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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. Yeah like your ;--) except remove the two hyphens and you'll get HC's patented reply, Go to the FAQ for posting to see what notations coincide to each emoticon
  2. Damn it :mad: JJ, I think we now have to type them in , not like it used to be when we could just cursor and click. Check out the FAQ for posting and we're limited to three.
  3. Well you want to put the "Holy Spirit" into SC3? Here's my suggestion.....well one of my suggestions...but this is the starting point. Go to the matrixgames forums and look in the sticky thread at the top in "WW2 Road to Victory" game forum that's labeled "Mods & Scenarios". The specific thread is "Classic Counters Mod". Read it and notice the graphics done by a poster named GJK. Hubert...if you're reading this..go get this guy for graphics/art for any additional games you do. This will help instill the "Holy Spirit". Now anyone want to bet that SC3 can't recapture the game that SC1 was???? Don't be foolish Rambonehead....it can be better.
  4. A 50 by 50 tile zoom out feature, where units can be selected and moved or use their strike phase. Of course we don't need a lot of detail at this scale, just the highlighted movement and strike possibilities. I'm finding that air, naval, and land units with high APs, 25 to 50, have to scroll the map to see their ending turn, strike tile, or to examine their spotted possibilities. Its manageable but a bit cumbersome.
  5. We always knew you were and will HC. Good one Kuni, but in the end, if a Texas Ranger wants to dance, its better for your health if you let him. But yes, if the TR is CW then choose your words carefully and use positive reinforcement to get that ole BBQ steak back.
  6. OK damnit Xwood, I do prefer hexes, but wth, its like you said a "TRULY GREAT GAME", and this editor is fricken awesome. One more thing...if you guys haven't figured it out yet....I have to present an arbitrarian viewpoint, even if I don't actually believe in it. It has to be done....someone has got to represent an opposing persceptive, ....for the sake of examination, hypothesis, theory...whatever....it helps minimize the hindsight., more efficient generation of creativity If no one else does...then ......Kuni.. ..as you asked.....I will step up to the plate.
  7. And JJ, its not so much that the tiles and hexes are different, in my mind, they are the same, a basis for orientation on a map. My feeling is that anything that can be developed on hexes can be done on tile also and vice versa and the adaptation to one or the other as far as game features shouldn't be that difficult. So with that perception or misconception in mind I profess to move beyond the basis of orientation to the things that are more important, some of the things you just touched upon, like stacking, retreats and advance. These are the things that are worthy of our discussions.
  8. Kuni, think about "here comes another one". We've got one. You want to go over and nursemaid CEaW and RTV until it gets to where SC is now? You are well aware, read the threads of each, that even though there may be some redeeming features in each games mechanics, they will be a far cry from the refinement we have here at SC. Go on over, really, I would love for some dedicated SC fans to take a look at the mechanics and make suggestions here. I plan on getting Supremacy at Sea and I will bring my thoughts for SC improvements back here. Thing is...I'm not willing to start over. Hubert is as receptive a designer as we will ever see. He seems pretty resilient to me....how about you? My philosophy is if you take something that has a good foundation and work on it, it becomes better, rather than having to destroy it and start from scratch. I'm not talking about SC here, I'm talking about Hubert Cater, he's the foundation. Hubert is an artist, he has the capacity to mold, evolve into a master wargame creator, if he isn't already. Let's help him. Kuni, I'm willing to start with SC3, but is Hubert? I don't think so. If he is, then let him say so and I will get to work. If not, I don't want to waste my time making suggestions that will have to be rehashed when he is ready. You guys....look at us...we've been here a long time, so I don't question any of y'alls commitment, we're all lacking a bit in enthusiasm and patience from time to time, but I know....you know ...when its time we'll all be together. Thing is.....is it time?
  9. For sure......have you seen the new Wasteland Interactive world maps?
  10. You know JJ, I knew that, I knew what you're after, and I am too! But let's don't let the hex issue get in the way, there are ways, different perspectives that will bridge that feel. Example: Take stacking for instance, really all we need is a combat core force that can have assets added to it. The assets allow it to have different capabilities, ie combat factors enhancements. Those combat factors can be used in the degree of that characteristics(asset's) deployment, a portion of its overall strength and adds to its other inherent abilities by completing the "combined arms" signature. Perhaps a little complicated to code and for an AI to deal with, but eventually, "why not"? Advance and retreat are other issues, just remember we have an AI, and computing power at our disposal and even though a lot of good features came about from board wargames, let's don't get stuck with replicating "that feel" at the expense of features the new potential presents us. And that means advanced solitaire capability, it's really in its infancy. Like you, I'm looking down the road also...in our retirement years! :-))
  11. No hostility JJ, simmer... It just seems this hex thing gets a paramount of attention when it is actually trivial to the overall gameplay, which is IMO more important. Its eyecandy, there are so many other things that deserve our focus, but we seemed to get sidetracked on this feature. Emphatic statements of disqualification because of this feature are not productive, there in lies the basis for my post. I'd just as soon play with hexes as well as tiles, but its not a gamebreaker. I'd rather have had a PTO expansion then PDE, but its no big deal, I'm still in the camp now exploring the editor more extensively then playing. That is the point, SC has evolved to such a level of subtle complexity it has become laborious to explore, refering to the editor. It takes a commitment to really evaluate it well and if you're not willing because it has tiles instead of hexes, then it is your loss not mine. You as well as anyone, being an SC1 modder, should be taking a look at this editor. Didn't we clamor for it? I know I did and I've finally gotten around to appreciate what our positive input has produced.....have you? No excuses..... I know you have other more pressing issues...we all do....we have issues... But hexes shouldn't be one them.
