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Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. MajorRH, In some cases on Vista, and I think it depends on your log in rights, i.e. if you are not running as an Administrator, it saves files in the following directory: Drive:\Users\User_Name\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\Battlefront\Strategic Command 2 Weapons and Warfare Expansion\ I believe it has something to do with Vista's "compatability files" format/rules etc.
  2. 1. Villages max out at strength 5 no matter the supply level or if they are connected by rail, ports do not have this restriction, and the reason the mine around Narvik only goes to 5 is that it is not actually connected by rail... which maybe it should be and I can look into correcting this. 2. The sub behaviour is pretty much expected with the numbers you gave, i.e. it is very likely to dive for each attack at Level-4 and take minimal damage with 5 experience medals. I can take a look at the dive direction and perhaps make it more random. Thanks, Hubert
  3. Hi John, Once you adjust the campaign it may want to reverify the scripts but once you save it should not go through every script again. On the other hand there are situations where you may change some map data that the scripts depend on for validity and in this case it will have to go through all the applicable scripts just to ensure everything is still Ok. Maybe this is the case? Hubert
  4. CanuckGamer, The letter 'A' on your HQ simply means that the 'Auto-Assist' option is enabled for HQ attachments. For further reference I would suggest taking a look at the User Manual from SC2 Blitzkrieg as it covers pretty much everything in quite some detail. After that the Weapons and Warfare Manual covers the changes included for the expansion pack. Hope this helps and welcome aboard Hubert
  5. Mock, I put together a compilation of topics in the top sticky thread that includes Multiplayer Leages at Panzerliga as well as an ICQ contact list and Opponent Finder forum. http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=34;t=002959 Hope this helps, Hubert
  6. Spectre of War, There is a v1.08 patch for Blitzkrieg that includes this campaign modified to also include some AI scripts for solo play. The campaign was renamed 1939-46 WWII Global Conflict. Unofficially we are also working to port it to the WaW engine with a number of other enhancements and improvements. If you liked the original chances are you will really like what we have in store for you once the port is completed. Hubert
  7. nunezs, Can you send me a saved turn so I could take a look and see what the problem might be? Send to support@furysoftware.com Thanks, Hubert
  8. NAMSAN, Due to the geometry of the game, i.e. the tile sizes etc. and how it displays the map area the only resolutions where it shows perfectly and without the black bars are the older standard types, at a 16:10 ratio, like 1024x768 and 1280x1024. In order to accomodate all resolution types I essentially center the game on screen and fill the remaining area in black, i.e. for other ratios like 16:9 etc. Think of it like watching a widescreen movie on an older TV screen where you see the black bars above and below the widescreen image. For the buttons, you are correct that it would probably work to show all buttons at 1920x1200 but it would require code changes on my end and it is just something I haven't got around to just yet.
  9. It is recommended that all new SC2 players read through this thread as it should answer most if not all of your questions. Please feel free to add any missing FAQ info to this thread as I will make necessary updates and any futher suggestions/ideas are always welcome. General What is Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg? What is the Strategic Command 2 Weapons and Warfare Expansion? What is the Strategic Command 2 Bundle? Where do I order the Strategic Command 2 Bundle? Where can I find the Blitzkrieg Demo? Where can I find the Weapons and Warfare Demo? Where can I find the latest patches for Blitzkrieg? Where can I find the latest patches for Weapons and Warfare? Where can I find the latest FAQ for Strategic Command 2? Reviews Where can I find the latest reviews? Trouble Shooting I have a Tech Support question, where can I post it? Where can I find some info on running a TCP/IP game? Mods and 3rd Party Tools Where can I find the latest graphics mods,custom campaigns and 3rd party tools? CMMODS Panzerliga.de Weapons and Warfare Script Editor Multiplayer Where can I find Multiplayer Opponents? Panzerliga Multiplayer League and Multiplayer Guide ICQ Contact List Opponent Finder Forum Hot Topics Does Strategic Command 2 work on a Mac? [ December 06, 2007, 02:08 PM: Message edited by: Hubert Cater ]
