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Everything posted by theike

  1. One just takes for granted whats out there every day, and yes to us that great place is out there most every day. Thanks for that.
  2. No; but i see where your coming from; Playing bigger maps, with alot to do at different places...and especialy at the front, can make u forget to look at the rear, ore where-ever. Its called FOW (I just forgot to move my reinforcements to the front...i took a look at them, thought; 'AHA!!!' made a mental note to move them later in that turn...went back to where i was doing my 'pfff-this-is-tricky-here-attack', and just forgot about my mental note. ) In bigger battles on bigger maps (btw i dont play scenarios with too much craters and fire in it from the strart) the laggyness can also be such a burdon that u dont view around as much as u should. Guess if u want to really play it well u will have to take your time.
  3. Shift-G will show u the information of the status of your units. But i dont like the idea of warnings by the computer, popping up in boxes ore in voice ore whatever. It will keep on going on and on whenever a battle gets messy. I dont like to get disturbed when im in my own little world [ August 21, 2003, 06:59 PM: Message edited by: theike ]
  4. Tough choice. Yes. Maybe in a sort of yellow sceme? Like the famous flammpanzer (by Saturnin) There are more done in that sceme since, and they all make it to my favorites list. and since this tanky has always been my favorite in cmbo, i wouldnt want anything less for him that just the best (just being cheeky, ofcourse :cool: its your mod to make.) note: But the Saturnin-look will break those big surfaces down. Its one of the scemes that does that. many dont. And those big surfaces always made this mod a hard one to make interesting. [ August 21, 2003, 08:42 AM: Message edited by: theike ]
  5. I see some different names in the Seelow-pack-posts on the depot. Are those some made but not in the pack on your site? I looked at all the maps yesterdaynight and i have to say it really looks good...a good difference in map types and in the largeness of the battles, but also in the units. Alot of them look pretty interesting to play to me. nice work
  6. its no STUG; it looks more like a million dollars... [ August 19, 2003, 09:56 PM: Message edited by: theike ]
  7. It works for me aswell, i just downloaded and unzipped them. Lotta maps, man!!! cool. Gonna take a look
  8. lol, i often do the opposite, Monty. I tend to get in my tanks a little bit too quick when i THINK a route is save, (like in the pbem with my bro now...i just shot a wooden bunker in a tree line and it wend quiet there, so i drove on to link up with my infantry; came out of that same tree line suddenly a at gun just while i was riding by with my side towards it...;darn). But still; i know what to do, but staying with what i know is mostly up to my mood while im playing. One of his 'rules' i believe: sticking to your instincts? [ August 18, 2003, 09:50 AM: Message edited by: theike ]
  9. None of you modders had been doubted of in any way by the community, nore were your mods, nore was Eichenbaums site. I think the general reason why so many people replied on the accusations yesterday, was that it was done is such a demeaming way. When a few spoke out about it they also got accused and bad mouthed. So there wend a ball on rolling. Anyways, it has all ended now, and i dont have any less respect for all the people around here then before, if it changed; i have more now, not less. I have to say Eichenbaum after being so kicked and down showed me he was of a great karakter. cheers [ August 18, 2003, 09:26 AM: Message edited by: theike ]
  10. I cant say 'the kicking in the door' is worth a name by itself. I dont see anything i didnt know myself, and even added together its nothing more then comon sense talking. Ore am i missing something? If there is more to learn, please? ;im eager to learn...
  11. one last word from me: Noone, and i do mean noone besides the blamer himself has spoken any discriminating ore demaening words about anybody. yet read back and youll see he's full of it
  12. I dont care to spent another word on this. This guy is truely of a weirdos nature cheers my friend, have a nice provocating life
  13. oh,i see he just had the time to explane that one to me. well....... I dont see how someone with that big a problems with a games subject as we have here, does play it. I mean we ARE trying to create a close to true immage of ww2 happenings. And put into that light; whats wrong with a swastica around at places? Its not like we al try to be in a political movement here and try to create a virtual world of any pro-nazi liking, is it? Its just what was out there, at that time. If u dont want to see it, because you cant bare the sight of it.... then well...u have options [ August 17, 2003, 07:56 PM: Message edited by: theike ]
  14. I have just been reading all of the Eichenbaum topic; and i say BAN Reinhard. Not just for getting into a accusational mood around Eichembaum...but hes showing his true nature as he starts talking to JUJU. I say ban him. I dont care to hear another word from that guy. [ August 17, 2003, 07:44 PM: Message edited by: theike ]
  15. looking lovely. Yeah why not make 3 versions? one with the red in...one with camo all over...and one with just the sidescurts done? But whatever you will do; the end result will become a very outstanding and unique and therefore beloved and therefore long lasting mod; ...one can already see that now.
  16. Lovely to see the effort u put into this. also inspiring to read what all went in before, and what all a maker has to think of... When i download it now it wont be that blank. and download i will... cheers [ August 17, 2003, 11:12 AM: Message edited by: theike ]
  17. so... Tiger Mod from CMBO to CMBB is not correct. ahwell; it made me look
  18. ??...but the download for the tiger tank only sais cmbo. Is the tank also usable for cmbb? I mean, i would like to know just to know if i should try the download ore not, because i would if i could, because i like the mod...i would use it probably, if u know what i mean... :cool:
  19. ...only if it sounds cool though... No; i was just having a nick-choosing-flashback to unreal tournament....dont listen to me...
  20. This is turning out to be a most interesting topic... (i dont care for low hits on dream-trauma's(???) though.) Im guessing most of us played about a 100 and more battles in cmbo and cmbb...and if the game wants to provide us with the will to play on to a 200 it will have to go into depth's in some places. May it be in the engine, may it be in the editor... I would as some others like to see, not only more variation in buildings, but also a means to be abble to build some towns in a way they make up for a sort of natural forts. as sometimes the case in ww2 europe, russia, and africa. That means more different, and clustered builings and more and better use-able walls. Also the one bunker we have doesnt make for a descent wall of defence. Some ways to make for a real structure of concrete would make for a new way of battle-ing... Recon was very important ofcourse. And probably motorcicles were used in them, alot, in early days... JUST for gamey issues i wouldnt leave them out. And the point about there being trucks and kubelwagons, i think is a good one...isnt it? But what does one want? more types of units again? ore maybe now, more ways to make differend landscapes? I would go for the improvement of the landscape this time. Because with the same enviromental tiles, one can only make the same enviroments, (and cmak is not going to be more then a change in looks and units then.) But then again: Yes, it would be most welcome to hide my little-recon-vehicle behind that 'Huge-Wall-of-Tank' just there.... Oh and: Yes, the going in and out of buildings can be very confusing and deadly...a improvement there would also be most welcome. So...hmm...i dono :mad: im confused now as to what i want. Please dont make me choose!!? [ August 15, 2003, 09:19 AM: Message edited by: theike ]
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