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Everything posted by KNac

  1. Sure hehe Anyway, we can always play Blue On Blue QB with ME or similar things, for armoured battles and stuff like that hehe.
  2. IMO I think everyone should just check AT LEAST the demo before making any premature judgement about the game. Don't worry, even with all the hi-tech stuff it will be funny.
  3. I think the syrian have a good deal of AT weapons which can deal with the monster on close quarters and even at a good range.
  4. We (or our politics) say if the dictator in turn was elected by "their" people just if the dictator is a toy in hands of western governments or if he was placed there by these governments. I will tell you one thing, there is an inner slow movement towards democracy inside Iran, but each time a western governmenet (usually the USA, sorry) has the excellent idea to "free" someone the balance goes towards fanatism again. Europe and USA earned very hard our freedom, our ideology and our values, the democracies we have, all at a cost of centuries! All these things that seem so threatening against us aren't much more difference of what christian europe some centuries ago was, the same religious fundamentalism, the same poberty, etc. Why the hell do you want to enforce other to do that in years, not even decades! Politics are short-minded (for obvious reasons, their mandates are short), but please, don't do the same error. If you want to help them I will tell you two words: education and information. No need for invasions or "freedoming". I'm all for preventing risk of NBQ attacks, but you don't need neither nuking them or ivanding them for that, air strikes, covert operations and good spy network and you have the job done. That and don't let get them the etchnology off course. [ December 16, 2005, 06:57 PM: Message edited by: KNac ]
  5. What's up with some americans and their permanent attitude to "free" everyone and his mother? Please, learn some history and you will see that enforcing freedom NEVER works! Our hard earned "freedom" (I hardly believe our "democracies" are such things, but that's an other question) has come to a cost and a long process during a long time! The have to "earn" their freedom by theirshelves. One thing is preventing them of striking us with nuclear weapons, and other enforcing their "freedom" for us to have safe asses. If you want to prevent NBQ weaons danger just stop producing them all the way, all the nations. But off course, our politics won't do that, it's not interesting for their pockets and the groups of pressure or lobbies behind them. It's all bull****. Off course a nuclear strike will prevent them of doing no? Do you live in Alice's Donderland? Do you think there would be such an strike at all? Hold your horser sir! the economical and political cirscunstances hold more than any nuke such an attack. Funny enought such thing as cartoonish "Comunist" China is no more an agressive capitalist nation like USA other that with an aparent fanatical political control, the only difference with USA is that while on China the government mechanism of control is a supposed comunist ideology in USA is a fanatical religious and "patriotic" ideology. [ December 16, 2005, 02:44 PM: Message edited by: KNac ]
  6. Dictators who were placed there by "peacefull nations" to start with? who runs the UN? stop this bull****, welcome to the world of real-politik. --- Nukes shouldn't exist at all, but unfortunaly they exist. preventing the expansion of these and dropping the existing ones should be what have to be done. But well, we are are humans and so stupids and autodestructive. WMD are worthless and worst invention in a long long time as Steve pointed out later. [ December 16, 2005, 11:45 AM: Message edited by: KNac ]
  7. Most of the talking I've read deals with strategical/operational scope of warfare, but not much talking about tactical warfare that it's what we will have to deal with. The way the enemy acts operationally & strategically will define what kind of tactical battle we will have to play (from either side), the only thing I got clear on here is that we will have to play a lot of ambush battles (let the convoy advance & hit them), or permantly delaying/attriting actions so when the unit advaces gets hit by an other ambush, but only that? [ December 16, 2005, 11:47 AM: Message edited by: KNac ]
  8. 22 here, playing the best of each world (in reality playing almost nothing due to a computer being broken almost 2 years ago, but this week I've ordered a top super-ultimate-PC hehe). Agreed with these who said that it has nothing to do with age, but with attitude and taste. Also, want to say that PC gaming will be dieing because of consoles is totally false and won't happen, in any case the other way around. Consoles will be always one steep (in most cases more than one) backward than PC, and if you check these are evolving to a pseudo-PC, so the fact is that consoles will end dissapeiring (at elast as we know them right now) or evolving to a new class. Sum to that the console games price and the consoles itself price (each time more expensive as technology gets better) and... boilla!
  9. I have installed HoI with last patch (1.06) and a CORE mod (waiting for others mods to be released anyway), it plays well. Also have AA:HTTR, which I find very fine and revolutionary (Martyr why are you waiting for the next patch? the guns leading problem or what?). So I have: tactical level - CM operational level - HTTR grand strategy - HoI 1.06 with mod (it's much better than earlier betas, that's for sure) I'm lacking an strategy level game, any suggerence? Korsun Pocket it's good?
