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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Liam

  1. this is almost Battle of the Atlantic, I suggest alterations to improve the battle but this is making it more of a specific game side from SC2, not that the ideas aren't intrigueing, just a bit overboard you could model a Battle of the Atlantic Scenario but this is almost tactical. Abstract is an idea but a litte late I sense now the way the game is modelled, I just see better raiding, hiding for uboats poorer combat abilities and more of a strategic capability is all the best improvement
  2. Good to know Blashy, not saying it should be revamped totally we haven't explored it "deeply" yet but some alterations as we go along would be nice. I think that the game must be played more
  3. as far as I know the bomber is a fixed object, haven't tried to disband it, you can right click on it and select Disband if you like otherwise it's a useful tool for scouting U-Boats, it is supposed to represent the joint efforts of the UK, USA, Iceland to hunt down and destroy the U-Boat threat, sort of a Net in the Atlantic. It isn't movable because I believe HC doesn't want to give UK too many free goodies along with the USA and UK Bombers that can and will be built. It represents a weaker form of Bomber, a sort of Naval Recon Bomber that wasn't all that equipped to handle Heavy Industrial Level bombing anyway. Sorta of like the FW Condors, of course Axis do not recieve the same goodies
  4. BEF were needed at home. They do however with their AntiTank, Mobile and IWs hammer a decisive blow with Luck, possibly killing 1 German unit, possibly two in a bad France Campaign.
  5. I have heard and suggested the general concept of an abstract Battle of the Atlantic, Neat concept but this is not abstract as if very real just Level3 or level4 Subs aren't very real
  6. I have found that Airfleets don't mean much without support to knockout supply, if he didn't have bombers along with that he mine as well have just surrendered. It would be LONGGGG while before he would achieve his goals Bombers are the Partisans of the Western Front, but you have to have Many Partisans!
  7. Imbalances are currently in SC2. Not that nations such as Spain were not aligned. Even Vichy or Sweden, partly Switzerland. All these nations had their Sympathizers, many of them did what they did out of Personal Benefit none believing longterm in taking the risk of a War on the Axis side. The Political machine is just a slight bit too sensitive toward anything you do. Allied side Naturally, they should be cautious, they were not warmongers and that has been fixed since the weaknesses it had in SC1. Though Axis have too much power Politically. The cost of Axis Diplomatic Gain should be also with some losses. If an Axis chooses to Sway a nation to be Axis as in Spain's case, Spain would've wanted portions of Vichy. In other cases the same. Iraq, I am not certian would've ever been able to convert to Axis with Russia and India so close, with the british so strong in the Region. I suppose the fall of the Suez accurately depicts their weakness, however one must then devote all their resources to the defence of Egypt which would the UK have done this? I doubt it. Really what else I'm trying to get across is we have softened the Plunder, which well, is alright. We've softened the effects of some of the Axis moves and hardened other ones, all aiding in putting certian checks and balances. Though This game has in way taken some of the hardcore qualities of the Axis out. There should be more incentive for conquests I think in Historical regions, and perhaps an Option, More Plunder for More Possible percentage chance of a Diplomatic Hit. Succeeding to take Minors by Diplomacy costing the Axis in losing Ports or Cities to their Minors. Naturally... This would balance the game back! If you want Turkey to be realistic, I think that placing it's military properly entrenched around it's capitol would help, also it's doorway's to the Caucasus. Might not be bad to have Turk Partisans! They were very good fighters and vs the Greeks in the 1920s the Turks fought well and they had their own Civil War abolishing the Ottoman Empire after WW1 which had existed for what 5 centuries near? It's okay to demonstrify the Axis some, but allow the ability to be badguys some also. I love how Hubert makes it so Scorthed Earth is on both ends. Also the Allies cannot cakewalk Minors unless the Axis decide to. That has balanced things well. Also the Diplomacy fight checks and balances if you watch it. Perhaps allowing the Axis More Plunder early would force the Allies to invest more the Military and bring about the War earlier, cutting back on the Teching. Also forcing Theatre's like North Africa to be possibly stalemated. More Axis forces from more Plunder, and not enough time to finish off a Theatre like that until the USSR decides to join or USA does... Optional, fun, just adding some ideas any thoughts Friends
