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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. The patch doesn't affect the mods in any way, i.e. they should be fully compatible, but that being said the patch does introduce a few new options that the older mods may not take advantage of such as the setting that allows you to change the number of Intercepts a Fighter has against Tacs and Strategic Bombers. Hope this helps, Hubert
  2. From what I remember we had some real problems with the formulas with the old method, due to an inconsistency depending on research levels but off hand I can't remember the exact issue, and *I think* that was the primary motivation for changing to the current model. Do you happen to remember more of the details or any thread in particular that might jog my memory a bit more?
  3. Interesting idea Canada1, and something to think about for down the road
  4. Thanks and we've come up with a solution to handle this type of situation so that Timor will transfer to Japan should Portugal surrender to Germany and Japan has units in Timor for the next patch.
  5. Correct, this has been fixed for v1.02 which should be available in the next few weeks.
  6. I remember when I first piked up my 24" screen and thought that was big... I can't even imagine what playing SC would be like on a 60" screen
  7. Hi Hendrisk65, This should be fixed with the next patch, sorry about the trouble! Hubert
  8. As mentioned with v1.01 and the up coming v1.02 patch this should no longer be an issue if the USSR has surrendered.
  9. Hi Colin, As heatrr identified, with v1.01 Japan should now be able to enter a surrendered USSR and with v1.02 we've introduced a few more scripts such as this to allow mutual entering of surrendered territory for the Axis countries, i.e. under similar situations.
  10. This is by design and the culprit is I believe Omsk at 125,11 which is a town. This essentially divides the USSR in half at this point limiting operational movement past this point for an Axis conqueror as it has been argued they likely would have had some issues like this with a surrendered USSR etc.
  11. Generally I would need a file to confirm the behaviour and error but that being said we did correct one issue that seems to be very similar to what you've described for the next patch. Hubert
  12. Geofighter, Sorry to hear about the trouble but at the same time I'm a little confused as I cannot repeat any of these issues with the v1.02 patch. Can you confirm that you are playing with the latest version? I think the easiest thing for me to assess the issues would be to see a few of the questionable turns and if you can send them to me at support@furysoftware.com I'd be glad to take a look. Hubert
  13. From what I remember I don't think this is possible via the STRENGTH script but a resource script might have the same effect and I believe this can be done while the USSR is neutral. A quick test should be able to confirm this one way or the other.
  14. The capital can transfer to Australia or Canada but at a loss of all current production items in the queue as well as reduced resources from the loss of the UK. The US Lend-Lease convoy is also lost and the strategic importance of having the UK isle as a staging point for D-Day is also lost to the Allies. Beyond that the UK can gain some advantage by having its capital shifted to lets say Australia if it prefers to focus on the Pacific Theater from that point on but it does come at a loss to the European Theater etc. Hope this helps, Hubert
  15. Hi Acrashb, If there are no landing squares available then this is unfortunately the correct behaviour. Hubert
  16. Ok I see your misunderstanding, it is not actually an issue with the narrows as you've described because in game terms there are no narrows there other than how the map has been laid out to appear like a narrowed body of water, i.e. the only narrow points on the map that exact an additional movement cost are tiles that are both Land + Water tiles such as the ones located at 79,14 and 89,12 etc. After looking at your turn, what is causing the limited movement for you here are the weather effects and more specifically the rain/fog along those coastal tiles. We had in a previous releases removed the storm penalties for naval units but the rain/fog penalties remain as these are for all units and only affect naval units that proceed along coastal tiles. For example out at open sea this will not reduce naval unit movement. For subs I'll discuss this one with the design team to see what they might think and make any changes as applicable.
  17. Just an update that we've removed the link to Vichy France as it should simply trigger once France has surrendered.
  18. Ludi, Is this for a custom campaign? Just looking at the map for the default games the narrows situation you describe between Ireland and England does not seem to exist?
  19. Glad to hear it and definitely don't be shy in spreading the word
  20. Borsook, To clarify, in PDE if you look at the order of countries they differ a bit from the order in Global, and Global has new country slots as well. As Bill and pzgndr have mentioned the easiest thing to do is to make a copy of the original Global localization.txt file and placing it in your new Global custom campaign subdirectory. Then if you cutout all the parts you don't need to edit and just keep let's say the portion that has the country names the game will just load that section as 'customized'. By editing the custom country list to follow the same order you see in the PDE campaign you can achieve country renaming without having to make any changes to the campaign data. As a result, China can become France not only in game but in the Editor as well. Then if you don't like the tile colours, you can also put a custom Bitmap of the 'national_tile' sprites file in your campaign subdirectory as well and rearrange the tile colours here also without having to make any changes in the Editor. I would suggest taking a look at Cantona's custom campaign for some ideas as I believe he imported and modified an older campaign from WaW/PDE as well. Hope this helps, Hubert
  21. Currently we don't have this included in game but if you open the Editor and then the campaign you are playing there is an option under 'File' to export the campaign dates to a text file. This file will appear in your installation directory and you could then use it as a reference for when playing in game. Hubert
  22. Colin, great AAR and we are testing a few changes right now such as double intercepts and some new rules for Subs as inspired from the thread started from Bluestew. All in all they seem to be playing out quite well and should make it in for the next patch.
  23. With the v1.01 patch and for the default campaigns this should now be possible? Can you confirm which version you are playing and which campaign?
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