighty Fist so very long! Will the Italian Navy squash the remains of the Royal navy with it's GLR2? Will the Americans save the day, will the Germans Parade through Manchester as well as London, stay tuned folks to your Radios, this is not over by a longshot!
  15. July 1942: After much deliberation, it is decided by the Franklin Delano Rosevelt, to step his country up toward War Preparedness, the Russians have the Germans Routed in the East however in the West England is down it's last tea leaves.. The Germans are planning a Sea Lion most definitely or at least attempting to destroy the puny Island and it's worthless defenses. The Luftwaffe is Massive, and includes a strong Bomber Command. Meanwhile in the Baltic the Battle of Jutland was relived and it was much like the first except the Brits Won the Day entirely, sinking 2 U-boats and nearly decimating the rest of the Kriegsmarine. This will not save the British, Winston Churchill is in his Bunker in London awaiting the news.
  16. Contraversial I'm certian to many of the Southern and Western Germans on these boards John. However one cannot mistaken the more beautiful landscape of Southern Germany and Austria to the rest. Interesting info on Waterloo, Napoleon had a massive Army at his heels a victory may have divided the Allies. Also Prussian Leadership was a step above Austrian Leadership later in time.
  17. Stalin's Organist, indeed you may have shed "some light" on the topic, however not entirely. It is still true, Austrians were outperformed, were their German side more potent than their Hungarian and Balkan? Likely... Though seperately Serbians fought well, and many did in the Balkans Name a General aside from an Austrian one in History of Greatness? in the AH, few if any, but I suppose the aristrocacy was in Austria Proper primarily. You tell any Prussian this information though, they were the Creme of the Crop so to speak
  18. Do you think that from the Napoleonic Period, even before with Frederik the Great... The Prussians and Brandenburgers held the Torch more or less for the Germans? I am descended from that lineage right back into the 1800s and I know for a fact, that at Waterloo, during the Franco-Prussian War and the Unification of Germany it was all Prussian and at the least Brandenburger. Even during WW1, the Prussians were notorious for the warrior attitude meanwhile the other Germans were notable for their TeaCookie layed back sort of qualities. Austrians in particular were maulled by every other nation on the Continent, and in WW1 hell, they only dragged Germany in the mud. I think that it should be noted that Prussia likely on it's own held the Torch for the rest of Germany and that they did a Majority of the fighting. This is very unique to other countries, as Germany was made up of States(many of which were a lot softer than their icy brethren from the NorthEast), Italy cannot boast the same though was united in a similar sort of fashion. France, Russia and Great Britian were united for a much greater duration.
  19. Again the Reds pound the Wermacht, killing of a out of supply Corps and pushing the Borders to Pre-War... The only Card up Iron's sleeve now is the Luftwaffe in the West
  20. May 31st 1942: Serious Counterstrikes for the first time from the Red Army now show their Might against inferior German technology on Land and inferior German Tactics. The Leningrad pocket is opened up for the first time. 2 German units killed, 1 more surrounded . In the Western Massive Luftwaffe spotted by the RAF, US readiness above 50% but not rising steadily enough.. Looks like Reds will finish this match for the Allies
  21. good question, why would effect supply so much? Greece is an option to supply the Afrika Corps, I do not understand the logistics myself, but I think that supplying from so far East would put the Royal Navy at Alexandria in striking distance and too far West, well that was Tunis and directly over Malta, considering Malta had a hard time holding itself, how can it inflict damage? Good Question... Maybe it's not Malta but rather the long lines of Supply running across North Africa it represents for the Axis, sadly not the same for the Brits?
  22. Correct, Air was very decisive on the Western Front, on a small front where everything was pretty much on the Plain, a few isolated forests and some bad weather about the only rest. The War of the Atlantic was also tough because of Air! However on the Eastern Front, where it was a massive front, and there weren't enough aircraft, the weather was more often than not poor. If not Mud then Ice, which Ice was better. The Germans for a majority of the War had the advantage on that front but didn't manage to win, some say due to the Battle of Britian, too depleted to inflict the neccessary damage, few of pilots/aircraft. I'd say that in SC2 Air is Powerful and neccessary as an Operational piece of equipment to do certian jobs, and in certian cases an Ace so to speak.
  23. ::smiles:: This will be interesting, I have been helping train Iron Ranger up for this Duel, he's recieved much needed experience in little jog of a game! Let's see how this one unfolds and by the way if I beat you both, I am taking the American Crown and I'm moving it to East Anglia just to annoy you guys
  24. True, an element of what if? Yeah, in definitely does this.. what about failed attempt to make Paradrop due to enemy fighter interception?
  25. Well, I didn't realize but against Ranger, I swear they are annoying as hell. And they're dropping from Tobruk to Amman. Feesible with a few more LR techs he will be dropping Warsaw Paras on Smolensk??????? Okay, I believe in a little stretching the truth, but in WW2 the US managed to make drops across a 50-60 mile stretch of Land? They were the most advanced in the World in 1944... Market Garden, Crete etc... never more than 50 miles... Even the Malta attack would've ended up close action 10 strength Army is what you're dropping as well, this is where I actually have to say Kuniworth is right! Not to say that Subs 5 that whack battle ships because they're like Nuclear Submarines isn't a little off but feesible but Paratroopers that can virtually do anything?
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