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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Lucky_Strike

  1. I presume that you monitor the forum by using the Activity > All activity option at the top of the front page to the forums? I like to do this and then scroll through to see what's happening rather than follow specific threads or sub forums, one big list of everything. Trouble is with THAT thread it takes forever to scroll through recent activity and I have undoubtedly missed stuff I'm actually interested in, aside from the waste of time. So to get around it what I do is: 1. Select Activity at the top 2. Select Unread Content in the options just below 3. Select the most recent How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get? post, usually at the top of the list, open it and then go back. This has the effect of marking the whole thread as read 4. Your Unread Content list will now be much shorter, devoid of a bazillion posts, easy and quick to navigate. One unfortunate caveat, when you click on a link to a thread in the Unread Content list you will always be taken to the first page of the thread regardless of how old it is - I guess the system thinks you want to read the whole thread or something. Anyway it's quite trivial to then go to the most recent page of the thread and read to your heart's content. edit: PS don't forget to click the Mark site read button at top right when you finished reading, clears all the crud from your list ... Yes ...
  2. Good thank you sir now waiting for the second one to be done, sometime, maybe, please, pretty please, my need is more urgent than ... Headaches aside, I might have a few more months to wait yet. In the meantime I have this to keep me happy: ... and of course your fantastic modding efforts and scenarios ... and this https://imgur.com/r/kittens
  3. Bravissimo Signore Kohlenklau! Or should that be Signore Rubare il Carbone! I'll raise a glass of cinzanno to you, Saluti! (Though I do still like your original effort)
  4. Great stuff Mr Pye, very impressive and atmospheric. Does make me contemplate a few special city mods that could be added to the pantheon ... a future project.
  5. So a while back I did a little experiment and some tinkering with the BRZ archive files. It occurred to me that there is quite a bit of crud in those files and maybe getting rid of it would make life a little easier for this befuddled old modder. I was forever swapping stuff in and out of my Z folder and rummaging in the BRZ archives. What I discovered was that it's possible to get rid of all the crud in the BRZs the game simply carries on regardless. Does it save a huge amount of space - a bit and not a lot: Sizes with all BRZ archives exploded, all modules, battle packs etc - there's no particular compression the BRZs are just a container/delivery method for the files. CMBN clean exploded v4.03 as installed 10.6GB CMBN edited removing all redundant files 8.3GB CMFB clean exploded v2.03 as installed 12.9GB CMFB edited removing all redundant files 12.65GB CMFI clean exploded v2.11 as installed 17.5GB CMFI edited removing all redundant files 15.97GB CMRT clean exploded v2.11 as installed 18.2GB CMRT edited removing all redundant files 17GB These are sizes on a Mac but the exact same files are used across both OS's so the only real differences in game size will be whether one is talking exe or app ... not much difference at all. So I now run my games with fully exploded Data sets and tiny empty BRZs named in the exact same way as the originals installed by the games. In terms of game loading time - not a lot if any difference was encountered. The one major plus from my point of view is I can now find files I need quickly and organise them how I want, so long as they are in the Data folder - as I add finished mods, which I know I will keep, I can add those to my Data folders set - that is they don't need to be in a special Z folder. And yes I have everything backed up for when my brain stops functioning correctly. Note: this was done during lockdown - I had a bit of time on my hands ...
  6. Bravo M. Falaise le tailleur de pierre! Merci beaucoup.
  7. going to the docs today, then hopefully the glacial pace of our wonderful NHS may speed up a notch to get the other one done ... or not. I (or eye) can see enough to take a peek at replacing, removing colour, trying to remember what I've done in the past. What Ben points to with Hue/Saturation is certainly an option, desaturating is helpful, but affects different colours at a differing rates, desaturated dunkelgelb will look quite light but dunkelgrun will go quite dark so will give you a blotchy grey. There are useful replace colour commands in PS, likely something similar in GIMP, careful selection will give good results with this though details might disappear as well. Does @MikeyD not have a plane yellow version? I know that there were a bunch of plane yellow AFVs released some time ago ...
  8. You probably need to change the screen resolution in the system preferences. On Macs CM uses the same resolution as the system.
  9. Fo'sure ... goddamit took me six goes just to type that and get it right ... know how Nelson must have felt now ...
  10. Can totally understand the enjoyment of the creative process, it's what happens with us modders and map makers and scenario designers ... it's got to be said that there is an amazing breadth of value to be derived from your original creation. If I added up the hours spent on these games against the cost of them I doubt I'm even paying a penny an hour for the pleasure ...
  11. Ooh yes, we could certainly use some different looking bunkers and emplacements. No reason why we couldn't have them look however we want ... all sandbag construction, no roof, machine gun pit under a tank hulk ... of course they would still offer the same protection, or lack of, but aesthetically they might be more pleasing.
  12. The state of my vision through the day ... What about dressing up a pill box or bunker with a house? Or am I completely missing the point ...
