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Brent Pollock

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Everything posted by Brent Pollock

  1. Ah - fond memories of that one...first time I saw a bunker burn (took a direct rocket hit). Unfortunately, it glitched on me during the third or fourth battle and I didn't have the wherewithal to restart. A fabulous solo Op. Worth playing it just for the thunderous artillery preps [i don't consider that a spoiler, I seem to recall the briefing hinted at it strongly].
  2. I've always maintained that playing wargames builds your knowledge. Just got back from viewing "The Bourne Supremacy" and I clearly heard Berlin police saying, "Weiter, weiter!" as they scrambled through the hotel and Moscow police saying, "Ruki vverkh!" to the Russian special service bad guy. Pastime - phooey - I'm studyin' linguistics
  3. "Topic: Does the desert *really* suck, or is it just me..." It's just you...
  4. Anyone else having a Windows Explorer jam-up anytime they've just viewed one of the AARs?
  5. [Oops - I should've come here before the CMBB board, where I first saw the comments and posted this reply] Possible SPOILERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I kept the ENEMY EXIT setting ON just to mess with your head for the first playing; obviously this decreases the replay value, but I'm primarily interested in making it Two Player. I made the two "vs AI" versions because I had a personal need to try them out that way. The non-AI AFVs are set to Should Exit for Points as a balancing mechanism: the more AFVs you get, the more the onus is on you to carry the fight [i checked - if they don't arrive, you don't suffer their non-Exit penalty]. In the AI versions, their AFVs don't have to Exit as it doesn't seem realistic to have the AI try to do this. Also, the AI balance mechanism is two-fold: 1. increase the probability of having their AFVs show up; 2. add another company of infantry at the road inlet. What AFV platoons did you have show up? I'm currently in the midst of running through the "vs Axis AI" too, and have received the captured Panther platoon, but nothing else. They've accounted for 3 x SU-85, 1 x Pz V and 1 x Tank?, but have done so partially by good luck rather than good management; the SS Panther fired first and missed mine twice before I dinged it on the first shot. Another Panther has dodged a couple of PSK shots and survived one hit. I'm considering having the German AI start with their Btn HQ company on the map, rather than showing up on turn 2. What happened at the minor crossing over on your left? I've found the "vs Allied AI" version to be a bit more of a challenge, mainly due to the terrain skewing. figures, the one time i switched the setting it would be wrong. anyway, it was a fun game but i had some comments: SPOILERS!!! [snipped by Brent] </font>
  6. Possible SPOILERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I kept the ENEMY EXIT setting ON just to mess with your head for the first playing; obviously this decreases the replay value, but I'm primarily interested in making it Two Player. I made the two "vs AI" versions because I had a personal need to try them out that way. The non-AI AFVs are set to Should Exit for Points as a balancing mechanism: the more AFVs you get, the more the onus is on you to carry the fight [i checked - if they don't arrive, you don't suffer their non-Exit penalty]. In the AI versions, their AFVs don't have to Exit as it doesn't seem realistic to have the AI try to do this. Also, the AI balance mechanism is two-fold: 1. increase the probability of having their AFVs show up; 2. add another company of infantry at the road inlet. What AFV platoons did you have show up? I'm currently in the midst of running through the "vs Axis AI" too, and have received the captured Panther platoon, but nothing else. They've accounted for 3 x SU-85, 1 x Pz V and 1 x Tank?, but have done so partially by good luck rather than good management; the SS Panther fired first and missed mine twice before I dinged it on the first shot. Another Panther has dodged a couple of PSK shots and survived one hit. I'm considering having the German AI start with their Btn HQ company on the map, rather than showing up on turn 2. What happened at the minor crossing over on your left? I've found the "vs Allied AI" version to be a bit more of a challenge, mainly due to the terrain skewing. figures, the one time i switched the setting it would be wrong. anyway, it was a fun game but i had some comments: SPOILERS!!! [snipped by Brent] </font>
  7. Amen - that was one heckuvan AAR collection and processing job Holien did. Likely won't have the strength to go Stampeding Sunday evening - just plan on getting the kids there for the morning and then skeedaddling to the pool after lunch before we get caught in the fairgrounds in the extreme heat.
  8. The point total isn't a problem the way I play....reinforcements are more like coal for the furnace than cherished jewels to be coddled at all cost
  9. *BUMP* Still happening...irritating but not earth-shatterring.
