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Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. Looks like the DE will only trigger once France has surrendered, were you not able to force the surrender of France despite not selecting to form Vichy France?
  2. What does it show in the unit properties window when you click on your unit in terms of available action points? When you select the final movement position, what does the count show in terms of how many action points it will cost to move there?
  3. vonRocko, If you have a saved turn where I can review this AI behaviour I'd be glad to take a look at this as well, thanks! Hubert
  4. Hi Starpit, Sorry to hear about the trouble and I can confirm I received the file but I am having trouble recreating the error. I played the turn in TCP/IP mode and loaded the unit onto a regular 'Transport' and the game did not crash. Can you provide any more details so that I can properly track down the issue for you? For example, did you move the unit after you loaded it? Did you do anything else? Is it repeatable on your end? Thanks, Hubert
  5. Mod sounds great U8led and I tried the Quick Manual link but it does not seem to work properly, i.e. the sub link goes to an error page etc. Looking forward to finding some time and playing this mod as it looks like you put a lot of time and effort into this one
  6. If you have a saved turn where I can see this behaviour I would be glad to take a look, thanks!
  7. Just taking a quick look at the conditions for DE 503, if France has surrendered, Axis units are in Algiers and Spain has a mobilization % >= 30 towards the Axis then the DE should be presented.
  8. I think the RESOURCE script will do the trick for you or you can use a STRENGTH script to keep the value of a resource at 0 as desired. There are a few examples for each script type that will help you get a better understanding of how they work. Hope this helps, Hubert
  9. 1) Thanks this has been fixed 2) DECISION events only read one FRIENDLY_POSITION so it is neither an OR or AND as it only reads the first position (I believe)
  10. The failed delay setting likely does not make a difference as I've looked at the code and even tried a few sample tests of this behaviour all without any luck repeating it. If anyone has a saved turn where this is repeatable with a description of where it happens that would be great and I'll try and track it down.
  11. Hi Geofighter, All is not lost and you have a few options if you still have a saved game of your current game in progress right before the game ended for you. If you enabled 'Allow Changes' then all you have to do is open your saved game and then go to the Options->Advanced->Scripts dialog and select the 'Victory' events. From there you will see the scripted victory conditions and if you disable these then you will be able to play out until your desired end date. In the Editor, if you change the campaign end date you also have to edit the Victory condition scripts and amend them accordingly to your new desired end date. This should be pretty straightforward once you go over the existing scripts. Let me know if this helps, Hubert
  12. Nupremal, pzgndr, feel free to move this to the Beta forum as I think it would be more appropriate to discuss these items there. That being said, if you can attach specific turns where you can point out precise behaviour of the AI that you would like improved that is always helpful, i.e. unit x does y but should do z etc. helps me to better understand the issue as I can not only watch the turn but also review it line by line in my code via my development environment. Alternatively there is not much I can really do with any efficiency as I can only guess what the actual issues might be as you've described above.
  13. No problem at all and I think if I understand correctly the simplest solution would be to have Fighters also increase their 'Carrier Defense' value for each level of Advanced Air. In this case this would resolve all the issues correct? Hubert
  14. Hi Amadeus, I received the file and it looks like China is surrendered but Germany was never at war with China. So the behaviour you are seeing is indeed correct. However, with the last patch, v1.01, we can now be able to add a BELLIGERENCE event that would enable Germany to enter China by setting a post Chinese surrender BELLIGERENCE between Germany and China. This is just something that the default campaign does not have but I can consider adding it if this is desired for the next patch.
  15. Good catch Akiva and I believe the current implementation was something our original artist came up with, as we had it the other way around as you describe above for SC1, but I agree it never really sat well with me either. I'll see if this is something that can be easily changed.
  16. Gronq, for the default game regarding London I've made an adjustment so that it should generally maintain a Garrison position at London for the next patch. wlape3, for a mod I can't really say what the issue might be without seeing any script or campaign changes as any of those can have an effect relating to what you've described.
  17. This looks like the Spanish Civil War campaign correct? I think we did have a few such bugs back then for the WaW release but they should be fixed for the newer versions of Strategic Command.
  18. I believe that stock recorder does cause a problem for whatever reason as the DirectX version used by the game is older than XP.
  19. I'm looking into it for the future and just offhand I have noticed that some netbooks support a scaling feature for 1024x768 resolution, does the one you are looking to purchase support this feature? Hubert
  20. These are special events during AI games where some countries like Turkey will have a small percentage of a chance to swing in the opposite direction.
  21. Thanks for the file and this has been corrected for the next patch, i.e. there was a rare issue where air units would advance into enemy held tiles and this is why you cannot attack this unit as it is on a German tile. Hubert
  22. Not sure why but I've seen this happen before as well and it must have something to do with DirectX not liking certain files after they are saved with newer programs. Try using a program called GoldWave, older shareware program and you should be able to find a free/limited use one, to resave your edits and see if that does the trick. Hubert
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