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Brent Pollock

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Everything posted by Brent Pollock

  1. Okay, here's a minor glitch that's only just started occurring in a CMBB PBEM of the B&T op "Failure on the Aksai"; about half the time, when I open up the PBEM file in CMBB, my keyboard's SHIFT and CAPS LOCK have the opposite effect and when they are not activated I get ALL CAPS. I don't recall seeing this with any of my files before, CMBO/CMBB/CMAK, PBEM or otherwise. I haven't checked to see if it is reproducible witheach file or if it's random. One other thing I have noticed is that this PBEM match's files seem to have a long lag before they'll accept my password keystrokes: normally, once I open the file and it's loading, I can type my password, hit ENTER, and it will all get logged properly by the Password window when it finally shows up. With this match, it often doesn't wotk because the password has been enterred incompletely...and, of course, when the caps inversion is happening, that buggers it up no matter the number of keystrokes.
  2. Didn't know that...definitely a good reason to send "B" forward, in addition to the fact that the "B" team gets the up-close and personal weapons (SMG/MP/DC/MC/grenades) while the "A" team gets the fire base (LMG/BAR).
  3. No preview pix visible - just five red "x" on white.
  4. Yes, too bad "Dug In AFVs" doesn't also permit their placement in prohibited terrain. Since we're placing spoilers, the very first time I encountered this design technique was in Pavlov's House - lost a Pz III to the ATG set up in the building...a complete ambush I wasn't prepared for...bloody marvelous piece of scenario design.
  5. Good to see one of us isn't suffering from "acronymnesia"
  6. Sorry - forgot to mention that I knew that already. My main concern herein is with vehicles, especially their ability to leave the prohibited terrain once they've been placed in it. Otherwise, they end up being de facto Dug In AFVs. I wouldn't be overly concerned with towed guns, since they rarely get moved once the action is on. Another aspect of this I have yet to check is the fate of such mobile units if they have not left the prohibited terrain by the end of a Battle that is part of an Operation.
  7. And now the update: I've tried to fine tune this in CMAK by getting the vehicles as near the edge as possible. I purchased a five tank platoon and had the terrain type set to Grain so I could estimate the edge and have it sand out in the editor. Next, I placed all five as close to the edge as I could get, then edited the terrain to somthing prohibited (buildings, rubble, marsh , deep ford, etc.). When I played it, I was able to have vehicles reverse out of the prohibited terrain, so it can be done. I can send the Battle file if anyone's interested. So, it appears that we can mimic vehicles setting up with their nose in the terrain type, with an escape route. Or, we could mimic a unit starting in a prohibited terrain type that it has been slowly chewing through prior to game start.
  8. Those weren't "grenades"; they were Naverteidigungswaffe rounds.
  9. ...and it didn't start the game damaged...might've happened post knock-down...can't recall the timing.
  10. Woo-hoo! Who needs anything other than a Stuart I - they can even whack aircraft! (First time I've seen it myself, although I know it's been seen by others). Stuart AA
  11. Ummm...ya know...there was a reason they decided to call it "King Tiger" rather than "Haemophiliac Knock-kneed Consumptive Prince Tiger"
  12. Hit the money wall when both the Feds pulled their matching funding "promise". Struggling at the moment. Which one? I understand the Naval Museum will be moving to the Museum of the Regiments so that all facilities will be under one roof - is that just a rumour? </font>
  13. Having grown up in Ottawa, I'd rank it above Calgary's Museum of the Regiments (which is still a damned fine visit) mainly because of the variety - love that ME163, and the D-Day diorama's a keeper. As to Naval warfare museums - Calgary (yes, prairie-bound Calgary) has the largest one in Canada and it's a gem, housing a wide array of gear and vet knowledge as well as three aircraft...my volunteer watchkeeper shift is the morning of the 22nd, if anyone feels like dropping in.
  14. Michael, are the two Stuart pix actually of a Stuart; it looks like a Matilda II? And is that a Centurion beside it?
  15. The Worms sound file, not a CM one. Whenever new weapons become available in Worms, you'll hear your team say, "Reinforcements have arrived"; for comic silliness, our preference is for the Ninja team's (mis)pronunciation. What sound file ? </font>
  16. ( Gazala He found my conversions of TOBRUK scenarios at the Scenario Depot.
  17. Team 17's WORMS 2 & WORMS ARMAGEDDON - what a hoot! The sound file runs through my head everytime the "Reinforcements have arrived" box shows up during a CM game.
  18. Releated to this - do not let your armed, immobilised vehicles run out of ammo as they will promptly be abandoned.
  19. All games done...now to get of my arse and send in those Results and AARs.
  20. Looking to finish off everything but "Squeezing the Melon" this weekend.
  21. Actually, MrSpkr omitted what was, to me, the best part of the whole trench overrun foray: the tank's initial run at the trench was aimed at scrunching an ATG that was set up therein: mission accomplished, thanks to plenty of surpressing fire. Crushing ATGs under my tank's tracks has to be my favourite CM past time...accomplishing that little gem is always victory enough, regardless of the final score.
  22. JonS: a source for CM tactics & Windows tactics. :cool:
  23. Stumbled indeed, as I did it as a desperation move to distract the ditch-dwellers. I'd read the manual (as quoted by MrSpkr) and fully expected my little AFV to bog pronto - didn't happen, much to my joy. It continued to cause problems even though it had run out of ammo.
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