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Everything posted by KNac

  1. At this phrase, zero; I can't read your mind sorry.
  2. you mean on 1.02? cause on 1.01 the .50 seems to work just fine
  3. Read BFC answer here: http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=52;t=002480
  4. Read BFC answer here: http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=52;t=002480
  5. Read BFC answer here: http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=52;t=002480
  6. um after a couple of tries i managed to complete the first mission with just 1 WIA and 0 vehicled damaged some kick adviced that worked for me: 1) use firepower to the full extent; with distance when you can, your optics & spotting is much better as well as accuracy. arty is a damn killer, a light AP barrage and you kill several squads, so use it. 2) don't dismount if it's not absolutly neccessary, avoid it at all costs, and if you do, it must be with full security measures and aplying supressing fire to any dangerous spot. 3) mantein some unit cohesion, group your tanks or strykers (just not that much that the poor pathfinding will screw it or an AT team will ruin your whole force), 4 eyes are better than 2, and 2 cannons better than 1 4) proceed slowly to unknown places! just dont rush, let your units spot enemies and punish them w/o concession hi thre and glad you are enjoying the game. btw what difficult setting are you using?
  7. a work around could be done though, something like what panzermartin suggested.
  8. Steiner then just use an external recording software , that feature is not 40$ worth when you can have it for free
  9. Will be the patch released before the weekend? Would be ncie to play the game patched during this weekend! Please! hehe
  10. Do you know how long does it take to setup a subforum? Less time than the one they spend answering a single post. Other thing is moving all the allready existing posts, but that's not mandatory. Not so hard, so please set up it!
  11. That's an other beast completly. The problem is that there is not any kind of programmed StratAI, so the AI is passive. Why? Cause "Operational AI" (as per manual words) is not working right, which is the one that should take care of most decissions. Operational AI is broken/not working at all in the game, but in scenarios and campaing this is not as bad cause the AI has general planning done by the designer (strat AI). Anyway you can see it's not working right when it comes to some simple decissions (ie: http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=70;t=000218 ) As for the rest, agreed 100%, I specially like your idea for addressing the current problems with units selection.
  12. I think that the current uncons are enough to simulate Hamas/Hezbolla units, am I wrong?
  13. The manual says there are 3 kinds of AI, one of them being Operational AI, which is the AI you recall. I don't know to what extend this AI is programmed or tweaked, but unless the manual lies, there is such thing allready. Other thing it is broken.
  14. Well, there are lot of current wars that look like that; ok, not the monument part and not that much for the sleeving but in a similar mood. Only that are not fought (most times) by occidental powers, or there is little direct involvement of their armies (to the public eye, anyway). Do not count Russia, just see Chechenia etc with leveling of entire cities. So if you want to make some scenarios which follow this 'style' with the current Red units you can represent quite a few of them.
  15. In addition, if you play in elite mode you will notice that when you select a friendly unit, it wont see any other friendly unit which it's not in contact.
  16. I would add a better selection of ammo usage, when to use HE/HEAT or whatever, when to use main gun or secondary mgs, etc. That needs some rework too.
  17. You can still play we-go anyway With few limitations and not over multiplayer (yet), but all will come. I had a similar experience lto yours. All the whining and the game is running smoth for me, I must admit though that right now I am playing the camaping in turn mode, but I'll play it RT when I've learned better the controls etc. (hotkeys and all that need a rework IMO). Sure it could be better, but anyway it's better than anything out there, and more revolutionary. But if you just keep watching the bad things....
  18. "Well quick battles don't seem very interesting anymore" why people keeps repeating this!?
  19. That would be nicem but if it's difficult to find people to play RT over TCP/IP, let's not talk about that sort of coop. Anyway, that would be really cool.
  20. IMO when people gets used to new UI, and some features are polished (UI shortcuts, pathfinding & tacAI) & bugs solved, gradually people will move towards RT you just have to find the force size that sweets you to play in RT AND do strategic planning, or better said, execute it in a correct and formal tactical way. apart of that is obvious that nowadays computers are FAR more powerfull than 99 computers, and that in 8 more years we will have technology we can't dream about now. the problem is the manpower hours neccessary to optimize and get all the potential of that technology, this problem is increasing exponentially as well as the tech.
  21. was that game CMBO first version?
  22. About all this, one of the things that thrilles me more about all this ranting & raving is the repeated false fact that CMx1 TacAI was so great compared to CMSF TacAI. First off, CMx1 was an abstraction, not a 1:1 representation of units, terrain features/tilles where pretty much abstracted as well. Now each unit has to find "fisical" cover & conceallement in the 1:1 map; yes, the beahaviour is odd, units rarelly retreat or seek cover, but that's cause the game has bugs or is far from perfect (as well as was CMBO when was first released, I'm not saying this game is all perfect, sure it could be more polished, but compared to nowadays standards is not that bad). Some people should get back that open mind disposition they had when first tried CMx1, and found it refreshing, instead of the non productive ranting. I think most would find the game rather enjoyable after a while if they could ge rid of all the little prejuices. That and a couple of patches to fix bugs and polish the game, off course.
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