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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. Plus it would mean less forum space for you to bloviate in.
  2. I restarted the CMBn game and then reloaded the scenarios, they work fine now. Perhaps a stuck bit somewhere was causung the problem. Thanks for the assistance,
  3. Ok, how about, yellows and purples, and weird shapes, like the landscapes of an alien planet. Have you patched and upgraded and then fresly loaded a scenario from the repository. I tried "Amfreville" and "Dusty Roads-7AD" with the same result.
  4. Originally posted by Wodin; "Not sure why certain people are even posting in the forum or want to be part of the community..very very odd indeed. Oh the lovely ignore button. If everyone ignores them it's like they don't exist and they will be moaning and whining to no body.." Because internet anonymity is the strongest drug in the world. People post things and then see them written out for the whole world to see, whether what they posted is of value or not, or whether people care about what they posted or not. Its heady stuff if you think about it, even if you have no fecking idea of what you are posting about, you can do it anyway. What's the worst penalty, to be banned from the site? Unless you're posting child porn, no one is coming after you.
  5. I've tried to load a few new scenarios from the repository since patching and upgrading. They don't seem to work....graphics all messed up. Is this supposed to happen? Do all scenarios on repository need to be re-done in new version?
  6. dieseltaylor, with all due respect, I'm sorry but I have no fecking idea what you are talking about. What is you are trying to say....in a nutshell please.
  7. I dont know what grocery store you shop in, but $10, will get me a large bag of potato chips, a box of oreo cookies, and couple of bucks left over for some milk to dunk the cookies in. No one wears plain white cotton t-shirts anymore, and its winter time, no one is going to Canada. Some folks just are not not always able to shell out money for hobby related stuff. Their complaints should not be minimized. We accept the fact that BFC is a business, and commerce requires cash.
  8. I can just imagine all you draft dodgers prancing around the campus singing; I feel pretty, Oh, so pretty, I feel pretty, and witty and gay, And I pity Any one who isn’t me today. Its just outrageous!!!
  9. I have used it for years in different forms and never had major problems. Never got a bad virus or something else which could have required a wipe of the hard drive. The first time it removed the .exe file from a CM patch, it was a pain. Now if you know it is coming, the fix is simple. I don't get the bad rap you give Norton on these forums. Is the negativity caused by other game experiences with Norton loaded?
  10. For anyone with Norton who has already patched; Do we have to shut off auto protection features before patching so that Norton does not quaranteen or remove the executable file?
  11. See, you are obviously not good fodder for the MBT. Plus you're from Boston, home of the Hated Redsox. Go back into the archives and study, young Redpup. Then,when you are armed with newfound knowledge and understanding, we may allow you to empty the piss buckets around here.
  12. Why? Do you post moronic musings on the Outreboards as well?
  13. I knew that , you dolt. I wanted to check to see if any idiot from the Western side of the world would notice. I was hoping for an Aussie or a Kiwi, but true to form, "Mr Know It All" chimes in.
  14. Take a look, judge for yourself. The nearest thing to a taunt around here lately is making fun of Emrys' moronic postings on the Outreboards.
  15. See, I told you, precious. The idiocy follows the sun, like the tail of a comet.
  16. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=107398 Feel free to migrate. Like a bird, or a wildebeast.
  17. Well, could it! We used to reach 300 posts in half a week, now it takes months to get to the magic number. All are welcome to come on in.....put your feet up... enjoy the hors deourves. Pick out another lackluster poster, say like Emrys or Stuka and taunt them until they give in, and accept a game. Its only fair, we do it this way...no one else is around to enforce the Olde Rules, so we must create new ones.
  18. Guess who has a birthday tomorrow?? Hint, we have been policing the whole fecking world since 1775.
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