  8. RN Useless, Bahhh It's capable, it's massive.. It can kill 3 or 4 Armies and Tanks throughout the game alone, if you know how to use it without ever stepping foot into treacherous waters. It can also inflict massive damage placed properly on any offensive operations against England it's a requirement or the Allies cannot manuever at all and the Axis navy is way way smaller.. Only threat is the Italian Navy joining Hands "Joining Hands, touching me, touching you!" There are few ports in France to resupply with a good Allied Air War it's not what you think and Air is a Naval Killer
  9. Don't bother! Best thing you can do I find is near the offensive level of the campaign MAYBE hold it in reserves as an Amphibious to drop safey in the lines and hammer a Weakened Axis unit from Shore Bombardments and Suicidal Frogs ( Sees an Image of a bunch of Frogs with LaserBeams tied to their heading, jumping headlong into Formations of Panzers getting smooshed ) if not move her to egypt
  10. Not likely to get level5 by '41 best I usually see is level3 which isn't beyond belief there were already many tanks on the German side Heavier than level1 in service in 1940 in the Fall of France in the 3-d unit image at least As for historical tech as you all should call it, a subject under much debate. Jet Fighters aren't decisive in 1941. In 1940 for a Battle of Britian or for control of Malta or with Longe Range they could be valuable. IW, heavy Tank, good offensive weapons are key.. Mobility and AntiTank also valuable. Though more valuable is Industrial Technology with some Production Tech. It's quite possible with good IT and PT to swarm your enemy with just numbers. Considering if you outnumber him 4-1 you will still kill him you just have to know how to manuever. Granted with a good HQ, Experience and when you begin to run out of room to manuever things will become tougher you can still kill... IW as much as Heavy Tank are imperative investments. Industrial technology is difficult to factor in. Naval Warfare is good, is sucks out chits from these for say the Axis.. Similarly for the Allies, as the Allies need Tech for D-Day to run smoothly. If they're caught investing in only IT and not ASW then they can be toast, so it is a bit of a guessing game or a good Recon game A bit late though when you're praying for Luck, I definitely believe that a Player develops a Super Offensive Weapon it's Counter should have a Higher Percentage Chance of being Researched showing the intensity in the Scientific Community, Pressure Politically, Militarily for a Counter! P.S. Italy gets a little too much love in SC, both of them. Her Techs should really be isolated her Diplomatic is already with only a 3% gain VS Germany's, why wouldn't her Warfare research be? Germany should have to pay to upgrade her Partner, to be truely historical. Double
  11. there are few new WW2 wargames being released because there is a small market for them HOI only is released because it is done by a Swede and he has a following already. Americans are laggy in current Strategic Wargames. World in Flames I've heard about for about a year or two I don't hear much about it sort of like that big Mystery. I've never played the Board Game as I did with A&A so I have no idea what to expect. As far as Detail, you cannot doubt HOI1 & HOI2 are far more detailed than any WW2 online game that covers every inch of the map but a little too detailed.
  12. Well, I am trying to use 3-D units I have upgraded my Video and such and it doesn't work, I have the latest driver available... They come out all scratchy some do come in focus. Any Fix?
  13. Oddly enough the French followed after the Italians I was reading tonight, they had quite an extensive Submarine fleet and also torpedo boats. Much of the French Navy wasn't there for the War due to poor Work Yards the book stated bout there were around 60-70 French Subs. Isn't that on the level of Germany quite nearly, odd no French sub is in the game ALSO The French fleet was near sunk in Algiers in fears it might convert to Axis not Allied. Would there be the possability that the Axis should be able to claim this valuable asset and the UK must do something about it historical like declare war on Vichy and Smoosh the French Fleet in Port? Or perhaps a French fleet should be off Algiers for the UK to crack with low morale, with a possability of either shifting toward the Axis or the Allies depending. Historically they'd of likely gone Allied or been seized and they were VERY significant for the Axis who were in short supply for Sea Lion. This would add to the value of Vichy which now is a very hallow target considering the cost... If that fleet went Allied it could be a HUGE dent Axis Armor and if Went Axis similarly. Making Diplos important for Vichy and Petain was quite Sympathetic to the Axis regardless there should be 2 French Subs if my calculations are correct or at least 1, it should be researched
  14. Canada is likely the strongest nation on the map outside of the Majors. USA/Germany/Italy/France/UK/USSR and rightfully they recieve some valuable units. Outside of Canada would be possibly India/Australia as powerful UK Minors not represented because of Map and Scale of the game. India would be a larger source of Manpower but tied up in Asia securing those resources. Not to overplay Canada but she is pretty pathetic in game terms, but so is the USA without tech and time.
