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Everything posted by metalbrew

  1. I've had 2 Javelins and a TOW hit a T-62 without killing it. I wasn't pleased.
  2. Well, AFVs are cramped. If the specialist you want to pare off is near the door along with their security detachment I guess it'd be OK. I believe dismounting the whole squad is akin to real life difficulties in splitting teams inside the vehicle. As it stands with v1.01 you can dismount, split teams, mount up, and move off without the teams rejoining. I've had split teams in close proximity for 10 turns and they never rejoined the main body. Oh well. By pre-splitting you can later just dismount your specialist teams individually.
  3. Yeah, nerf the ATGMs. i don't dispute their accuracy but in-game their effect is like a thermobaric weapon. As a Syrian defender there's about 0% chance of defending a small village (5-6 buildings) against a platoon of Stryker infantry and their Javelins.
  4. It seems scenarios are mostly safe. Why don't we pick a small scenario? I need to take care of my yard work and then I can swap some turns. In the meantime if you find a small scenario you like, pick a side and drop me a turn.
  5. The TacAI still wastes valuable time firing main gun rounds at M1 frontal armor. I realize that it's possible to destroy optics and disable the M1 with T-55 main gun rounds but honestly that just seems to make the M1 tankers really really mad. Fire the damn missiles fools!
  6. I've seen breaches work just fine and I've also seen units take the long way around regardless of waypoint coaxing. For now, if you 100% count on breaches you'll end up disappointed.
  7. I've seen that too, I counted 9 shots in a 60 second turn including a reload of the autoloader. A bit too fast.
  8. Yeah, I have an 8800GTS and the game is slow with bad framerates but it's not falling over. I messed around with my older 7900GS and the game behaved identical. Latest drivers for both cards, no real difference in gameplay. I'm getting just under twice the framerates in DX9 games with the 8800 vs the 7900. Presumably OpenGL performance should be similar (assuming the OpenGL drivers are as good as the DX9 driver which is an assumption I know shouldn't be made).
  9. Frenchy, Small correction: In our QB, I was the defender (not the attacker) and had my units shunted off to the corner of the map. I should have deployed in the center of the forest map where I could defend the objective. Since my defending units weren't in the setup zone, I couldn't move them at all during the setup phase.
  10. I've been around for about 8 years and never knew there was an Opponent Finder Forum.
  11. I think each tube is around 26 lbs and the CLU is 14 lbs. Three Javelins plus CLU weigh 92 pounds.
  12. I'd like to play some PBEM games. Preferably 'small' sized forces. Feel free to email me.
  13. It sounds like you made an unnatural movement with your first RPG team towards the suspected setup zone fearing the AI was having a picnic instead of moving towards the objective. If you hadn't been doublechecking that the fight was truly on, it sounds like it would've been a different flavor of Total Victory for you.
  14. The M1134 seems to always fire it's TOW missiles when given a "Target Light" command. I was curious why the Stryker wasn't mopping up loose infantry with TacAI and after a few turns I gave it a manual "Target Light" order. BOOM! So I setup a quick map in the editor with a platoon of M1134 vs. a platoon of combatants. The Strykers just gormlessly stared at the infantry and the TacAI did nothing. I issued a "Target light" command and the TOWs flew. The M1134 has an M2 and a M240 so I'm guessing it should use them.
  15. What you're asking about is "borg spotting". It means when one friendly unit sees the enemy every friendly unit sees the enemy. In the CMx1 series, this was widely viewed as very unrealistic. It's now turned off in CM:SF. Over time, friendly units do relay spotting info to each other, it's just not instant like in the CMx1 series. I believe if you play CM:SF on the "bootcamp" difficulty this behavior (borg spotting) is re-enabled.
  16. These guys are land warriors. Come out and play-ay-ay.
  17. Cid250, we get your point. We got it the first 20 times you said it. I understood exactly what you meant the next 20 times you said it. Sometime during the final 20 times you said it it became just whining. For the love of all that's holy, STFU.
  18. It's a poor review because he's already taken his position on the matter and he doesn't think he looks like an incredible ass for continuing to post his fanboi diatribe.
