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Everything posted by metalbrew

  1. Cool, it seems when you have a really quick computer, the CPU spike isn't so debilitating. For slower machines, I'd think the wastefulness would cause a big performance hit.
  2. Well, I'm interested in winning. You don't win when 9 guys get mowed down needlessly because I didn't understand the right way to emphasize my orders. I don't want to 'micro' every little thing and many times I won't need to, even while being aware of some of the ways pathfinding can go wrong. However, when I need a specific path to be done with extra care this is one way to get it done. Sometimes forums and electronic communication don't really convey someone's message, are you giving me crap for micromanaging too closely? I promise you the point I'm making isn't trivial, it's the difference between the squad running down the street (and if they survive) into the building and the squad staying tucked behind the building until popping into view at the last moment before entering the building.
  3. I doubt anyone would care how you choose to play the game on single player scenarios and quick battles, but I can't imagine this being implemented on multiplayer games in any fair way. Realtime with orders issued during pauses becomes WeGo with infinitely small turn lengths.
  4. When targeting bunkers, the associated text says "target vehicle". I thought that was mistake of sorts, should be an easy low priority fix for a later patch. This happened to me while calling in an airstrike on a bunker.
  5. When targeting bunkers, the associated text says "target vehicle". I thought that was mistake of sorts, should be an easy low priority fix for a later patch. This happened to me while calling in an airstrike on a bunker.
  6. When targeting bunkers, the associated text says "target vehicle". I thought that was mistake of sorts, should be an easy low priority fix for a later patch. This happened to me while calling in an airstrike on a bunker.
  7. When targeting bunkers, the associated text says "target vehicle". I thought that was mistake of sorts, should be an easy low priority fix for a later patch. This happened to me while calling in an airstrike on a bunker.
  8. I wanted to relay some of my impressions on pathfinding in MOUT. A few times, I've been utterly bewildered by some of the choices my squads have made. I began to see there is a very real correlation between waypoints/destinations and the path infantry will take. CMx1 building assumptions are completely gone. Units only enter through the door or breach as best I can tell. This has a side effect that if you ultimately intend to enter a building, your infantry will often make really dumb pathfinding decisions if you're too brief in your orders. If you have infantry 100m from a building and give them a single order to enter the building, 9/10 they will angle their approach towards the door. If this behavior is tactically OK for the player, fine. However I was expecting the troops to move forward closely following the straight movement line and staying in the shadow of the building which was shielding them from enemy observation. This way works fine for CMx1 where troops enter from any wall. In CM:SF my bulletstoppers were angling towards the door and getting chewed up moving 100m in the open by an enemy on the other side of the building. The right way to move into a building and keep the building between you and an enemy is to create a waypoint on the outside of the building and another inside the building. Then your troops will move straight (roughly) for the waypoint and then swing wide to enter through the door at the last moment and giving less opportunity to the enemy. Most buildings have a rear door too, it helps to make the outside waypoint closer to the door you'd prefer your meatheads to use.
  9. The green Javelin in the weapons slot is just to show you who's carrying the launcher, not the missiles. The missiles themselves, including the one attached to that launcher, is displayed in the equipment screen. You say you had two rounds left. How sure are you those aren't AT-4 rounds? I'm pretty sure all squads lug two AT-4s around also. Also, if troops won't fire the Javelin at the squad in the bunker you can area fire it. Effect is the same. </font>
  10. No they don't -- I just played a CMx1 game, and I was able to rotate the view around by moving my mouse cursor to the middle left/right of the screen. </font>
  11. Well, but what if you don't speak English and the word for Move doesn't start with an M? I understand why they went the way that they did, but the keys to go directly to a particular tab (as noted above) are not convenient. </font>
  12. I griped about not being able to switch between tabs with keys in another thread. It seems I was wrong. It's ponderous that to switch to the movement tab (marked in the game with an M) you hit 'b'. Sigh. [ July 27, 2007, 05:28 PM: Message edited by: metalbrew ]
  13. Steve, The thing about the abandoned bunker or killed crew makes a bit of sense. The reason I didn't think this was going on was the red 'MG Crew' icon was still hovering over the bunker. I don't know what enables or disables this icon, but that's why I thought the thing was still alive. In that scenarios if the Stryker's hadn't been immobile I would've driven down and checked the thing out. As it was, I didn't want to waste 15 minutes moving infantry down the map to see what was what.