  15. Ok, WW2 was pretty massive but the actual destruction of a Fort on the Maginot was never spoken of I have watched films about it, it was self supportive, expensive, big budget for the French, probably kicking off the Maginot boot, the French would've have full Strength fighting units and another army or two for the frontline. Problem is still their doctrine, but the very nature of the Maginot was the defensive doctrine I heard the French soldiers were not well payed, were not high in morale at the outbreak of the war. There were lots of problems, the Maginot was probably seen as France's Ace in the sleeve, had it extended to Belgium in Game terms all the way up to the coast would the Axis been able to break it? No! Is that realistic? Probably not. The Axis probably could've broken the Maginot line with a lot of cost... there is no way in the game you can break it at all frontally and entrenched French units, 1 breakthrough isn't quite enough and is chancey timewise "How expensive was the Maginot Line?" "If Degaulle and men like him were supported in the French High Command how would the War have gone in the West for the Germans?" "perhaps you cannot point the finger at Chamberlain and quiet nations like the USA, it was afterall the responsability of nations like France to keep Germany in check." "How come France did not support Il Duce with the German annexation of Austria?" Paraphrazing the Mouse, "Germany is a country of Murderers, there is no way we will let them take Austria!" As Italians mobilized for war Big questions folks, perhaps SC2 scenario starting in 1936 with fast gameturns and political chits alone would be intrigueing?
  16. P.S. 1 strong point, Canadians, South Africans, New Zealanders, Australians, etc... All Fought harder than Axis Minors as far as I can tell and were all better trained.. Personally how could they come into the war without English Equipment, since England was the primary designer of their equipment correct? Everything would be UK Based, so they'd all be on par with the HomeBase Meanwhile, I do not hear of the same efforts for the Axis Minors. I do know Hungary was more beloved. I am sure because Hitler was stupid, he didn't better supply his Minor Buddies and Broke by '42 unlike his wise adversaries. He probably couldn't have afforded to supply them by that point when the war began to get grave late '42. Too little too late, all that cost of concentration camps could've likely trained 500 thousand Axis Minors with at least Basic techniques and basic German equipment, but instead he pursued a Mad Ideal. Hence He Lost
  17. 1/4th the troops on the Eastern Front, yes, you may say that Italians/Romanians, etc... were a large portion of Manpower and units contributed. Maybe many used German equipment, however would you likely just make that part of the existing Wermacht instead? The 2 armies put there for Romania that can be quite useful.. they can inflict without experience in good supply as much as 3 damage points per upon Red Units especially in the opening turns when Reds are without tech and HQ. Afterwards they would suite best to garrisons, amphibious operations(which is a bit shakey, they shouldn't really have that ability if they're truly lowtech but I always use them isntead of German Armies that are HQ supported to do off the wall dirty but neccessary jobs) so are these armies strong and useful? Yes they are... THEY do not suck German HQ strength either which means you do not have to worry about overstacking 1 Regional Army Group with too many German Units, they can fill in holes. Great to post against Partisans, but in a pinch you may need them on the frontlines, as did the Germans. Italians can upgrade their equipment and benefit from German Tech. IN fact Italians can upgrade beyond Germany if they so choose as in one of my games Italians got Mobilization 2 and that was quite kick ass for outflanking Allies all around D-Day but still not an effective purchase. Also Italians with GLR 1 which is easy to obtain for them is Hellish for killing the Med! I took Malta and Egypt with no problems... As for representation of Leaders, I know how many feel with Franco now and Mannerheim, any guys here from any of the Minor nations feel they should be represented by an HQ, I understand fully, most Balkan Nations should at least have an HQ if not tech then. They did have some leadership I do know this... Kind of superflous