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Everything posted by easytarget

  1. actually you can pick up gf3's for about 100 bucks too, and they're faster than MX's
  2. the suggestion that cmbo or cmbb don't run on dell comps is nonsense i'm running both of them on not one, not two, no folks not even three, but four different dell computers this includes, win98se, xp home ntfs, xp pro fat32 and gasp, win95 all are also running different vid cards and different drivers all instances of cmbo and cmbb install went flawlessly w/o any modification whatsoever even as i type this you can go to dell.com and purchase a poweredge 600SC server w/ no o/s for $299 or a dimension w/ xp home for $349 - at these prices, you build your own guys basically crack me up [ April 10, 2003, 08:59 PM: Message edited by: easytarget ]
  3. no problem - it's a standing offer whenever you decide to upgrade btw, noticed we're both austinites! great town besides cmbo, i've been training for the cap 10k, only a week away!
  4. i'm not positive, but i think you're talking about changing the rez/refresh in the game and that can be re-set by deleting a really small file in the game directory called "combat mission bynd ovr prefs". This will allow you to set the vid settings fresh next time you start the game. Btw, for cmbb it's called "combat mission BB prefs". [ March 22, 2003, 12:26 PM: Message edited by: easytarget ]
  5. No problem at all. The graphics in CM just aren't that advanced. And in many ways that's very cool because it means the game works on older hardware and allows for a wider audience. The downside is throwing beefy hardware at it doesn't really get you the bang for the buck it does with games that are more vid intensive. Btw, Schrullenhaft is a regular here and the resident guru on all things computer related, I can pretty much guarantee you he could walk you through putting a vid card in. I'm no expert, but even still I've installed dozens of vid cards and drivers for them over the years and could probably get you through it as well. So when the time comes, consider just purchasing the card and then we'll walk you through installing it. If done right, it seriously only takes about 10 minutes to do. [ March 22, 2003, 12:21 PM: Message edited by: easytarget ]
  6. ok, not sure what went wrong before, but this time i managed to grab the map list i guess i should of thought of this before, seeing as how this was posted in cmbb anyway, i was hoping some of these would be for cmbo is there anything similiar for cmbo?
  7. you can get gforce3's for less than 150 w/ 128mb so if the card you're specifically looking at really is 64mb for 150 go to newegg.com and do a search under vid cards because you can do better - either by spending less or by spending the same and getting more i picked up a gold sample 128mb gainward Ti200 3 or 4 months ago for something like 120 bucks at newegg as for direct answer to your question, no, don't bother buying a new card if the one you've got works - after all, you can always pick one up, no doubt cheaper at that point than they are now, whenever you do finally decide to get cmbb - besides, you might find that your current card runs cmbb just fine when you get it i've run cmbo and cmbb on 16mb cards, on 32 and on a 128 - frankly, it doesn't make that much difference [ March 21, 2003, 09:24 PM: Message edited by: easytarget ]
  8. keep us posted - when you've had enough of the AI and gotten the hang of the game post back here and we'll hook up for some PBEM'ing
  9. i tried downloading from your page and it kept timing out - is it working?
  10. so, did you decide to start with cmbo? as for stats, not sure what you're looking for, but some stats will be on any unit you care to hit enter on others here might be able to steer you somewhere on-line for more info
  11. guess that ought to work too don't know if was necessary or not - not even sure i ever deleted it
  12. the soln is a re-write of the engine, something battlefront is working on for the next release
  13. i ordered the bundle and started with cmbo i figured i might as well start at the beginning and i was afraid if i jumped into cmbb i might not fire up cmbo the manuals for both are lengthy and cover all aspects of the game as well as you could expect a manual to do naturally you have to just flat out play them for much of it to make sense, so you'll probably refer back over and over at first as you play start up some games against the AI to get the hang of it - then come on back here and let us know when you want to play against a human and we'll have at it (cmbo or cmbb - although i'll admit to being a total neophyte myself on cmbb, i only loaded it up last week after playing cmbo exlusively for the last 4 or 5 months)
  14. actually what everyone really wants to know is where are you getting all the cash to buy all these vid cards? as for drivers, does that new nvidia card allow for use of the older drivers that are known to work with CM? and no drivers i've read about work with fog for the ATI card, so i'm guessing if you do a search of this forum you'll find what everyone has found works best with that one
  15. download winzip - the instructions that come with it should be able to get you through zipping and unzipping files http://download.com.com/3000-2250-10161502.html?tag=pop
  16. here's a link to an explanation for each - basically though, they are both about smoothing out the jaggies: AA: http://www.grafx-design.com/02gen.html AF: http://www.extremetech.com/article2/0,3973,548248,00.asp
  17. the short answer imho is no, it doesn't make that much difference i have both turned on, mostly because i play other games where i see more impact a lot of bandwith and emotion has been wasted in this particular forum over this very topic (along with the incessant whining about newer drivers not working) and to be brutally honest about it, the graphics in CM, while great for a wargame, are laughably atrocious compared to games i own dating 3-4 years ago in summary, AA and anisotropic filtering can't improve a baseline graphics that already starts pretty far down the charts and is therefore not worth spending a lot of effort worrying about and all this being said, don't be surprised if hundreds of new threads appear in this forum rehashing this and the driver issue for the next two years till the next CM product comes out with a new engine [ March 08, 2003, 09:06 PM: Message edited by: easytarget ]
  18. there are lots of posts on this topic (even this one) that suggest the solution is simply to use the right drivers so why not use them and get on with the game?
  19. interesting i've got a new dell 2650 that's running cmbo just fine with factory drivers (29.63's) this is a 32mb GeForce2Go Nvidia vid i'm running manually selected 2x AA and everything works w/o a hitch hell, just for fun i even turned on anisotropic filtering and everything still works normally go figure
  20. i'm not saying i think this is a bad idea i've just never run into a problem with turn exchange speed that couldn't be solved by me and my opponent simply sending more e-mail in a given day sometimes we exchange 2 or 3 complete moves in an evening so i guess for me this is a soln in search of a problem
  21. well, sounds like you stumbled upon the soln to your problem then good job - got it diagnosed and fixed on the first try and you could go on up to the 30.87's if you wanted to - not sure if it would boost performance a lot though and i'm of the mindset that once you get something to work, there's no reason to keep trying to "fix it"
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