  14. I think I've taken my fair share of the soapbox so I'll bow out of this thread after this reply. It's not that I don't realize the replay can be skipped. I realize that the game doesn't calculate the outcome that same way that CMx1 did. The realtime view is literally a window into that calculation of the turn outcome. Instead of just showing a progress bar like in CMx1 the game shows you the combat unfolding in realtime. After that, it gives you the option to see it again with VCR controls. It's not necessary for WeGo players to view the realtime portion. The reason I'm 'picking' on the realtime view is because it's the least flexible of the 2 ways you can watch the outcome of the turn. The player has no input or affect on the realtime version, it's just a cut-scene that you're forced to watch. I'm struggling to imagine any single benefit to having the realtime view for WeGo players.
  15. Well, perhaps I can make my thoughts clearer. The mouse based camera rotation happens at twitchy warp speed. Along with that, the 'window' that allows a player to move forward with the camera is much smaller than I'm used to, you almost have to have your cursor centered in the middle 20% of screen real estate to move forward, off to one side a bit too much and the super quick rotation begins. So perhaps if the rotation didn't happen at warp 9 it wouldn't be so bothersome. Anyone else notice the tab-locking for units isn't working well? Seems like more often than not the tab-locking leaves the unit off-screen.
  16. This is 100% a suggestion thread. Pull back on the rah-rah rabid fanboi crap and let people post their thoughts. Blah blah blah this isn't CMx1 blah blah blah. Well guess what? CMx1 was 10x the game that this is turning out to be. I've played the game for about 8 hours and there is marked de-evolution of UI usability. I'm trying really really hard to like the game, but it's clunky. It's very clunky. So please spare us the "it's not CMx1" red herring BS, because it is BS. This patronizing fanboi crap get's pretty old.
  17. Kwazy I believe this entire conversation began while the original poster was playing the 2nd mission of the training scenario. I don't recall the Styker model in that mission, but it should be easy to look up.
  18. I have a Logitech G15 keyboard which includes an LCD display. It's a useful feature, I usually have it set to show me CPU and memory usage. I have an Athlon 64 X2 4600+ and I'm running 32 bit XP (I'm not happy with the Windows 64 bit offerings at the moment). I have 2gb of RAM and a nVidia 8800GTS 640mb card. I'm in good shape regarding drivers and I have all power management disabled. When I play the game, both cores of the CPU perma-spiked at 100% for the entire game (actually it begins right at the briefing screen and doesn't stop until I exit out to the initial game menu). I wouldn't have noticed this without the LCD keyboard or a CPU logging app running. I'm curious if everyone else is perma-spiked while playing? The game is behaving OK for me, and I don't mean this to sound like a complaint, but in lieu of the many performance related threads I'm seeing I think it's a probably factor for many folks. I play a ton of high end FPS and RTS games, this never happens with other titles - usually my CPU sits at ~40% during other games. Something is up, I hope this info helps.
  19. I had the same thing happen. The ATGM teams quickly engaged the T54s without orders. The I manually targeted both bunkers. One bunker was fired at, the other wasn't. I couldn't compel my ATGM teams to fire on the second bunker. The M249 had no problems targeting the same bunker and there was a red icon above the bunker (unlike the dead first bunker and dead T54s). </font>
  20. Hammer, I suspected I was having an issue as well with the Mk19 and found I wasn't in range for the weapon. Try moving up a bit, watch out for RPGs...
  21. You do know that you don't have to watch the replay, right? After the minute has been processed and the replay starts, just press the big red button and you get to the next plotting phase. </font>
  22. It said something like "Javelin 1" under ammo.</font>
  23. I had the same thing happen. The ATGM teams quickly engaged the T54s without orders. The I manually targeted both bunkers. One bunker was fired at, the other wasn't. I couldn't compel my ATGM teams to fire on the second bunker. The M249 had no problems targeting the same bunker and there was a red icon above the bunker (unlike the dead first bunker and dead T54s).
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