  10. Cantona66, I'm not sure but if you can send me a saved turn where I can repeat the error I should be able to track it down and fix it for the next patch. There should be a file in a directory called ERROR in your installation directory that you can send me. It is called Error.sav as well as the error log text. Can you send to support@furysoftware.com? Thanks, Hubert
  11. Most likely updated and only way to know for sure is to eventually apply the v1.08 patch when you get the chance. Hope this helps, Hubert
  12. Great write-up Timskorn! Looks like you had a pretty good game there and definitely a few things in there for me to consider Hubert
  13. First Weapons and Warfare Review posted on Armchair General Magazines website Be sure and head over to the Armchair General Magazine website as Weapons and Warfare has just been reviewed under the practiced eye of Larry Levandowski. "Overall, Weapons and Warfare is a must have for any fan of Strategic Command 2. After a few hours of playing, the new features and aggressive AI, feel like they have always been there. For new players thinking about purchasing SC2, the bundle package is the only way to go. The expansion pack makes SC2, already a good choice, much stronger in the crowded field of WW2 grand strategy games." Larry has posted a very balanced and positive review which you can read in full from the following link. [ Full Weapons and Warfare Armchair General Review ]
  14. Hi Ebitt, Ok it looks like the reinforcement problem has to do with Belfast being on a single tile with no adjacent friendly land tiles... in this case the game engine thinks that the unit is surrounded and thus the reason why it cannot be reinforced beyond 5. I'll see what I can do to perhaps correct this. For Canada the reason why St. John's is still at 5 is that Canada is a minor without a current connection to a major supply source, i.e. Ottawa is also at 5 so I am guessing that once the US comes on line, i.e. fully activated, the overall supply situation will change accordingly. Hope this helps, Hubert
  15. Hi Ed, Yes please send me a file so I can take a look. Send to support@furysoftware.com Thanks, Hubert
  16. Timskorn, Thanks again and I too hope reviewers take notice . In fact there is at least one review I am aware of and that is from the Armchair General and the reviewer does mention the new and improved AI: http://www.armchairgeneral.com/articles.php?p=3716&page=1&cat=59 John, What you experienced is probably different from what Timskorn has noticed as the AI does have some general logic to go after resources as well as cities etc., and in fact in SC1 would go after coastal cities that were left abandoned. This latter set of instructions was removed but as far as I remember with the SC2 WaW scripts there is just that one sneaky script where the AI would go after Romania if an Axis player would leave it unoccupied. Even here it does not do it 100% of the time and for the most part this was only put in to mimick some of the more devious human strategies and tactics but from an AI opponent, i.e. give the AI a more human like approach and feel in order to keep players honest and/or on their toes.
  17. Timskorn, Thanks again and I too hope reviewers take notice . In fact there is at least one review I am aware of and that is from the Armchair General and the reviewer does mention the new and improved AI: http://www.armchairgeneral.com/articles.php?p=3716&page=1&cat=59 John, What you experienced is probably different from what Timskorn has noticed as the AI does have some general logic to go after resources as well as cities etc., and in fact in SC1 would go after coastal cities that were left abandoned. This latter set of instructions was removed but as far as I remember with the SC2 WaW scripts there is just that one sneaky script where the AI would go after Romania if an Axis player would leave it unoccupied. Even here it does not do it 100% of the time and for the most part this was only put in to mimick some of the more devious human strategies and tactics but from an AI opponent, i.e. give the AI a more human like approach and feel in order to keep players honest and/or on their toes.
