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Everything posted by panzermartin

  1. Sound effects are of synth quality as in IL-2. They sound a bit fake especially mgs and explosions. There must be a way to mod them right?
  2. Nothing happens when I launch the game (editor says wrong version too) and I cant find the DEP settings. They are not present in the my computer properties either. I haven't installed any of the service packs. Is this the problem? (Windows XP pro)
  3. Actually TOW's graphics are one of the most tasteful I have ever seen. They are pleasant to the eye with the right color harmonies, crisp and clear with no overdone effects seen in other games. I cant understand people complaining about the graphics. I like COH's rich environments but TOW's although dated are classier and artisticaly superior imho. Maybe less detailed and low polyied but if the art guys have talent the result can be excellent regardless of the 3d engine used. Small villages are works of art with some unbelievable tiny details and I have only seen the demo so far. My complaints are gameplay issues like no waypoints, tricky LOS, fragile infantry, cover etc besides the known no enterable buildings and no mortars as well. Oh..and some urgent voice notification that my soldiers are under fire and taking casualties before they are all decorative elements of the grassland [ April 19, 2007, 09:16 PM: Message edited by: panzermartin ]
  4. You can always give LoneSyrian his 11th chance. He and his friends would really do passionate voice acting
  5. Actually it has an FPS feeling in it. I think smaller battles will be more fun with all these micro management and cover details. Soldier AI dooesnt seem to take account of the trees/brushes and manually hiding a whole company behind trees and brushes could be annoying. In cover or not your soldiers die very easily though. SMGs seem very accurate in ranges exceeding 150m.
  6. I cant really tell this. Every object in this game seems to provide some kind of cover concealment. But it looks like trees are decorative only. You could as well toggle them off with no gameplay effect right?
  7. You mean the Nvidia driver? I already did. Its obviously my CPU. I should have bought a single and cheaper 3.4 ghz I have ticked the use one core option too...
  8. Downloaded the latest 7600 drivers and indeed things are slightly better. Playable but still jerky with lots of details off. It must be due to my older dual core technology..P4 D dualcore 2.8
  9. Beyond a certain number of units the game becomes unplayable for me. Especially when the last soviet reinforcements arrive. Training missions run smoothly, and the battle too as long as there are only 9-10 tanks on screen. But after that the horror... It is almost certainly a CPU thing. I tried the single core option with little improvement. When paused there is not a single frame loss in the game. There is something wrong here, had no problems with COH and ultra detailed FPS on highest settings. Is TOW so CPU demanding? Specs P4 D 2.8 dual core 1GB RAM 7600GT XP
  10. P4 2.8 dual core 1 GIG RAM 7600GT The CPU is older than core duo technology but it has two cores ayway. No difference ticking the disable dual core option. While at 1024x768 it runs smoothly with everything on I get some slowdowns in 1280x1024 which is the native resolution of my TFT I wish there was a horizon visibility tweak. The maps are massive and they chew up my PC.
  11. Dont cut these wire communications please. We need to download the thing.
  12. How many lines long is this code? I have to decide going to bed or not
  13. There isnt a single night screenshot out there, so my guess is no.
  14. Most of the graphics look fine. At least fire effects look like placeholders. They are so much CMBOish. These certainly need some care. Flames could be a bit more transparent perhaps I'm not pyro grog though [ April 15, 2007, 07:33 PM: Message edited by: panzermartin ]
  15. Very nice! Briefings are great. I like the traffic lights, the fighter uniform, never seen these before. The above shot with the Abrams is impressive, it is supposed to be dawn or dusk right? Because it seems so from the lighting and coloration of the ground.It would be great If day/night realt time cycle is in. I've noticed that in some shots dynamic lighting is absent, while in others there is full self shadowing and all. Is it because of the overcast setting? Some softer lighting for cloudy weather would be nice because much of the graphics weight is taken off this way. Edit. On a second look I did notice they are some pale shadows actually but due to the heavy jpeg compression these were a bit blurred. [ April 14, 2007, 08:59 AM: Message edited by: panzermartin ]
  16. Well you have to admit Lee's post deserved some kind of reply.
  17. Heh..I have become a bit obsessed with the 3D world of the game I admit! I was browsing these nice sites about Syria: http://www.zeledi.com/gallery/index.php?cat=5 http://www.zeledi.com/public/Photography/SyriaWinter03/Countryside/index.htm http://www.zeledi.com/public/Photography/SyriaWinter03/Damascus/index.htm Lots of photos that can give you some crazy ideas
  18. If BFC had some valuable time to waste I would love to see something like these objects in the streets of CMSF...
  19. I think Steve said that scenarios briefings will be vastly improved anyway. An overhead view of the 3d map and some screenshots of it would do the work I guess. It wont be bad if you could insert real photos as well. As for the evil POV..I dont see why a non american would prefer to identify himself with the US side honestly. I mean did you enjoy them blowing hopeless iraqis in obsolete tanks who were actually defending their country against an illegal invasion? CMSF scenario is similar to the OIF in some ways. Having no problem to play as the "evil nazis" yet finding it hard to sympathize with a syrian defending his country is a bit weird.
  20. I liked it, especially the opening scenes.
  21. I'm a graphics enthusiast and I find the TOW visuals top notch actually. 1c guys have shown from the Il-2 days their artistic abilities. Details are clean and sharp and I love their color pallete. Pleasant without being flashy, balanced and down to earth hues without being too desaturated and drab. I dont like the glossy and overdone visuals of some other more "advanced" titles. It takes more than a superb engine to deliver something visually satisfying and I think 1c guys have that talent and taste to do it.
  22. June? There goes my summer vacation to the greek islands My bet will be a bit later though, September perhaps.
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