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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. I wish you could see what I've seen with your eyes.
  2. All of this took place by the Shores of Gitchee Goomie, right? What does it have to do with Der Normandie?
  3. Well actually they're not, but maybe you think so. I meant that your misfortune can be mocked and laughed at on a larger stage.
  4. He's on Facebook, but cant make the patch work....how sad.
  5. I would rather that you are sleeping with the fishes, Luca.
  6. Did you get your TRS-80 up and working yet Mr. Wizard?
  7. "What ifs", can make ones head spin....but they are great fodder for internet forums. It's "The Cooler" for you Hilts.
  8. Will you all just Patch up pleeeze!!! Like a bunch of washerwomen.......land's sakes!!!
  9. Actually it has been recently referred to as The Bloody Flux
  10. I think close infantry combat during night scenarios when there may be no direct observation of enemies on the other side of the hedges might influence the use of hand grenades. Tossing a grenade at night does not immediately reveal your location as would the muzzle flash of a rifle.
  11. This is an observation, not a statement based on the results of in-game testing. It seems to me that in close infantry encounters between German and American (havent played Commenwealth enough to notice yet) units, especially at night, that the German units will invariably toss more grenades than their opponents. This usually affects the outcome in favor of the German unit involved. Has anyone tested this?, and if so does this statement prove correct?
  12. Platesting is a noble assignment! Not that any of you can claim any nobility. Perhaps dalem is lonely, and has forgotten how to communicate in polite circles. Not that any of you can be considered polite, or in a circle.
  13. Although the German Paratroop units never made a significant drop after Crete, they were indeed more than just "Wehrmacht grunts in different uniforms" From a website on Normandy; Among other elite German outfits in Normandy, there were paratroopers. They were a different proposition altogether from the Polish or Russian troops. The 3rd Fallschirmjäger Division came into the battle in Normandy on June 10, arriving by truck after night drives from Brittany. It was a full-strength division, 15,976 men in its ranks, mostly young German volunteers. It was new to combat but it had been organized and trained by a veteran paratroop battalion from the Italian campaign. Training had been rigorous and emphasized initiative and improvisation. The equipment was outstanding. Indeed, the Fallschirmjäger were perhaps the best-armed infantrymen in the world in 1944. The 3rd FJ had 930 light machine guns, eleven times as many as its chief opponent, the U.S. 29th Division. Rifle companies in the FJ had twenty MG 42s and 43 submachine guns; rifle companies in the 29th had two machine guns and nine BARs. At the squad level, the GIs had a single BAR; the German parachute squad had two MG 42s and three submachine guns. The Germans had three times as many mortars as the Americans, and heavier ones. So in any encounter between equal numbers of Americans and Fallschirmjäger, the Germans had from six to twenty times as much firepower. http://www.worldwar2history.info/Normandy/German-soldiers.html
  14. I just looked at my campaigns section in the game and noticed that there are none listed for the Commonwealth Mod? Where would they be located, or will I need to do a new install to get them. Could Norton have blocked them?
  15. Oooops WH. That hurts, unless they are borrowing HTs from the Heer.
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