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Everything posted by Lucky_Strike

  1. If you're looking for some visually dense crops you can try swapping in some of the tall crops from my Hedgerow Hell mod for CMBN. Some of them might give you a more dense look. However, be aware that the pixeltruppen will always see the same regardless of what the graphics look like.
  2. Another good tip to make a note of. Thanks Dave. This makes good sense if the app container, or something inside the app, has gotten somehow corrupted. MacOS is quite forgiving with running copies of apps like you're suggesting. I have duplicates of several of the games installed so that I can run some of the larger mod sets without worrying about swapping them in and out eg early war eastern front and the North Africa mods.
  3. I'll take that wager No exe's on Macs ...
  4. Hmm, hope he's not gotten buried under a model shelf collapse ... perhaps he was in need of time off. Whatever it is I hope he's well.
  5. You're most welcome. Always liked the White Scout Car, now with extra icing! Great job!
  6. Right, so I had a look at what I have in my data folders and as I suspected there was an issue with the various White Scout Car/M3A1 textures. At some point there was an overhaul of some sort of these textures which included name changes/corrections, whether this was completely on purpose or through some human error is anybodies guess. Result was some file duplication/redundancy and subsequent confusion. As you noticed there are two seemingly identical bmps in the M3A1 set (used for USA and French forces). Incidentally the same has happened to the textures of the White Scout Car used by the British and CW forces. To pour extra fuel onto this fire of confusion the textures for the M3A1 are also named using the same prefix as the British version ie white-scout-car- rather than the more sensible m3a1-scout-car- or something like that, possibly 'cos there's already textures named m3a1-... for something else? So we have a lot of textures named with the prefix white-scout-car- half of which are actually now redundant. Not good for modders as you discovered. Back to your M3A1 textures: the bmps you are working on include the unnecessary legacy textures which the game engine no longer uses so far as I can tell. If you look closely at the bmps they do not have the exact same names: the US versions are: white-scout-car_us-hull.bmp white-scout-car-us-hull.bmp the French versions are: white-scout-car_us-hull [french].bmp white-scout-car-us-hull [french].bmp ... notice the difference in both sets car_us vs car-us It's very subtle but very important as well. The game engine only uses the set with all hyphens in their names NOT the set with underscore, so your textures should all be named following the convention: white-scout-car-us-hull.bmp white-scout-car-us-hull [french].bmp white-scout-car-us-hull [french snow].bmp white-scout-car-us-hull [french muddy].bmp white-scout-car-us-wheels.bmp white-scout-car-us-wheels [snow].bmp etc, no need for specifically French wheels, and watch out, poor old Aris came up against the same confusion so may have include the redundant files and mixed some British with US wheels. Also I don't think you need to worry about the mainland tag - that isn't used in the installed set so far as I can tell. Finally, if you decide to make snowy versions for the British/CW forces then similarly there are redundant textures. You would only need to make textures with naming based on the following: white-scout-car-hull.bmp white-scout-car-hull [olive].bmp white-scout-car-hull [snow].bmp white-scout-car-hull [olive snow].bmp white-scout-car-hull [muddy].bmp etc, and white-scout-car-wheels.bmp white-scout-car-wheels [olive].bmp white-scout-car-wheels [snow].bmp white-scout-car-wheels [olive snow].bmp etc, you get the idea. The only distinction between the base textures for the US/French M3A1 and British/CW White Scout Car is the inclusion of us. I think there may be other vehicle textures that have some element of this type of confusion, but can't remember which - all this stuff is stored on scraps of paper scattered all over the place or in my poor old noodle, which is probably not the best repository ...
  7. Now that you mention it I do recall that there was something odd about the White Scout Car bmps. I did some experiments last year with flushing out all the redundant duplicated or updated bmps from the brz files in the original game installation and there was definitely something amiss with the White Scout Car and a few others related to it. Can't remember the specifics but it sounds like you've stumbled across the same set of fecked up files. I'll go and take a look at the files to see what I did with them, there only needs to be one file for each specific texture, duplicates are essentially written over in the cache and, as ever with CM, the last to load gets used. Glad you sorted the problem. Nice to see some fresh mods, thanks for your efforts!
  8. Without access to the files where I am, but looking at the files in your first mods for the M10 etc, I think you will need to change the naming schemata for the bmps. For example white-scout-car_us-hull [french].bmp should be renamed white-scout-car_us-hull [mainland french snow].bmp this should be done for all the bmps which are specific to the French version of the vehicle. But if there are wheels in there as well, they should probably be left as white-scout-car_us-wheels [snow].bmp or however they are named, again referring to the naming schemata of your first mod. This is so that they don't futz up anything else that might be sharing the textures. You shouldn't need to do anything with the mdr. Obviously all of the above should be done working on copies of the originals ...
