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    turned based war games
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  1. And this is a bad thing? Well I can see the game being seriously bogged down in the number of fights I would propose the battles be fought on the CM engine and thus allowing for far more varied and way more interesting firefights (as well as quicker to resolve). Example: In axis and allies a common tactic is for the German player to stockpile 2 turns of armor and 1 turn of infantry and then 'rush' Moscow with everything he has before the economic superiority of the west is brought to bear. If the fights could be scaled in CM they would be very intense struggles with direct bearing on the strategic level. Every Russian conscript would be needed to stem that tide of axis armor till the winter and Siberian reinforcements could arrive. It would make for great gameplay. [ December 07, 2003, 05:15 PM: Message edited by: Huns_1 ]
  2. What I have always looked for in a ww2 game be it squad commander, axis and allies or the close combat series was a strategic level game that had the tactical level of combat woven in. With the current development of combat mission covering the tactical level perfectly in my mind all it is missing now is the campaign level. As it stands now the most you can do is a few operations strung together. Nice for set battles, but if you want to build a corp in 39 and follow it's development path through the war your SOL. So, my question is will Strategic Command and Combat mission ever be combined to allow for this level of gaming? I loved playing Close Combat 3:The Russian Front with the Real Red Mod and take a small team of troops and have them evolve through the war, now if the 2 games (SC and CM) were to merge this could happen with several corps and from all different nations (especially if SC was to expand to the whole war and not just the European theater).
  3. A Cross of Iron, Seige of firebase Gloria (They actually use fire control and use proper IA's and stoppage drills in that one) Stalingrad, Saving Private Ryan (The whole enchalada!) Nuts there is one about the battle BEFORE the battle of the bulge but I can't rember it, and the young indiana jones with the WWI battles (The horses with gas masks and use of mustard gas with flamethrowers, speigburg did that one too I think)
  4. I noticed in CC III that my troopies would pick up weapons on the battlefeild from the fallen, I loved it! Does this happen in CM? Can I get my troops to take over aboandoned tanks? Flamethrowers? What are the limits?
  5. Cattle? Like in Diablio? I miss the screams like in close combat. This game is really authintic and I like that but the screams of dead and dying me notify me more readily of where and when I am taking casulties and inflicting them. Also, when units break I don't hear anything either... however i only have the demo version so it may be different I don't know. Does the full version have night missions?
  6. shawngiles@hotmail.com pick a side and fire away
  7. 02 july 1971, Day after his wedding? He celibrated with a partial beheading! Alone at his steading. I have the demo version, love it and will order the full version a.s.a.p, till then anyone up to challenge me my email is shawngiles@hotmail.com pick you side and fire away!
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