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Everything posted by metalbrew

  1. Thanks rune, but you misunderstood what I'm asking. I mean I'd like to correct queue my Stryker to drive 300m, dismount the infantry at this spot, then drive 300m to the flank. Literally, I want to queue my actions, not act in parallel.
  2. Basically, fire support teams can bring in emergency artillery with reasonable accuracy. All others are gambling the rounds won't fall on their position.
  3. I should mention I have an AMD X2 CPU (no dual core optimizer and latest CPU drivers), using the single CPU affinity trick, and an nVidia 8800GTS with the latest drivers. I swear I'm squared away on the latest drivers and tips from BTS. Also, I have the save game taken just after this bug occurred if BTS would like a closer look.
  4. Sarge, When you embark infantry on a IFV, they have an 'acquire' command available on the 'special' menu. This is how you grab the Javelin CLU and ammo tubes as well as replenishing squad ammo. As far a targeting the Mk19, well that model of Stryker only has 1 weapon - the Mk19 so when you issue a 'target' order it's not very ambiguous what the Stryker should do. Cool?
  5. OK, this is a bit subjective. But queuing isn't a good as it really should be for modern combat. Some things I think are wrong regarding queuing: The 'face' command behaves oddly and I can't figure out how the current behavior is better in comparison to the old 'rotate' command. For me, the 'face' command should queue onto the end of a movement order by default. I can't figure out how the order a IFV movement to a waypoint, dismount infantry, and then move on to another waypoint. Is it not possible to properly queue infantry dismounts as part of a string of waypoints? Isn't this a reasonable expectation for mechanized infantry? Currently I have to wait until the IFV reaches the dismount point, manually dismount, then issue the next waypoint. It's frustrating when you end up wasting a whole turn because you couldn't judge how long it would take to drive 300m... Along with queuing dismounts, can we not set a waypoint, create a 30 second pause at that waypoint, and then continue to another waypoint?
  6. I'm not happy with the hotkey system and I had a few ideas. Since the U, I, O, J, K, L, M, ',' and '.' keys have multiple uses depending on context it would be very useful if the Movement, Combat, Special, and Administrative sub-menus could be accessed via hotkey as well. This would allow me to quickly hit (movement hotkey)-i and know I've just correctly issued a move-quick order instead of a combat-pause order. I realize the T and Y keys toggle through the sub-menus but that's not the same thing. If the hotkey system is going to work I really think each sub-menu is also going to need a specific hotkey. In addition, could we please get a matrix of the proper syntax for modifying the hotkey textfile if we'd like to use the numeric keypad instead of U, I, O, J, K, L, M, ',' and '.'?
  7. I think Lio is saying to make your move orders, then click on the very last waypoint, then choose to 'face' your unit. If you make your move and don't select the last waypoint before the 'face' command, the 'face' command will be made relative to the current position of the unit and not the destination. I didn't realize you could make the 'face' command work like the old CMx1 command by clicking on the last waypoint. I guess it's better than not having it at all, but it's more work for the player with no perceivable benefit.
  8. The Mk19 will automatically fire at softskin vehicles like technicals at much further distances (1km on the Ambush Tutorial) than it will at infantry. There's definitely a different set of rules in the TacAI for vehicles and infantry.
  9. Check out my experience with Fist of Allah.
  10. How big of a building are you attempting to fit 36 guys (a platoon) into? I'm going to assume you mean a squad, but the same tactics work for bigger groups too. I usually dismount outside of RPG range, in the game this seems like roughly 150m. I attempt to align my assault on the building to lessen crossfires from the enemy. Then using 'assault' or 'quick' move towards the building with infantry while the Stryker provides overwatch. The Mk19 equipped Strykers (40mm automatic grenade launcher) are just awesome for infantry overwatch, they easily suppress enemy infantry as long as you've picked a reasonable approach (stay out of crossfires). If you find a particular building makes your life tough, drop it using a Javelin team. Obviously, if the enemy is inside they die quickly. For instance, I found the final tutorial mission really easy once I dropped the tall center building. With this building gone I flanked left with infantry while the Strykers tore the remaining defenders to ribbons now that the center building was gone and they had long lines of sight. [ July 28, 2007, 08:00 PM: Message edited by: metalbrew ]
  11. Oh and if it helps, the units were all stacked neatly in the northeast corner of the map.
  12. I was playing Fist of Allah and I somehow hit the teleport bug for the 1001 time. This time however, it wasn't just my unit that teleported, but the enemy tanks too. Everyone was placed right on top of each other traversing turrets trying to get a shot. FUBAR Dogpile.
  13. Ah yes, the fanboi pile on. It's roses & almonds or thorns & cyanide, depending on your fanboi pride. The game, when not crashing, looks horrible. The gameplay is flawed but I have high hopes for it once the devs have a few weeks or months to grok the issues.
  14. I'm not sure it's needed, using the assault command works for retreating troops too. The covering team provides a 360 defense while the movers make their way towards the waypoints. Are you seeing different behavior?
  15. Changing CPU affinity resulted in a 5 fps increase for me. Normally 5 frames wouldn't mean much to me, but in this case it helps where nothing else really does. My rig isn't a 7xxx card though.
  16. I hate being the spelling guy, but the default install creates an "Outoing Email" folder.
  17. I'm actually optimistic too that the game will improve. I'm specifically lashing out at the fanbois with their heads in the sand that keep repeating that annoying mantra of "CMx1 isn't CMx2".
  18. The patronizing "CMx2 isn't CMx1" is crap. It's nothing more than the warcry of the rabid fanboi. Folks are trying to nicely say "this game is buggy, visual unimpressive, and has a clunky interface" by comparing it to a different game that BTS was very successful in creating.
  19. This shot is a great example how maps become a disjointed piece-meal at a distance. Notice how some roads are sharp and crisp while others are inexplicably shapeless blobs that don't really even approximate the correct object size. The green fields on the right side are also blobbed out and are lifeless. I realize this is texture blending, but it just looks bad. Trenches blur out and behave like the roads in this example.
  20. This is not a problem solved by the type of movement chosen. Pick the movement style you prefer, charge a building with a single click, and the troops will choose a path that angles them towards the closest door. As I said earlier, if there's no enemy enfilade on the door your troops will probably be just fine. If the enemy is covering the door you will take heavy losses regardless of the movement order. Switching movement styles only tells your troops to what degree you want them to return fire and find cover if they make contact with the enemy. Moving troops lose against static defenders unless they have support to suppress the defender. If you use a single click order (with any movement style) to enter a building when you'd prefer your guys to keep the building between them and the enemy, you're going to lose the exchange.
  21. I have an AMD X2 and an nVidia 8800 card. I'm seeing the teleportation bug in 50% of my games. It was rude when it first happened, I thought I had missed some vital part of the playback where a unit broke a ran away. Turns out I'm still crazy but this time it wasn't my mistake. Incidentally, the whole team/squad doesn't necessarily transport. I've had several examples where only 2 of 3 guys in the MG team transported.
  22. Did you play the tutorial campaign already built in the game?
  23. Well, I play Battlefield 2, Counter Strike Source, Supreme Commander, UT2004, Company of Heroes, and the CMx1 games. None of those games cause 100% CPU utilization throughout the whole game. Even SolidWorks doesn't pin my CPU. My experience is that your statement is wrong.
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