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Everything posted by easytarget

  1. sure thing i occasionally get the tech bug myself and start looking for reasons to mess with stuff on my system here at home invariably it follows the following pattern: 1. it's the weekend and for some reason i can't quite fathom i become convinced that there's something of a hardware or software nature that i ought to tweak (usually in the desire to make it faster) 2. i proceed to "tweak" whatever it is 3. i discover usually one or both: that it didn't speed things up after all because in the end tweaks almost never do or it broke something 4. i then spend a good bit of time working my way back to a previous "untweaked" state and swear not to do it again 5. a month or two passes, i forget the above ever happened, and repeat 1-4
  2. 512 is sufficient i seriously doubt that xp will result in performance enhancement for either machine - but then i also wouldn't expect a slow down either - before i gave away my p3 500mhz i was running xp pro w/ 512mb just fine so is it worth the trouble? probably not - i mean if you want to do it just to do it, go for it - but typically i'd say going to the trouble of formatting a drive to install a different O/S should be done to address an issue (i.e. stability) - otherwise it's a fair amount of work w/ little upside - i'm sold on the idea that xp pro is better than either ME or 98, but if neither of them are giving you trouble, why do it?
  3. ATI web site has them: http://www.ati.com/support/products/pc/radeon8500/winxp/radeon8500winxpdrivers.html?cboOS=Windows+XP&cboProducts=RADEON+8500LE&cmdNext=GO%21 and yes, at 5.4mb on a dial-up it'll take awhile to d/l, but you can set it up to d/l and go to bed as for why to try them, because others here have gotten them to work - i'm not speaking from personal experience mind you, because i've sworn off ATI due to lack of fog - but as i said, others have indicated that the 2.3's work your choice as to whether to try them
  4. actually i wasn't worried about corrupted files and the clutter only lasts as long as the engagement
  5. once the other side picks their troops etc and sends you that turn back you'll have the next turn to set up troop placement - then you'll send that turn to the opponent who will do the same - at which point it's time for the 1st turn, etc etc btw, to keep things straight, and i'm sure others here do a variety of things to organize pbem's, but i and my opponent number each move in increasing order and save all of them till the battle ends (and give the pbem's for a given engagement a unique name) that way i'm never lost as to where things are at in the battle and neither is my opponent
  6. does the rest of the game work? because the opening video, while nice and all i guess, is nothing really to write home to mom about
  7. yeah, i was thinking about suggesting that i'd take 1 heavy german tank against 4 shermans any day if the german tank was hull down and the shermans were 1000m out
  8. lately i really like the hetzer and nashorn used together - hetzer has great low profile, the nashorn has a great gun and is pretty cheap - actually they're both relatively inexpensive for what you get but i also really like the jagdpanther and churchill viii - i've had both of these take hits from everywhere and shrug them off * * Spoiler for All or Nothing * * * * * * * * * * * hehe, had to mention also that in All or Nothing I had a Churchill viii take repeated hits from AT guns and every tank in the village including the tiger shooting across the river at it repeatedly - the churchill shrugged them off and took out both the AT gun on the hill and the tiger (ok, well it took out it's gun, which was just as effective)
  9. so are you saying you like the chances of shermans against heavy german tanks because the sherms move faster and therefore get a flank or rear shot on the german heavy tanks before they can turn and do something about it? it's certainly advisable not to take on a heavy german tank head on with shermans the terrain and the makeup of all the other units involved in the engagement play just as much, if not more, of a part in the engagement there are just so many variables that play a part that you really can't make blanket statements about the superiority of anything against anything else w/o more facts that being said, once the facts about an engagement are known, there are certainly better and worse ways to engage the enemy [ January 13, 2003, 09:42 PM: Message edited by: easytarget ]
  10. sounds like the phone and cable infrastrcture you guys are stuck with is in need of an upgrade to meet the bandwith demand until that happens i doubt seriously there's much you can do to fix this problem
  11. ok, that's cool and makes sense i just wanted to make sure i wasn't missing something obvious i mean in QB you're not necessarily going for historical accuracy as much as force balance if this accomplishes that so much the better from what i've seen using the hetzer and jagdpanther i can see how the allies would need more armor
  12. if you're talking about a dial-up connection i'm not sure there's a lot that can be done about the quality of the phone line you and the other side are hooked up to i mean, you can call the phone company you use for local service and see what can be done but my experience with phone companies wouldn't indicate that you'll have much luck
  13. I just finished playing a 1500 pt QB against the AI as the Germans and for no particular reason other than a desire to goof around I went in after it finished and set up the same game parameters and played allies. I noticed that the point distribution available to spend in the various categories was different for the allies than for the Germans. In this particular case what stood out in my mind was the fact that the Germans had 300 pts to spend on armor and the Allies were allowed 450. This is a meeting engagement. Why would they be different?
  14. the usual soln most turn to in gaming to deal with AI shortcomings is playing humans
  15. i don't know anything about mac's does the radeon on a mac fail to do fog at all like it fails to do on pc's?
  16. yep, i should of mentioned them also in my last post i've bought a couple vid cards from them and gotten really good service and reasonable prices (read - not the lowest, but the best value) i would assume it would work out the same way for RAM purchases
  17. i've tried mushkin and got bad sticks from them - probably a fluke, but it was annoying nonetheless course if you're not trying to buy the fastest RAM available from them (like stuff they sell with a latency of 2) it'll probably be ok i've never gotten any bad RAM from crucial - they aren't the cheapest either of course but no matter who you go with, it's bound to be cheaper purchased on-line than from either best buy or comp-usa - neither of those are good choices for computer hardware of any kind - poor selection and bad pricing
  18. does the size of the unit actually affect LOS or does it simply change what you see in terms of the unit size viewed in the game?
  19. man is that wierd - i only get tcp/ip to work under xp pro with the firewall turned off course we could have it config'd differently but still
  20. look below on this page - a few topics down is a post with a title catalyst drivers for radeon - argh according to that post, the catalyst 2.3's are the latest drivers you can run w/o problems or so the author claims - i've not tested it rather i got rid of my radeon vid card and swore to never buy another one - it may be a minor thing, but i found it beyond annoying that after all these years of knowing it, ATI still puts out cards with drivers that don't support fog
  21. buster, what type of cooling is on the vid card? is it just a heat sync? or is it a heat sync and a fan? and have you noticed the system being noticably hotter when it crashes? perhaps compare how the air feels temp wise blowing out of the case when the system has been on for awhile but not running CM to the temp it feels like right at the point of it crashing while in CM
  22. wwb_99, excellent point - i've noticed on my dell machine, which is designed with some fairly serious heat solns, (one fan pulls air in from outside the case and blows it straight on the processor - another fan blows air into the rest of the case) that when i've been playing CM for awhile the machine definitely works a lot harder to deal with the heat i can easily tell by just sticking my hand by where the air blows out from the case - fairly cool when in xp desktop - significantly hotter after an hour or so of CM in the past i've had systems randomly lock up on me for no apparent reason with two different causes ultimatley diagnosed: heat was one issue, IRQ conflicts was the other in both cases i could of been doing just about anything or nothing and get a BSOD in the case of the heat issue, it was vid card related - the heat sync/fan on the vid card was intermittently going off just before it finally died [ January 05, 2003, 07:20 PM: Message edited by: easytarget ]
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