  10. Giving it a go - thanks. [Edit to add]: ...it didn't completely clear up the armour hashing that can happen on 4 to 16 x magnification, but it might be reducing it...it certainly didn't seem as prominent as before. [ July 10, 2004, 06:11 PM: Message edited by: Brent Pollock ]
  11. That's what I thought, but - no - when I opened it again in the Map Editor Place Terrain view, it was the correct version (all factory), but still got displayed in Map Editor Preview and Play modes with the old terrain (some factory replaced by rubble).
  12. Possible spilers...although I don't know if that's possible given the low reinforcement probabilities.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I'm up to turn 28 or so. My 4 x ACs managed to ping a couple PSWs...and fannywhacked a StuG IV, but only managed what looks to be a crew casualty...later the StuG got its revenge. Things were getting way to hairy, so I pulled the three survivours back to wait for help... Turn 17 gave me: 5 x M4A3(75)w 1 x M16 MGMC 3 x M8 Greyhound On turn 28, I managed to lose two of them to a PSK team. A few turns later, the StuG shows up while all three Shermans are on Area Target: scratch one Sherman. Luckily , the HQ tank puts one through the side at the 59" mark. Meanwhile, the German ACs are getting hammerred by a combination of Shermans, quad 50 cal and, most impressively, the right flank Greyhound, which is a killing machine, spewing AP, HE and canister. It's being backed up by my first infantry force: an armoured mech platoon, that showed up on Turn 24 and includes the halftracks, 2 x MMG, 1 x BAZ & 1 x 60 MTR. That's where I'm at for the moment. Try for more today, but I take over as Orchestra Treasurer today, so there's oodles of new duties to learn and eat into CM time.
  13. I only remember taking out a wooden bunker once, with arty, and that was with a direct rocket hit...blew the sucker up. But it was in the open steppe. My suspicion is that they will get protection in trees as the air burst should lessen the chance of a direct hit on the roof. I have zero data to back up this suspicion.
  14. Huzzah - and I see from your profile that, along with Michael Dorosh, it seems that there are at least three CMers here in Cowtown. Do you plan on giving one of the two "vs AI" versions a go or do you have a 2nd player lined up for the 2 player version? If you’re going to play vs the AI, I am currently leaning towards “Free to Place Units” rather than the “Stick to Scenario Default” that I originally planned on.
  15. WASTE ?! WHADDYA MEAN - WASTE By the gods, if that isn't quality time, I don't know what is... I am sure you're not the only one CM is the greatest VCR ever ! </font>
  16. Nah - I gave my copy to my son when I realised I was playing nothing but CMBB/CMAK and LOVIN' IT! Hmmm...I wonder if he'd have the patience for RW...he's only 11...but I think that's when I bought it...but I couldn't get any of my friends to stick with it long enough. Dad and I had great fun with it, though.
  17. Oh come now, Michael, it's not all THAT far from Calgary to The 'Peg...and the WFF is worth the trip. Yes, exclusionary reinforcement protocols would be good...one of the reasons I've yet to sell off my ASL kit. e.g "SSR2: On turn 3, the Russians make a dr and receive the resulting reinforcement group (see OB)." We also can't do a guaranteed arrival but in in mixed order over a few turns, like we could with Morgan's Stand.
  18. I can second The Christmas Battle: I played as the Allies and had a wild time :cool:
  19. Looks good, I'll try to give some feedback at the SD by the end of the weekend. I tried this on a much more limited scale with my CMBB offering "WBRP - Company Town", which can be found at The Proving Grounds (cf. the CMBB and Scenario Talk forums). [ July 08, 2004, 12:00 AM: Message edited by: Brent Pollock ]
  20. Yup - already had some off-forum help on that. But that doesn't explain the second problem.
  21. [i searched "map" in the subject, and none of the topics seemed to cover this.] Over the last week or so, I've noticed with a couple of maps that what I see in the terrain editor does not match the preview. The mismatched terrain looks fine in the editor tiles but comes up as Open Ground in the preview. Am I doing something forbidden, and the computer replaces it with Open Ground by default? I consider any of the replaced terrain to be outlandish. Also, last night's file would show the right thing in the editor, but the preview (and game set up file) would show the previous version....and, no, I did not have two different versions in the Scenario folder. I [think]I got rid of this second problem by editing all the problem tiles to Open Ground, then replacing them with what I wanted...and I can not remember if I checked Preview when it was under Open Ground reconstruction. Am I [snif] alone in the world on this one?
  22. If you do drop the Brit Exit requirements, by all means, consider leaving their EXIT indicator on the map if you want to mess with the German player's head ...and now I understand the last turn reinforcement weirdness, and the comment you made in the CMAK ROW IV thread :cool:
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