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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by GJK

  1. Wow, you can open up a can of worms with this one. Perusing my ASLRB, in addition to what was originally mentioned, I would suggest: properly handles routed/broken units support weapon (SW) breakdown <u>and repair</u> dismantled weapons SW self-destruction Fanaticism Beserkers Ambushing in close combat AFV overrun Wounds (not just dead or alive) White Phosphorus Tunnels Climbing and falling AFV in woods (trail breaks) Orchards Building levels > 2 Kindling/flame extinguishing Wall breaches Movement within buildings other than factories Rooftops Fortified buildings Falling rubble Wind gusts Lost radio contact (with battery access) AFV MG/MA targeting (different targets for each) Scrounging Lost units (at night) Jitter fire (at night) Starshells Interrogation Paradrops Gliders Winter camoflage (that really acts as camoflage) Snow drifts Swimming Aerial dogfights Ammo vehicles and maybe a few others that I missed.
  2. So go play something easy, say Advanced Squad Leader....
  3. Is this populated dynamically? It appears to be static. I ask because it would be nice to be able to resort the list by column header. This is very similar to the old ASL ROAR list, which is a very useful tool for ASL players. Of course, the results are very dependant upon the skill levels and balance of the players themselves. I think a small tale tell sign should also be the min-max values. What to think of scenarios that have a minimum score of 6% and a max score of 90%? Good job! Edit: I see that this is a straight Excel-web transfer, thus answering my first question. Easy enough to copy/paste into Excel for your own sorting, but that's not an option for everybody of course.
  4. I've thrown mine out twice (both times requiring a trip to the emergency room). Once while squatting - which isn't nice when you've got 400+ lbs on your shoulders. The 2nd time was when doing cable rows, too much weight and I think I got cockeyed a bit. Both instances were years ago though, and knock on wood, my back has been solid since while working out. I do have back pain though. If I stand for too long, or when I jog (or try to more like it, I'm all stair climber now), it'll tighten up and hurt like a be-yotch. I've never been to a chiropracter (though a good friend of mine is one) and aside from muscle relaxers at the time that I threw it out, I take nothing for it. I do love pain though.
  5. If you press alt+print screen, you'll get an already cropped image of just that application (CM) saved to your clipboard (that you can then paste into Paint). UOSU will automatically crop the picture (you set up your key combo in it's preferences) and it will save them as .jpgs in a folder you designate (thus, you bypass the paste into Paint set) and you can take as many screens as you like while staying in CM - thus you don't have alt-tab out of the game to paste into Paint for each shot. Irfanview is a quick, simple, free tool that will let you crop any pictures or adjust as needed (Paint on steroids).
  6. Irfanview and UOSU as I mentioned in the thread HERE.
  7. That's odd. I'm running the same rez and the images fit on my screen with room to spare. Are you sure you haven't changed rez without knowing? :confused: Michael </font>
  8. Linkie for The Proving Grounds. Note that scenarios here are in "beta" status - i.e., they are still under construction by the scenario authors and are looking for feedback by players to help them finish developing them. The scenario itself will play/work just fine, it's just that the author is unsure if the scenario is balanced or if it is even an interesting subject. Feedback for them is always welcomed! There is also an opponent finding section to the site, for finding others to play via email or TCP/IP with.
  9. Not at the moment no.. It's quite alot of dependencies with mysql, php and some other stuff.. For offline work look at Chris Excel chart. Chris page </font>
  10. Does anybody else have problems accessing this site? I used to be able to, but for about a month now I am unable to on 3 different computers. A traceroute shows that I have 29 hops to reach it and it's timing out around the 21'st hop just after n-d3-link.se.telia.net. It's frustrating, as that is a super website.
  11. Happy birthday Mel! And here's to many more (I need lots of revenge in our pbem games!).
  12. Check out The Proving Grounds, do a search for scenarios "best played as two player", grab some, play 'em and then join the discussions area with the scenario designer and give him your thoughts!
  13. Hi Charles, welcome! For computer info, I like Anand Tech for reviews and discussions. Great site. P.S. Expect to have this moved to the Tech Support or General Discussion Forum, don't be alarmed. P.S.S. Make sure you try the Combat Mission demo's, you wont be dissapointed!
  14. Whew! Great news. When did he change hosts? Doesn't matter, just need to update bookmarks and the contact address in his program - if he hasn't done so already with an update.
  15. Thanks GAJ, that's the same address that is in the help/about section of the program - and my emails to that address bounces. Yes, it would be a very big shame should this program cease to be updated! FYI, I have a mirror set up with the latest build and the instructions that he had, but I'm not making that public until/unless/whenever I hear from Harri and get his ok. If someone needs the latest build, email me.
  16. Does anybody know if the hosting for Fuerte's Pbem Helper has moved from http://www.sci.fi/~fuerte/pbem.htm? The site has been inaccessible for some time now - is the project dead or just relocated somewhere with no forwarding? I'm willing to set up a "mirror" of the last build that I have and instructions, if this would be ok - anybody know how to get a hold of the designer? This is such an excellent utility, I hope it hasn't become abandoned! [ January 02, 2005, 02:37 PM: Message edited by: GJK ]
  17. 3) Drag a big square over the battlefield. All of your units will be highlighted with the lt. blue selector boxes. That'll help you find those stray squads. Also, make sure that you have unit bases turned on (shift+. 4. I like to use the top-down ("birdseye") view for a lot of my (all?) movement. It's especially helpful in buildings where you can position the movement point exactly where you want from corner to corner. (David above has the same idea )
  18. I'm curious to know in which part of Minnesota is it that people use the term "lad" and "bugger"? Can you really pick up an accent by reading and posting to a message forum? :confused:
  19. No problem - I'll look forward to your CMBB conversion any day now.
  20. I just bumped up a message on the Proving Grounds regarding a Stalingrad 1:100000 scale map from 1941. Nice looking map.
  21. Perhaps it's a StuB III ? StuB, stub, stubby, get it? Ah, shuddup....
  22. Perhaps it's a StuB III ? StuB, stub, stubby, get it? Ah, shuddup....
  23. "I love you Ann" spelled backwards is "nnA uoy evol I".
  24. Junk2Drive has a number of Pacific mods that he's made on his website. The folks at Battlefront have made it known that they have very little interest in a Pacific version of Combat Mission - or at the least it will never fully exist in the current engine that Combat Mission uses as the new engine is in development. Who knows if it will have global options though.
  25. I know where you're coming from - I had the same problem. Too much to see and you just get a little "window" of action. My personal solution is to zoom out to overhead to where the entire map shows. Make sure that reporting is on. You then get the "entire picture" of the battlefield and a better sense of where/what is happening. You then zoom in to individual areas for more details. ***Grog warning**** Just the mention of 'birds eye view' will tick off most of the grogs, the most hardcore of which will say you should be at level 1 the entire time and jump from unit to unit. Bah! I need that overhead table top game/grand commandant feel.
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