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Everything posted by easytarget

  1. last time i played an IP game it occured to me that it might be interesting to have a timing feature limit that was set off by the first player to finish their turn so whenever either player moved, there would follow whatever set amount of time was given for the other player to complete that move - say 3 minutes for example - make the move in that time or the orders from your last sequence prevail, or lack thereof as the case may be or another thought from chess occured to me as well - you get a set amount of time for the number of moves that will comprise the battle - say 60 minutes for a 30 move game - a clock would be on screen for each player showing his time left - making your move stops the clock (and neither clock runs during play back) - but otherwise it runs anytime you consider your next move or issue orders, etc. [ January 04, 2003, 08:23 PM: Message edited by: easytarget ]
  2. not that i think this will necessarily help your problem, but this ultimately turns into a process of elimination so, have you considered falling back to older vid drivers like the 30.87's? many, including myself, have encountered problems w/ CM using the newer drivers - most of the issues have been around disappearing menus, but it's still just another item to consider changing and see what happens
  3. excellent point i must admit i was just assuming that directx settings would be turned on
  4. good to hear! i know you may be loath to change anything at this point, but you might want to consider deleting the pref file and setting your refresh higher than 60hz - something like 75 or even 85 is definitely preferable
  5. hmm, that's a pity hell, if wiping it off the drive and reinstalling didn't work i'm not sure what else to suggest at this point if the offending copy is CDV, i'm thinking at this point you might want to consider returning it and purchasing it straight from the source itself
  6. Schrullenhaft, for what its worth, i've run cmbo on a notebook at 640x480 in software mode - so it's possible but it's also not playable - way too slow dh1988, that vid card should be able to work - although the driver you listed isn't really what i had in mind - but no matter have you tried what Schrullenhaft suggested? because until you get it off of 640x480 everything is not going to fit on the screen - at this point it might even be worthwhile to delete cmbb entirely and do a fresh install - and when you fire it up again, make sure the desktop resolution you're running before you enter the game for the 1st time is at least 800x600 - or even better, set your desktop rez at whatever you want to run the game at and then start it- that way it will be the 1st option the game offers you the 1st time you run it
  7. does it lock up running any other software? is this cmbo or cmbb? what vid drivers are you using? is there pattern to what you're doing in the game when it locks up? what o/s are you running? and what directx ver?
  8. fascinating how a post about a good review in a national gaming magazine was so quickly derailed into whatever the hell it is the rest of you in this thread are talking about [ January 03, 2003, 09:40 AM: Message edited by: easytarget ]
  9. Just got the latest copy of CGW in the mail and they reviewed CMBB this month. No real surprises, yet it's nice to see major gaming publications confirm what those at this forum already know. And it certainly can't hurt sales. Editors Choice, 4.5 stars couple notable quotes: "It's still the best wargame out there, period." "If it's not in the game, it probably never happened." [ January 02, 2003, 05:32 PM: Message edited by: easytarget ]
  10. yep, that happens about every six months judging from the last couple years of product releases from nvidia (and even these days ATI) so catching the last generation cheaper is only a matter of being patient enough to catch the wave as it comes by every six months or so the latest wave appears to be just about ready to hit with the release of NV30 only days away - and the next rev of the R300 from ATI probably only a month or so off
  11. i'll download it tomm and give it a go and let you know how it goes do you have it posted at scnerio depot? i'll write it up if you do once i'm done...
  12. others here have posted of problems with MSN corrupted files in PBEM - either of you use it for you ISP? least i think it was MSN (didn't do a search to check) i'd say the first thing to try would be to zip up the transmission before sending it this should cause some CRC error detection to be done on both ends to make sure integrity of the file has not been lost in transmission
  13. spoiler for All or Nothing**** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * good to hear - i ran into not one but two of them in All or Nothing - both proved rather difficult to take out because they had been well placed - ultimately i took both out with tanks it was interesting because they both are pretty much the first things you run into of any consequence in that scernario as usual if you're not moving the infantry up scouting ahead first you'll lost a tank or two before you sort it out [ December 31, 2002, 06:08 PM: Message edited by: easytarget ]
  14. ***Spoiler for All or Nothing *** (not that there are probably many that haven't already seen it, but you never know) * * * * * * * * * * don't know about the croc - it and the two churchills i had were stuck at the main bridge due to lack of engs (the one's i had, which i speical delivered in a half track) decided to bug out the second the tiger started shooting the place up so i never got the croc close enough to the germans to have any fun with it fortunately i rolled an absolute ton of armor down the back side over the rail road track and got the germans to surrender on like turn 54 btw, do the americans have any arty that is as stout as the stuff the brits had in All or Nothing? I mean jeez, i had enough arty, and some big stuff too, that i literally could of just about leveled the town [ December 31, 2002, 06:10 PM: Message edited by: easytarget ]
  15. yep, did a search once i played it to see what past players of this battle had to say - interesting reading in the review i wrote recently at the scenerio depot that was my primary quibble with it - traffic handling for the allied side becomes quite a burden once the reinforcements start showing up still quite enjoyable - 1st bigger battle i've played
  16. happy new year back at ya! as for preferring cmbo over cmbb - well i guess i do actually like europe better but actually i'm playing cmbo first before moving on to cmbb just because i wanted to play them in the order they were created i bought the bundle and have yet to even install cmbb
  17. i've mostly smoked them and moved armor behind them to blow them up
  18. why do you like the stug? i've not had much luck with it against shermans i'd like to hear how you use it as for favorite vehicles of mine - i recently played All or Nothing against the AI as the brits and found the Churchill VIII to be quite formidable i'd never used one before, but in this particular battle the Churchill took shots from everything the germans had including a flak 88 and a tiger and survived - sure, this probably wonh't happen all the time - but i was pretty damn impressed hum, on another note, i also liked the brit arty - man, i had no idea they had such formidable arty - some of it was leaving craters the size of vw's - impressive stuff
  19. look in the CM game directory for a file with the name pref in it and delete it next time you run the game it will attempt to set rez and refresh and re-create the pref file [ December 31, 2002, 10:47 AM: Message edited by: easytarget ]
  20. now that is interesting so what exactly does "downsampling" do?
  21. must be something in the air this time of year this is the second post in a couple days where someone shows up out of the blue and declares a forum dead do a quick scan over in tips and tricks - you and tigrii need to hook up and talk about what you can do to help since you're both concerned enough to pop in and declare things dead
  22. Yep, scenario depot. Been there. In fact, wrote a review of All or Nothing.
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