  12. SC1 is ancient, it was fun, there were some really good dynamics, ie.simplicity, but its time to move along. SC2 is better, better combat interaction, better naval, diplomacy, better air and a really comprehensive editor. There were some experiments with SC2 that perhaps are questionable, they've been mentioned and if we decide to go for SC3, then we can elaborate further. Priority, in my mind, is get the PTO aspects down, and this will require more experimentation so obviously the logical progression is to modify SC2. Going back to SC1 features, other than the simplicity aspect is regression, serves no useful purpose, nostalgia not withstanding. SC2 represents a head and shoulders improvement, its wasteful to cast the lessons aside, the journey will continue, so get over it! The naysayers will lose their contribution and will litter the path to the future. SC is not at a deadend, it may travel a few cul-de-sacs, but you vets that wish to hang on to the past.....well we'll put a gravemarker and flowers at the deadend we left you at. Goodbye!
  13. Sorry, I need more than just hexes. And Number 1 on the list is the grid. I'll give you the adaptability of RTS to strategic scale leaves something to be desired. So again, you want the first on the list, simultaneous movement. It would be fairly simple to adjust an RTS to a certain "runtime" to simulate the turn basis you desire. We'll see what "Battleground" has to offer later this year. Always remember, your list doesn't equate to others' list. Everyone is different, preferences vary and so do priorities. Just because that's the way its been done for a few decades, doesn't mean there isn't something better. Obviously something is left to be desired even with the "#1 hexes", else folks wouldn't still be experimenting, like trying to reinvent the wheel....eh. Ever heard of electromagnetic trains,...hovercraft, etc.?
  14. This is so passe'. Are hexes a good idea, sure they are. So are tiles, squares, grids, or whatever you want to base a geographical area on. Simply, they are just reference points, useful for orientation, but to maneuver around a map, inconsequential. They don't simulate real life, just a basis for gameplaying in which we make many compromises vs reality. The "best", IMO, is the Airborne Assault series from Panther. Dave, I mean Arjuna, and the gang are "cutting edge".
  15. Well maybe Minty, .....then again maybe only one out of the three. Of course we have to consider there could be possibly two statements out of the three you represent as being true. Don't forget there could be some that consider all three as a possibility. In any hypothetical situation you do realize that actually all three possibilities could of course be false. Is this a contest?
  16. Well I see my enquiry got the famed, desired response. Now...since I do rank as a longtime player of SC, my response to the evolution of this series is very positive. I have never been associated with a game developer as dedicated as Hubert is, I'm really not sure anyone out there is even comparable. He's in a league of his own. So sure, there are things I would like to see done differently and there are things I've suggested that I'm glad Hubert had the foresight to not include. Its easy in hindsight to be critical, and man do we live in a world of media second guessers, downright propaganda, and worst of all, misrepresentation. But after 6 years, HC is someone you can count on, you can trust, to endeavor to persevere with the simple motivation to make SC better. I think he has accomplished that. I would like to think that I'm cut from the same mold. I mean when you find something in life that simply presents the degree of fulfillment that SC provides don't you think that it deserves a bit of loyalty? I've been married...to the same woman, 37 years, and most probably will be for the rest of my/her life. It hasn't always been great, but it was always good, mostly. That's what it takes to be great, knowing its good and interacting to make it great, and it won't happen overnight. So I see all these other games getting started knowing that they are behind this Cater creation. I only have one life's time to give and I trust Hubert to evolve to "great" with the SC series, but it takes sacrifice.......And not just HC's, so I remain and I play, but best of all, I'm a recipient of a gamer's fulfillment of fun and I expect and endeavor to make it better.
  17. With all do respect Kuni, Hubert has done fine with the decision making process.... ....He's the "Decider"! Our job is to test the applications and make suggestions.
  18. I elect Kuni to buy it and provide us with an eventual review! There is always something to learn and probably a few good ideas to be incorporated into SC3, like what CEaW did.
  19. Hey, I'm hip! Looking at the screen shots, this one needs a lot of polish(pun intended) to even get to SC1 status, much less SC2 and its derivatives.
  20. It seems another company, this time, Polish, IQ Software, is entering the field of "WW2, Road to Victory". Definitely sounds like a knock off of our fav, SC series. I smell copyright infringement! Will this ever cease.
  21. Ain't it a shame Blashy! Like you the the personal indulgences sometimes have to be put on the "backburner", but we never forget. It's just a short distraction, we'll be back. And after all........life is grand!
  22. Well Retri, I guess no one has any comment on the feasibility of this model. Experimentation is my strong suit, just the time element of testing, adjusting, retesting delays the product. Alrighty then, I'll try it and start the beta testing. This custom is really "out there", with these large movement factors, I need a zoom out feature for the map. Can't see the end of the movement, or strike ranges without scrolling the map.
  23. I was wondering if any of you veteran modders has experimented with the sea weather model. Specifically I'm thinking that since a weather scheme can be defined, instead of using it for an area, sprinkle a number of different schemes in the same area. This would represent various patches of clear and stormy weather conditions where opposing naval and air forces can play hide and seek. Anyone tried this?
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