  10. Wouldn't it be great if someone host that file?!?!?!
  11. As JaegerMeister said, don't get profit of set up areas. Don't game the game. Do not move all the troops fordward etc. Just make some minor movements and keep the troops more or less were they were (move them to cover but not much more). You just have to see that it is like if you were playing a 60 min battle. But for various reasons Eichenbaum couldn't make it a single battle (hiding the code, ammo levels, etc).
  12. I'm thinking about doing a serie of scenarios/operations centered around Leningrad. I have some maps but need more exhaustive information about the battle from 41 to 44 and more detailed maps if possible. The first two books which came to mind were, offcourse: -The Siege of Leningrad 1941-44: 900 Days of Terror -The Battle for Leningrad, 1941-1944 (Modern War Studies) both from Glantz, are they worth it? Have they detailed OObs of both sides, battle stories, some detail etc a part of the strategic and analysis stuff Glantz always does. coming from Glantz I would spect the best. anymore suggestion? if you have any good link, with maps and all that (have 1:50,000 maps) from that area... [ July 11, 2003, 10:38 AM: Message edited by: KNac ]
  13. I think it will take sometime. Eichenbaum was out in a trip to France this week. With a bit of luck it will be out late this weekend, but I think it has to be tested and all that, so it might get at least an extra week (or half a week). But the best one to anwer tha question is Eichenbaum himself so you will have to wait until he is back.
  14. Not really. The aircraft are there, on both sides in fact, but because of game mechanics 1) They won't fire always. 2) Even if they fire you don't have to notice it always, as far as they aren't shooting at you. 3) If you don't have clear sky they won't show up. Those are some reasons because you haven't noticed them.
  15. Really don't remember, but it doesn't go bad for me. I'm using a PIV with 1.4 Ghz and a Geforce 4 Ti 4200. It's true that the computer plans much faster in Ops 3 & 4, I think it's because is more static. Anyway the turn calculations aren't long due to force sizes, believe me I have played much more bigger battles, but due to the map size. As for AI, it plays well, the only annoying deployment I found so far was on the right flank (where I as using romanian nf) cause the deployed in open ground. But really there isn't much cover in that part once you have passed the vneyards and the wooden path. So far their infantry screwed me a bit in the central sector (I lost a full platoon due to ebing outnumbered and ambushed, and run out ofammo damn). As for my loses, they aren't too bad, but that depends on how do u try to clear the fortress complex. If you make an assault with infantry it can be harmfull. I cleared almost all bunkers with massed tank/gun fire so I didn't have to assault them with infantry and in that sector my infantry was hidden almost all the time until they could advance w/o bunker fire and with the support of the tanks. An excellent operation.
  16. Wow, that's great thanks for the links. There is any place where I can find a reference map to know where belongs each of those grid references? It's a bit diffcult to go just by "The lower the letter of the alphabet, the further north the grid is. The higher the number, the further east. " Many thanks!
  17. Off course. I will wait your e-mail, waiting for the next map
  18. I'm sure more people has finnished it. Anyway I offer ny services as tester if you want!
  19. I have an idea for an other battle, can I use the map and send it to you when it's done? Maybe you want to include secondary set ups for playing against humans or for having different set up. While not historical the scenario I have in mind could happen IRL in fact it happened a lot It would eb a single battle, around 30-45 turns and the map area would be smaller (and the forces involved maybe). Well I will send you an e-mail with the idea and if you like it I will try to make the set up and send it to you.
  20. I'm on battle 4 now, haven't finnished but allready cans ee the access code so I think I'm done . . . . . *SPOILERS* I suffered also from the AI prebarrage thing one time, I got angry and reloaded the setup and began again. Maybe not fair but well I checked LOS and I thought it was well hidden but it seems that some enemy inf have LOS or something. The second time I suffered it again, but this time continued the game, and with a lot of luck got the tanks safe (well, commander casualty but the tanks weren't abandoned). Taking out the bunker complex was difficult because the damned bunkers could draw a lot of fire, I fired at them the 240mm arty, the 150mm rocket and normal, and tried with direct fire from the SIG33 and with tanks, slowly and after a lot of shots and losing my guns I could take the gun bunkers out, and then began to knock out the MG ones. I have yet to play the forth battle but I have gained some space in both flanks (right flank awesome infantry battle with the romanians!) and with some smoke I think I can pass some infantry behind the ditch (anyway almost all bunkers there are dead) and mke the tanks move too. Awesome battle very fun, ca't wait for the next one.
  21. Excellent idea and excellent aplication of it. I'm playing A1 right now, I'm on battle 3. It's cool and a lot of fun, the map is perfect and very well done. Can't wait to play the next one! Right now I'm throwing all I can against the Obejective B defenses, but it's damn hard to knock them. Keep the good job going! Too bad that the AI can't be scripted as you said to make it better, but it isn't anwering that bad at all. I will post any suggerence if I have any when I finnish the scenario.
  22. I would like to see france camaping, or if not france troops with their secret weapon: the big white flag.
  23. when are we going to open threads about the new game?
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