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Everything posted by easytarget

  1. hell, i'll chime in on this one imho CM is the best damn game ever made the only other game for me personally that has had the same kind of visceral impact and addiction factor was doom in both case each game came along and changed the gaming world forever in their respective genres so, add me to the list of gamers who hardily appreciate BTS's work in creating this masterpiece bravo BTS
  2. Just got the latest copy of computer gaming world with a short review of GI Combat that gave it one star out of five.
  3. in the first e-mail i send i include all the pertient info about type of battle, weather, etc it never occured to me that it was missing since i always send it, but i guess you're right that it's missing what i find more problematic in QB's is the fact that i don't see the map till after i've purchased troops/armor/art/etc
  4. this is indeed probably the best forum a gaming company ever put up - and the community that it facilitates makes a great game still greater as for lurking, i'm sure there are many - but congrats on coming out from under the rock and posting - don't be a stranger on the question of up coming games from BTS, they do read the forum and occasionally interact here - thier next project is discussed quite a bit in the forums with much conjecture as to what it will be - at this point we know it'll be a new engine - the theater of war is still up in the air - or so the forum regulars will lead you to believe suffice it to say this forum will be where you hear about it when the decision has been made [ February 02, 2003, 09:25 PM: Message edited by: easytarget ]
  5. thx for the response and suggestion - i tried it and didn't make any difference - very strange first time i've run into a scenario that just won't come up in the listing oh well - there are plenty of other cmbo scenarios that have never been reviewed at the depot - so i'll grab some others and play'em and review'em
  6. you can still find 4400's - although i'm not sure you'll like the price i did a quick search at newegg.com and found a gainward gold sample 4400 for 195 i just picked up a ti200 gold sample gainward card at newegg for 100 bucks and it works just fine so if this is for CM you certainly don't need to get a 4400 unless you're dead set on it the nice thing about gold sample gainward cards is that they take the best yield chips for the board and put on some heavy duty fans and vid memory heat sinks because they come from the mfg overlocked - with the software that comes with the card you can then take them back down to default speed settings and basically have a very conservative set up that won't burn up go to newegg and do a search under vid card mfg and you'll see the listing for the gainward cards and what they are offering imho the ti200 is more than enough card and relatively cheap that way down the road you can pick up the next gen nvidia card once the prices have come down at least that's what i plan on doing
  7. I've grabbed and played scenarios from the depot in the past with no problem, yet today I've hit a snag with one and I'm looking for a wee bit of diagnostic help on what could be the problem. Short synopsis of steps: 1. downloaded zipped scenario from depot 2. unzipped scenario into scenario directory (this btw is cmbo) 3. checked that unzipped .cmb file is in scenario directory - it is 4. started cmbo and looked for scenario in the scenario listings - read up and down the list repeatedly just to make sure i wasn't missing it 5. scenario doesn't show up in the list 6. jump in and out of game just to make sure it looks properly for the scenario - makes no diff 7. e-mail the author and come here and post looking for help thx in advance for help
  8. i'd like to throw my 2 cents in saying "great idea" as a relatively new member to the CM community i can say from first hand experience it's very helpful to look at reviews and comments on scenarios - the shear volume of CMBO scenarios is very daunting which brings me to my question: i've noticed there are more than a few cmbo scenarios unreviwed as well - are you'll just sticking to cmbb on this effort? i've bought the bundle and started with cmbo (and plan on sticking with it for awhile before installing cmbb) - so even though it's probably viewed as long in the tooth, i'll be working on playing unreviewed scenarios for cmbo
  9. the description of the problem is the epitomy of brevity [ January 31, 2003, 12:02 AM: Message edited by: easytarget ]
  10. rest easy - i appreciate your efforts, but go gently into the night of retirement - CMMOS wasn't meant for everyone, i'm one of them in the time it would take me to type up all that you've requested, i could (and actually have) installed literally dozens of mods in mere seconds per mod by simply creating multiple directories and calling them mod1, mod2, etc when i want to use a particular set, i rename the dir i want to use and off i go
  11. about 4 or 5 messages above i list a couple of the mods i attempted to install (bldg mods with cmmos in the name by mike duplessis and panzertruppen - to name but two) yes, i also mentioned above that all of this is going on the F drive Alsatian sent me a mod he had "fixed" so it would work, and it did - in fact it's the only one that has worked the rest are supposedly CMMOS mods, yet when i unzip them they are missing either info.txt or description.txt or both - or if both are present CMMOS doesn't recognize them as CMMOS compatible mods anyway
  12. the mods downloaded were from the CMMOS pages at combat mission hq in fact they were the mods listed directly below the rule set in each case of the 7 or 8 i've downloaded, exactly zero worked what description of steps do you need because here's what i followed: step 1 install CMMOS step 2 install rules step 3 install mods step 4 read error log stating why the mod doesn't work
  13. i just bought a Dell 2650 today - mostly for my wife to work on, but also to play CM on - one of the things i made sure of was that it was one of our notebooks that offers Nvidia chipsets rather than ATI are you inside 30 days of purchasing the notebook? if so you can return and purchase either the 8200 (which currently has an option for the nividia geforce 440 go chipset) or the 2650 (which currently offers a 16mb or 32mb Nvidia geforce2 go chipset) btw, this is not to say that Schrullenhaft will not be able to help diagnose and solve the problem - but it is a fall back option
  14. i wish someone would make it so it worked on a PC i'm totally underwhelmed by it it takes WAY less time to simply back up my bmp directory and install mods as i see fit than to use this program which at this point with cmbo requires you to manually open up mods and add txt files to them in order to get them to work - that may sound simple, but of the 6 or 7 at this point i've opened, none have the requisite files and none had a jpg in them so you could preview them - which imho is really the only point in using it in the first place nice idea, just not user friendly for me
  15. btw, i'm on the F drive, does CMMOS care what drive it's on? i mean it's not one of those programs that insists on being on the C drive is it?