  19. You can play WeGo with 2 player games by using the PBEM feature. PBEM doesn't mean you must use email to transfer the files so if you're playing on a LAN or Internet you can use file transfers instead of email. TCP/IP mode is RT only. I don't think that it's a great solution but it works. [ August 02, 2007, 05:23 PM: Message edited by: metalbrew ]
  20. With a very serious attempt to side step RTS and political flame wars, I think the campaign can be won without infantry with the exception of a few places that you must take out enemy armor and all you have is Javelins. This is v1.01 of the game and I'm playing against a broken StratAI and TacAI. I think this is a key caveat to my statement. Often the StratAI can't react well to 'lateral' game play. For instance, at the airfield I breached the 3m walls near the barracks and raked the small fleet of pickups, taxis, and VBIEDs sitting in front of the barracks. Those vehicles I believe were timed to drive towards the Airfield HQ at some predetermined time but since I popped up sooner than expected they didn't really react at all, they sat there and were destroyed at the starting locations. Infantry is very fragile on a battlefield of full of automatic weapons. Proper ambushing can't really be done because units in buildings are spotted way too quickly. I don't need to dismount infantry and clear buildings. I simply move vehicles slowly and kill infantry from 500m away. The RPG14 and RPG29 are still very serious threats at this range but it's war and we take our chances. There's not really anything that a mechanized force can do to prevent a motivated AT team in hiding from carrying out their mission, nothing at all can be done - it's going to happen. However, I don't really fear the RPG7s because their range is comparatively short and infantry can't really hide in buildings for long, they are quickly spotted from very far away. Maybe this is real war and maybe not. I'm leaning towards "this is not real war" because of the failure of infantry to stay hidden in houses until the lead Strykers is already 50m past the house. It's an AI improvement away from being a better game though. I'll play through the campaign again next week after the new patch is in place and we'll see how my gamey tactics fare. However, I think a human player would eat my lunch. I'm sure I'd give them a run for their money too, but many of the tactics I'm using are based on bad AI tactics. For instance, I've found I can more effectively hide my infantry in houses if I 'hide' them, place a 10m cover arc, and 'face' them away from the enemy completely. The AI never goes to this much trouble to hide and they get spotted much easier. For that matter, even I get spotted too easily even after going to that much effort but I'm still in better shape than the AI. In this way, I'm able to get easy shots on vehicles that have already passed my hiding spot. A lot of people are mildly griping about the 'air guards' in the Stryker, they are usually the only casualties in the vehicle because they remain above the deck and somewhat exposed. Well, you really really want that air guard in place when my RPG7 team unhides and pops up 10m away and 3 floors up. So for now, I'm not compelled to dismount because I can do the job more quickly and with less loss by staying inside the steel box.
  21. All US squads have 2 AT4s in the game, no need to acquire them like you do for the Javelins. Even if you didn't target the tank specifically the TacAI would hopefully prioritize the T-72 assuming they weren't cowering in the corner or running laps around the roof. I'll say this, if I were personally 53m away from a T-72 I'd think twice about engaging it with an AT4. A tank brewing up 53m away isn't pretty and the squad would likely be damaged by shrapnel and concussion. However, if the alternative is being shot at by the T-72 I'd rather take my chances and suffer the shrapnel.
  22. I have an 8800 and I'm getting by OK. The game performance is horrible regardless of how powerful the machine is though. The single CPU affinity trick keeps the game stable for me. So now it's not crashing every 2-3 turns and the teleport bug hasn't manifested again. I have an AMD X2 (which is a dual core) though rather than an Intel. The MS Power Management patch along with the single CPU affinity trick should get the game playable at around 10 frames per second at medium graphic settings. Good luck. BTW, the Insurgency mod is pretty fun and it'll make you feel right at home - it crashes a lot... I get around 130 fps on my rig while playing outdoor maps like Sinjar and Karkar. It's mildly unfair to compare Source engine performance to CM:SF though since one uses DX9 and the other use OpenGL. The driver code is completely different.
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