  13. Dang that's a bummer ... I wish you were just round the corner, I'd lend you my GPU as it's just sitting idle at the moment, no play cos of my squiffy eye situation ... I'll send you some good vibes instead ...
  14. More like Santa Klau Thanks for all your work on our collective Christmas stocking Phil. And all those who contributed. Have a very Merry Christmas! Sláinte
  15. These updates can be a right PITA sometimes. I had one that completely changed the colour cast of my display, no particular reason so far as I could tel and no reports elsewhere of that same thing. Reverted to the working driver and never updated again. I'm lucky in as much as I use my PC solely for CM gaming, the rest of the tIme I'm on a Mac. No much help to you though - I'm out of ideas on this one, my only suggestion would again be to uninstall the ReShade software and do a clean installation of that, see if it plays nicely with the new drivers. Otherwise I guess it could be one of the fx shaders so try disabling those one at a time to rule out any baduns.
  16. Ah yes, there's no simple way around this, sometimes one is lucky with found models and they come in and work beautifully, other times they'll just drive you Using newer versions of Blender does sometimes help but the differences in the way textures are handled, along with a very different GUI, makes for a very complex route to get your models into the game. Seeing a couple of your screen shots reminded me that another thing that can cause stuff to disappear is forgetting to retriangulate everything before exporting; if parts are manipulated the mesh triangles can easily distort and so need to be retriagulated.
  17. Now that you're pretty sure it's the Nvidia software causing the crash (makes sense) how about if you completely uninstall ReShade, then do a clean ReShade install and try to run it with the Nvidia software disabled? I do remember trying the Nvidia Overlay some time ago, but it's impact on CM games was really not worth the bother YMMV. I was happier running just the normal Nvidia control panel and tweaking game settings there with ReShade doing most of the heavy lifting effects-wise.
  18. Yes I thought you must have worked out some wrinkles already, great stuff. Disappearing models up close ... are they disappearing? Or jumping somewhere else on the map, like into the distance off the map area? I have seen this happen before, usually caused by some transformation in Blender not applied correctly, can be quite hard to pin down. Other possibilities are that the disappearing textures should be double-sided objects in Blender, or maybe the normals are messed up, facing the wrong way. I can't really work on anything at the moment, docs orders, so can't take a look for you, but I'm sure you'll work it out.
  19. Hi JM. You could try making a copy of the Sherman texture bmp, renaming it to a custom name eg sherman-wreck_1.bmp then, in Blender, replace the original Sherman texture used by the flavour object wreck with the renamed one. You would need to supply the renamed texture with your mod of course, but the game should recognise the change and only use the renamed texture for the Sherman wreck flavour object.
  20. Hehe, so what I'd like is a set with panzers printed on them, wonder if the Tank Museum would start a new range just for us ...?
  21. I remember these. Thought I'd do a quick Google for them, put in panzerpajamas and got this as a result ... ... not seeing the panzer link here, very functional though ... sorry it's not what you were after.
  22. Yurst, that's what I thought our Kohl had done too. He's cunning for sure. Yes that's what I was thinking of. In RL the Germans would have to try to immobilise these beasts then wait for an '88 or just swarm over the things with infantry. As you say, we sadly can't have towed '88s. I suppose an extreme mod option would be to dress up a 75 to look like a flak 88 so it could be towed, would need to dress the towing vehicle to look like an Sdkfz 7. Bit of a faff, but all the models are there to do this. The 75 might then be able to take out the KV2/SU152 - all gets very confusing. I don't think we have access to teller mines sadly, or do pioneers have them? Don't know, haven't looked. Would be a great addition to a scenario like this.
  23. Hi aexis. No expert in ReShade. Have you tried reinstalling ReShade. It looks like you reinstalled your games so maybe something got broken when doing that. You can manually remove the installed ReShade parts - the dll files, the folder with fx shaders and any ini files. If you've made ini files you can copy those out of your game folders to save them. ReShade is pretty simple and usually if it crashes the game still runs. From your description this sounds more like an install/Steam issue to me.
  24. It was the fact the crew were wearing helmets that made me wonder what was underneath. It's a pretty effective compromise. I actually find the Stummels quite useful so long as they're used right so no reason this StuGmel can't be effective. I had thoughts of something similar for the KV2 behemoth - stick a KV2 skin on a SU152 - okay we don't get turret traverse (easily explained in the scenario briefing as damage) but it would have a similar speed and armour protection effectiveness, and of course that cannon ... see if a platoon of Panzer IIIs can take it out ... Yep, bit outgunned; even against a T34/76 'twould struggle. KV1 is a tough nut to impersonate. Need something a bit slow with a relatively small gun but well armoured. A redressed T34 would work to a degree, but too speedy; maybe a Valentine ... tough against PzIIIs, slow, good armour, decent gun ...
  25. Hey Kohl, what's under this beastie, is it a chopped long barrelled StuG or a Sdkfz 251 dressed up - is this why them crew stay opened up?
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