  9. Seconded, very atmospheric, looking forward to seeing this one in the flesh ...
  10. When I get back to making some more foliage mods I will have to do some testing to see what effects various combos can have. I have my eye (the one good one!) on a potential scenario that I'd like to put together for a very specific encounter so it may be quite informative to make some tests.
  11. Heheh ... log files are not the most intuitive sources of useful info. Your original issue does sound like it was some corruption related to permissions. I occasionally find folders that have become mysteriously locked on my Mac, I've not touched them in ages, they are just locked ... I put it down to crashes that happen when there is something using the folder or it's contents. Sometimes a restart clears this, sometimes it doesn't, then I have to resort to the black arts to get in to the folder. I wonder, since the CM game apps are comprised of an app hidden inside a container, if the container somehow becomes off-limits during a crash so the current user has no permission to use it (no access) thus can't launch it. This info might be written back to some database at system level so preventing the user ever getting into the container (or copy/reinstall) again?! Anyway, your solution is very welcome and handy to keep as a tip for the future ...
  12. Thanks for this Freyberg. In your original account did you dump your user preferences files, plist files or whatever the game uses to preserve settings? Also were there any log outputs anywhere that could throw any light on what what happening, that is to say was there anything useful in the Console app?
  13. Very interesting. Were the results with light and heavy ground with or without trees? Heavy includes more brush if I'm not mistaken, so should be harder to see through. I have always thought, along with some other likeminded folks that we need an extra type of ground cover or object to place in woods to create a denser feel in places - thickets. The best way of mimicking this is to use individual sections of bocage or hedge as these can happily coexist on the same tile as trees or bushes. Also good for making areas impassable to almost everything.
  14. Well so far 7 devil-may-care adventurous sorts have downloaded it ... I live a bit too close to Salisbury to be taking any risks ... ... ... BTW it contains two files - First day of the war.btt and Tiger Hunt.btt
  15. I think you'll need to take along the picture for reference, just be careful there's some fairly old duffers working there, don't want to shock them too much. And following on from @IronCat60's suggestion, it would be very cool to have them printed to look like a tank with an escape hatch at the rear end ...
  16. You can't add extra sounds, you can only edit the existing sounds - replacing them with completely different sounds or tweaking the original files to, for example, make them louder or quieter. Whatever you do the sound files must retain the naming structure of the originals. Unless somebody knows different...
  17. Testing BootCamp vs Mac on my iMac. Specs of iMac: iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, 2019) 3.1 GHz Intel Core i5 40 GB 2667 MHz DDR4 Radeon Pro 575X 4 GB 1TB SSD Windows 10 vs MacOS 10.14 Did a fresh install of CMFB on BootCamp. CMFB on Mac side already installed, pretty much vanilla. From a fresh boot and start up of game loading time for scenario To Verdenne & Victory described as Huge was about 30 seconds under MacOS, nothing abnormal. Same scenario under Windows 10 took about 50 seconds, slower but tolerable. Second runs on both were appreciably quicker by about a third to half. Certainly nothing like the 3 minutes you experienced. Game play was pretty much identical. Probably a driver level issue with your GPU. Just one thing to make sure of, is the PC utilising the GPU when running CM or is it using any built-in on CPU graphics chip by default? This can happen on PC that have both.
  18. Yeah, Parallels or any other VM will not really utilise the GPU in the same way as a proper OS, it'll work but just not to it's full potential. I'm thinking that BootCamp would be the way to go cos it's a proper OS install fully utilising the GPU. I have BootCamp set up on my iMac so I will give it a go, see what happens.
  19. You could try running Windows in BootCamp on the MacBook to get a direct comparison. Without trotting off upstairs and firing up all my stuff I can't quote you my system specs, but roughly I have a fairly recent 27" 4K Intel iMac with a Radeon card of some sort vs a custom built PC with a 1660 nVidia GPU, Win 10 and have never noticed any slow starts like you experienced with your Radeon endowed PC. Anecdotal evidence of course. I will have a go with my iMac in BootCamp to see if it has issues when loading a game. Must say never liked Radeon cards in PCs just didn't ever perform so well for me (CM is the only game I play).
  20. A seascape ...? And yes as Kohlenklau says, for images try something like imgur. The forum gods only allow a tiny amount of space to mortals for posting images ...
  21. Yes that's a way of doing it, more clicks and no short summary of each post in a, usually, concise list, but for sure it'll get around the somewhat overwhelming Ukraine thread.
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