for Hungary but Romania fields 3 offensive units! Canada, Yes WAS pretty strong source of Resources for UK but they were fighting along side in with the Brits, their equipment and leadership should be shared across the board, not sure if that is already done? As well as all the CommonWealth's in Egypt? Only downside is having 5 strong Brit units and the Corps there sucking out the HQ so they cannot perform, similar situation with overstacking German HQs Not downgrading foreign sacrifices just trying to be Strategic.. Canada gets a bomber, cruiser, corp unit so far as I've seen? Not much.....but calculate what they the Brits in Resources over the length of a 5 year game, far outweighs a tech factor or HQ factor, fielding 5 Canadian units is unlikely when I haven't seen 5 Americans at the getgo a Major Player. [ May 08, 2006, 08:27 PM: Message edited by: Liam ]
  18. Yes, as far as many in the EU Community we consider Paradox to be a 1 hit wonder. There is a promise of EU3. Basically HOI is modelled as Victoria after an enhanced version of EU which makes the game pretty much dull if you're use to EU and expected something unique. The combat system I found in HOI is something mentioned again and again. I didn't find it fun I found it dull. You moved units into a province and there were tons of factors, not all with RTS you can make a good judgement call on, you can however contrary to what Moon said slow it down to UberSlow speed make it almost turnbased fact is air was odd, Subs sat off Belgium in open waters and didn't really do anything. You built up a bunch of units but you never felt much of a feel of accomplishment, the map was crowded so was the political engine...not so bad... but not realistic, the outcomes were a bit too, hmmmmm, likely more Ahistorical than SC2 The Tech engine was a nightmare, Christ it was ubercomplicated if you wanted to play a Minor. You need a bloody 20 page manual to study the techs and that was the shortroute. Not to say I couldn't have mastered the game I just got bored trying. EU2 is far more actionpacked, simplified, it's like 1/20th as complicated perhaps even 1/30th and the fact it is RTS doesn't irritate you as bad once you know what to look for it's sort of a relief. Turnbased WW2 Strategy firmly sits in SC's hands. WAW is a flop and World In Flames is it? That's still underdesign indefinitely as a board game. A&A2 sucked HOI2 looked like an improvement I only tried the Demo but seriously, any game using the Ole EU Map and Interface doesn't complete me
  19. It's wasted energy. Historically these troops were not significant, however Canadians should be part of the UK MainForce......absorbed so to speak.... they operated on their own but they certianly were fully supplied by the British as a Fighting force, Canada was more or less just a recruitment center. Germans never had the time or energy to Give Bulgaria, Hungary of Romania much. Obviously Wermacht frontline units needed that equipment much more and training the others in using it would have taken awhile. Making it cost more only makes it more a waste of energy. Axis Minors are great for partisan blockage, garrisoning and swarming your ranks from possible encirclements as far as Italians, Italians wouldn't have used Wermacht Equipment on a great scale.. to summize: Germans barely had the equipment they needed to upgrade themselves let alone everyone else. Americans on the other hand, different story
  20. JJ: as paranoid as Stalin was I have to imagine that was the case. P.S. or rather as hardcore as he was about eliminating any threat to his Power
  21. 2nd that motion stanhope JJ and few others: MODERATORS please delete poor topic ((if someone is annoying there is freedom of speech if someone is profane or otherwise infringeing the rules of BF Forum then Ban))
  22. Unless someone is truely a billigerant let's try to get along on the boards Please no trash talk
  23. I'd not be against this, the Plus you'd give the Allies and Germans is perhaps more U-boats, aircraft and more surface ships to make their battles more drawn out. It could give a 3rd Factor for Victory, I'm almost certian had Stalin conquored Paris for the Allies, We'd of gotten none of the cake, You could make a goal, who can get to the Heart of Germany first who can gut her... It would represent some of the lack of cooperation between the Big 3
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