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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. I'm not complaining FOR MYSELF, I'm complaining in general over the lack of preparedness and competence of local governments, industries and the US Government. I consider myself very lucky compared with some other folks who live near the coast here on Long Island. The fact that the storm was Category 1 is exactly my point. This was an unusual storm to be sure, but what if it came ashore as a Cat 3 or larger? If the way the recovery response has progressed so far after Sandy is a guide, a Cat 3 storm could shut down this entire area for months. The fact is that we as a nation are not prepared for disaster, and no one seems willing to take responsibility for making the tough decisions necessary to maintain our infrastructure and planning. Hmmmm, the blue hair thing has some merit.
  2. I am amazed at the level of sheer incompetence and cover your assness of American industry and government. It is now ten days since the hurricaine hit the Northeast of the US, and there are still hundreds of thousands of people without power on Long Island, and you have to wait on long lines to get gas. I never lost power, amazingly, just had a few tree limbs come down in my neighborhood. Other folks did worse. The good ole USA, we can fight wars on the other side of the planet and support hundreds of thousands of troops and their equipment, we can rush aid to third world disaster areas in no time. We help everyone in the world, but we cant help our own people. This area is the most populace and developed area in the country, and ten days after a major storm hits, milk is in short supply, orange juice, bread and other items. Hurricaine Katrina showed that we have major problems with our disaster planning, Sandy has just shown that we did nothing to improve since Katrina. I am very disheartened. I guess if I lived in Haiti or Bangla Desh, I could expect more response from uncle Sam, if there was a natural disaster like this last storm.
  3. Humility is not one of your strong suits I see, I like that in a manager.
  4. You'll get a percentage, probably around 20 or 30 to match your IQ. How's that?
  5. Something isn't right here, how can you idiots make all of these earth-shattering decisions? There is not half a brain among the lot of you....I guess that qualifies.
  6. Boo should be glad that I sent him the wrong file. The way I am whipping his hapless Italian conscripts is just sad. For him, not for me.
  7. How about a sucking chest wound? or better a case of necrotizing fasciitis.
  8. In news from the front. Noba is not only escaping the bad weather but my relentless pixel landsers as well. In a CMBN campaign-style group of scenarios we are playing, my troops have stifled him at every turn. In the latest battle my men won a Major Victory against stiff odds. I just hope he decides to return home soon, so that I can continue to whip him like a recalitrant mule, no offense Yeknod
  9. Please spend more time here in the MBT it is my one true joy.
  10. There isnt one twit in here who has cornered the market on asinine comments, they are spread around pretty liberally.
  11. Our favorite "Other Recognized" is at it again. This post by our Michael may seem innocuous and silly at first blush, but know it was posted in a thread about World War Two movies. "You may hate me for saying this, but I loved You've Got Mail. In its genre, it's a great film. Dr. Dolittle I wouldn't even try to watch, however. Michael"
  12. How do you know that it is gray? Could be brown...or even a tangerine color.
  13. At the end of the trailer for the Arnhem flick it said, "Coming Summer 2012", summer is nearly over in the Northern Hemispere. Is it an Australian film?
  14. Oh heaven help us all when the "others recognized" assert authority. Its the end I tell ya....I read it somewhere..."this has happened before and will happen again" No it can't be!!!! Emrys is a CYLON.!!!
  15. I found this volume, published in english with the help of David Glantz and others, written by a Soviet soldier. With renewed interest, I have found many more memoirs by common Soviet soldiers, published in english, than I ever thought existed. Glad I stumbled into this thread. http://www.amazon.com/dp/0700616055/ref=rdr_ext_sb_pi_sims_1#reader_0700616055
  16. I would be hard-pressed to believe that the Wehrmacht had no involvement in the atrocities committed in the SU during WW2. Soldiers will blame their officers and officers will blame politicians. "befehl ist befehl" is a common refrain not exclusive to German soldiers. Not many human beings IMO readily enjoy slaughtering their fellows, their are exceptions, but people accused of such things will often deny or point in another direction. When war becomes total and all encompassing as did the conflict between Germany and Soviet Union, horrible things will happen. There were not a lot of like events in the ETO or earlier in North Africa, but if you read accounts of the battles between US and Japanese forces in the Pacific during the same time periods, there are similar feelings of hatred and total lack of compassion and respect among the combatants.
  17. How about this one missy? “To the last, I grapple with thee; From Hell's heart, I stab at thee; For hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee”
  18. I remember reading excerpts from "Star" on the internet years ago, not sure how long. It was my first taste of the world of the common Red Army grunt.
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