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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. That tears it....try to be nice....see what it gets me, no good deed goes unpunished says I. Try to give the poxy faced git a break. Let him rave on in that unitelligable Emrys style old world kilt wearing accent without comment. But no, he must attempt in the lamest fashion to issue what could be understood to be drunken disertation on the care and feeding of gerbils. Well enuf said....OSGF put your troops where your marbly mouth is, lets see whoe paper bag is the strongest, and never mind my pantelones. You have been challenged sir! send me a setup, scenario preferred CMBN or CMFI, Ill let you choose if you can handle it.
  2. Go into your Norton security history, bring up the item MH690A, restore and exclude the file and all will be well.
  3. Why are you talking about feathers? What do feathers have to do with challenges. By the by...is discovered some very large Grifiolas or Hen of the woods mushrooms in my yard today. They are safe to eat and some heads have grown to weigh over 100lbs. (thats about 45kg for you colonial and Euro types). The ones I discovered were not that big, but big enough to sautee into a nice mushroom gravy.
  4. We should hold a contest to welcome new blood to the MBT, we could give away Emrys' brain as one of the prizes..........oh wait!
  5. Take him to the tower and teach him the error of false pride.
  6. Can you blame us marble mouth? Those lizards are just so damned tasty. Send me a Normandy set up, you kilt-wearing twit. Preferably a ready made scenario.
  7. How clever, with words, you are......However I missed him terribly. He was the only fool that I could win a battle against. Come to think of it I have never lost to you either since you have consistently bailed out of games we had going.
  8. I am proud of my sperm count...which has insured the continuation of my genes. Ahhhh....the path to immortality.
  9. My new Granddaughter was born yesterday at 1148. She was 7lbs 8 oz. Her name is Elle, my son and his wife are very proud as am I.
  10. Life can be cruel, often to the most unfortunate among us.
  11. Didn't Herpes originate there, along with Shaky's Pizza?
  12. Er, excuse me but, spraying coffee all over the monitor makes you the jerk, don't you agree?
  13. The flooding created by melting southern ice cap will get you long before it hits North America. The only trace of Oddstralians left will be found in remote arid regions such as........Doha?
  14. Seems like a heavy authenticity price to pay for the rest of us in order to soothe Germany's guilty conscience.
  15. Since when has sense ever entered into your reality...Master Boo?
  16. Well said, but wait an augenblick...without language...how could that be?
  17. I suppose this would be the spot for the rules....NOT! The rules can be found in a myriad (that's a lot) of past Peng Threads that have graced these mighty forums over the years. So no rules needed. Come one come all, if you have the stones come post in the MBT. If you have what it takes (what being defined as a certain panache), we may not mock you, but we will ignore you if you are lame with your challenges. After all this is a challenge thread. 'nuff said. Those who are about to die, salute you.
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