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Everything posted by metalbrew

  1. I thought this weapon was unusable indoors because of the backblast. Syrian units inside (not on a roof or balcony) fired this weapon at my Strykers.
  2. In a 3 story building first floor enemy units were able to fire upwards and kill my units on the roof of the building. I know that buildings are abstracted but that's a bit of a stretch. Also I'm not sure what king of issue I'm seeing regarding moving inside larger buildings. For point of reference, I was playing the second battle of the campaign. I was attacking the Special Forces HQ (this is a large building shaped like a plus sign) and had a platoon moving through the building. An enemy unit was in one of the connected buildings and there was a doorway connecting these units. When given the order to move into this room and attack the enemy my units ran up to the roof and then descended to attack the enemy. Is this more crazy pathfinding or are internal doorways connecting buildings to be ignored when planning attacks?
  3. Come on... tell us the schedule for releasing this patch... we won't flame you... much.
  4. I was reembarking 3 companies of troops onto my Strykers and I couldn't work out any easy method to make the troops easily find the original vehicle from whence they came. So a lot of squads ended up in the Strykers from a different Company. Later in the battle I needed to "acquire" the Javelins and tubes to take out some enemy fighting vehicles. Even though the vehicle had a CLU and 3 Javelin tubes onboard, the squad's "Acquire" button was greyed out. These were full squads with the AT specialist still alive and kicking. After the fighting I double checked and all of the vehicles/squads that I had trouble with and they were from different C2 sections. I think that's a bug in the game. Also, the "Acquire" command needs an opposite function too so that squads can deposit unneeded gear in their fighting vehicle. The extra weight of running around with 3 Javelin tubes wears out squads too quickly.
  5. I had the distinct honor of watching 2 Strykers decide this hole would be neat to drive into. They can't get out. The pathfinding needs work.
  6. A VBIED as shown during playback but before the explosion animation. There's a lot of bugs like this, units that are killed begin the playback phase in an already dead state or strangely animated. This Anglia is about to fly to Hogwarts.
  7. The feeling I've gotten from reading the forums is that BTS underestimated the proliferation of multicore CPUs. Most of the reliability issues that went undiscovered during the beta tests focus on multicore compatibility and the rest are issues with high end video cards, I would think a wider effort to poll potential customer's hardware would have really helped. I suppose once the engine is fairly stable this won't be as big of an issue, but creating a hardware profile database prior to release might be helpful for future releases.
  8. I don't believe the red X means the unit is out of rounds. That X is there before I've ordered a mortar strike.
  9. Uh, yeah.... Here ya go. The mall ninja clan meets on Tuesdays.
  10. I believe a grey dot means the seat is empty. So there's your KIA.
  11. Yeah, I thought inclusion of trucks and semis was a stupid idea, until someone pointed out convoy protection battles. I believe UAVs are already being abstracted along with other intelligence tools. When you play the first battle of the Campaign the map is already full of enemy '?' symbols, I assumed this was intelligence being broadcast through Blue Tracker.
  12. It's late, I'm tired, and I forgot a really important detail. Quick battles can be played as the Syrians and this gives a lot of gameplay too.
  13. If a unit is unaware that a friendly unit is in a building and they spot an enemy in that same building, they could fire on the building causing friendly casualties. You know that cool Mk19? It chews up Americans too.
  14. Normal Dude is right, but I'll add that if you're in the middle of a game you first have to exit that game to the main title screen. You can do that with Alt-Q or in the menu.
  15. Normal Dude is right, but I'll add that if you're in the middle of a game you first have to exit that game to the main title screen. You can do that with Alt-Q or in the menu.
  16. Normal Dude is right, but I'll add that if you're in the middle of a game you first have to exit that game to the main title screen. You can do that with Alt-Q or in the menu.
  17. You won't have many single player options if you want to play as the Syrians for now. Over time I'm sure enthusiasts will begin creating battles and campaigns for public consumption. Don't think the Syrians are underdogs tactically though, they fight well.
  18. I was playing the 1st battle of the Campaign and ran into some real oddness with my FSV and FIST. I called in a strike with the FIST (155mm M777) and realized I didn't need the strike any longer so I chose the 'cease fire' option for the strike. For the next ~10 turns, the arty strike was labeled 'Cease Fire' and the number of guns was a huge negative number (-274563429385745349 for instance). About 75% of the time when I clicked on the this weird screen the game would crash with the XP Bug Report screen superimposed on top of the frozen CM:SF screen. After roughly 10 turns the arty screen no longer was labeled 'Cease Fire' and I could call in new missions without weirdness or crashing. I think calling off arty strikes is bugged. I have some savegames of the game in this weird state if BTS wants to poke around. I have an AMD X2 and an nVidia 8800GTS. I'm not using the dual core optimizer, I have the latest chipset, CPU and video drivers (all drivers for that matter. I use the single CPU affinity trick while I'm playing.
  19. If the enemy surrenders I'm not receiving all of the victory points for securing static objectives like buildings. I began playing the Campaign and on the 1st battle I had captured 2 of the 3 barracks. At this point the enemy had taken huge losses and surrendered. In the AAR the enemy was awarded an 'acceptable' for ground held and I didn't get point credit for taking this objective. It was still a Total Victory but an enemy surrender should have awarded me the entire battlefield.
  20. In the open, this is fine (and often what I do too) but inside buildings this doesn't work.
  21. I'm able to observe enemy movements on reverse slopes by looking at the dust they kick up. I believe I'm seeing an unrealistic bug. I realize that in the desert you often see the dust kicked up by movement long before you can see the unit causing the dust. In this case, this is on the reverse slope of a large ridge, I have no LOS over the ridge but I can clearly see dust kicking up.
  22. Hotkeys for the tabs? Not on my install.
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