  16. btw, just uninstalled and reinstalled CMMOS and the rulesets and then proceeded to attempt to load buildings by mike duplessis and buildings by panzertruppen (both have CMMOS in the name) in both cases i got the error in the log saying both are not CMMOS mods
  17. Rob Murray, Yes, I installed CMMOS, then the rule sets, then the mods with CMMOS in the name - none of them worked. Pretty disappointing. Since it doesn't take long on broadband to download anything (especially since I get 4-500mbs downloads) I guess I'll try and grab CMMOS again and install it and see what that does. Alsatian, Thx for the e-mail, I've sent you a reply. Look forward to hearing back and appreciate the help!
  18. btw, since writing the above i've downloaded some more mods with CMMOS in the name from command mission hq and i'm still getting no love says the files in question are no CMMOS mods yet the mods in question have CMMOS in the name help
  19. Ok, I've tried a couple times now to get this to work and I'm running into some difficulty. In particular, I've downloaded CMMOS, I've downloaded the rule sets listed on the same page (i think there were like 4 or 5 covering vehicles, terrain, etc). I'm now downloading mods from combat mission hq and i'm discovering over and over and over again that the mods I'm downloading are not cmmos compatible even though the page lay out itself seems to imply that the listed mods would be compatible. A page just listing CMMOS compatible mods would seem an obvious soln. So far, I've downloaded 6 mods (thank god I've got broadband so the fact that I've grabbed 6 mods at 10mbs hasn't really annoyed me in and of itself) and I've gotten exactly none of them to work. I'll freely admit this could be user error which is why I'm posting here for help. All I know is the CMMOSlog.txt says the following about the mods I've grabbed: not properly formatted or not a CMMOS mod. So, what I need is a list of what mods are CMMOS compatible so I can stop wasting time downloading mods that aren't. Either that, or I need to know if no such list exists so I can reasess the usefulness or lack thereof of this program. Thx for the help in advance on this one! I'd love to mod in some fashion more organized than just dumping bmp's into the cmbo directory and seeing what happens. That to me has disaster written all over it.
  20. Since the industrial capacity of the U.S. at the time was greater than Italy, Japan and Germany combined, it would of made little difference what the Germans focused on (short of a nuclear weapon).
  21. one additional comment i realize it would be considered gamey, but for some us playing CM that's really not an issue - we're playing it at least some of the time (gasp) as just a game to that end, it would be nice in purchasing to be able to tweak at a platoon level e.g. buying an allied company sticks me with a piat and a mortar team whether i want them or not - what if i just want a whole bunch of rifle platoons and don't want to burn points on piats or mortars - no luck - all or nothing
  22. thx for the replies i'll see how the allies do in this QB - should be interesting - i was just initially dismayed by the seemingly severe limitation on choices as compared to the germans - i liked all the choices and combinations as for gamey, these PBEM's are with my brother and we've already agreed you can buy anything you care to - as far as we're concerned we're still learning the game and anything you can select is available - which includes both tactics and units - the possibility of us buying and successfully utilizing units in a gamey way is slim [ January 18, 2003, 04:05 PM: Message edited by: easytarget ]
  23. drink one for me buddy! actually, come to think of it, i'll probably drink a couple myself this evening anyway, your post reminded me of something i was just on the verge of forgetting myself now we'll both enjoy CM this weekend instead of the travails of tweaking [ January 18, 2003, 11:01 AM: Message edited by: easytarget ]
  24. and i'll take 2 vet jagdpanthers, 3 or 4 hmg42's, more infantry made up of smg's than would constitute your company of paras, 2 pak40's to your one 76 AT, a couple 81 morts, just about every german platoon has AT weaps(i might buy a couple shreks anyway), i'll take a nashorn and add more opportunity to take out your crack churchills instead of big arty (yeah, could be a mistake) result: seems to me the germans still have more infantry capable of doing more damage - in an ME once all the fun has been had with arty and armor - all the germans have to do is exchange off the arty/armor and they stand a good chance of winning the infantry battle but hey, you're post has given me an angle to pursue in my QB's - using airborne - i'll try it and see how it goes - thx [ January 18, 2003, 11:07 AM: Message edited by: easytarget ]
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