  18. Glad to hear everyone seems to be enjoying the new and improved AI. Just for reference on the AI unit bonuses and especially for the early years what it does receive is more or less Corps for Garrison positions and not necessarily extra units to help with the general Offensives... well not until France surrenders where it receives a task force for North Africa and a set of reserve units for Barbarossa but even here they are not available until after the DoW on the Soviet Union. The reason these Corps units are scripted in to help the AI is that it helps the AI focus its stronger units towards the attack rather than let's say have the AI use an Army or Tank Group to Garrison Warsaw etc. For example, in 1939 it receives a bonus Corps which it can use for Garrison duty in either Warsaw, Copenhagen, Brussels etc. Then in 1940 it receives a Corps for Oslo (which coincides with the SURRENDER_2 event forcing the surrender of Norway) as well as Corps for Caen, Bordeaux and Essen BUT only following the surrender of France. In this latter case all this does is free up the stronger units from Garrison duty in France, in case it has not purchased enough Garrison Corps in time to do so, for the eventual build up for war with Russia. In 1941 Germany does receive Rommel's task force for North Africa and this was mostly done to ensure a strong invasion force for Russia (less diverted units) and to keep the game interesting in North Africa for the Allies, i.e. give them a reason to keep forces down there and to continue the fight in the Med. For Barbarrossa and as mentioned above the Axis AI does receive a set of reserve forces but for the most part they will only come into play at best the turn after the initial invasion but most likely 2 turns later as they need to be moved up to the front lines. Here they only receive 2 extra tanks but some extra air and smaller units like Anti-Tank and Artillery etc. After that the AI will also receive bonus Corps for Garrison duty in Russia but again only after the appropriate objectives are taken and only to once again free up stronger units to continue the Offensive. There are additional bonuses here and there like Destroyers in the Baltic to help the AI deal with the Soviet sub and an extra HQ here and there, like the one it receives in 1942 and so on. As mentioned before the goal with the WaW AI was to improve it on many levels and not necessarily just throw a ton of extra units in your face to give the illusion of a superior AI. The base AI from Blitzkrieg was pretty good and did perform well when it had enough units to do so and this was the general idea behind the Corps unit bonuses scripted in for WaW, i.e. free up the stronger units to give the human player an appropriate challenge but at the same time I also focused on many improvements to the general AI including the tactical portion as mentioned by Timskorn and others where the AI does a much better job attacking, defending, retreating and finishing off weak and exposed units etc. The other main improvement was simply towards how the AI makes its purchases and spends its MPPs and this will of course be very noticeable on the Expert levels where it receives additional MPP from plunder as well as from the end of turn collection. In this case it will definitely come at you with more units regardless of the scripts as the AI does not hoarde MPPs as it once did in Blitzkrieg. I'll be the first to admit there is some slight of hand with the AI unit bonuses but the goal was to make it reasonable throughout and only with the intent to improve gameplay in a coordinated and logical manner. In the next upgrade to the SC2 engine I will be including Global Variables as well as a #LEVEL flag for UNIT scripts etc. so this will allow better control of AI purchases, i.e. less likely to need bonus Corps for Garrison duty, as well as allow me to control just how many extra units such as in the case of the Barbarrosa reserve script the AI should receive per level. As a result it will make the overall setup that much more intuitive and reasonably controlled.
  19. Glad to hear everyone seems to be enjoying the new and improved AI. Just for reference on the AI unit bonuses and especially for the early years what it does receive is more or less Corps for Garrison positions and not necessarily extra units to help with the general Offensives... well not until France surrenders where it receives a task force for North Africa and a set of reserve units for Barbarossa but even here they are not available until after the DoW on the Soviet Union. The reason these Corps units are scripted in to help the AI is that it helps the AI focus its stronger units towards the attack rather than let's say have the AI use an Army or Tank Group to Garrison Warsaw etc. For example, in 1939 it receives a bonus Corps which it can use for Garrison duty in either Warsaw, Copenhagen, Brussels etc. Then in 1940 it receives a Corps for Oslo (which coincides with the SURRENDER_2 event forcing the surrender of Norway) as well as Corps for Caen, Bordeaux and Essen BUT only following the surrender of France. In this latter case all this does is free up the stronger units from Garrison duty in France, in case it has not purchased enough Garrison Corps in time to do so, for the eventual build up for war with Russia. In 1941 Germany does receive Rommel's task force for North Africa and this was mostly done to ensure a strong invasion force for Russia (less diverted units) and to keep the game interesting in North Africa for the Allies, i.e. give them a reason to keep forces down there and to continue the fight in the Med. For Barbarrossa and as mentioned above the Axis AI does receive a set of reserve forces but for the most part they will only come into play at best the turn after the initial invasion but most likely 2 turns later as they need to be moved up to the front lines. Here they only receive 2 extra tanks but some extra air and smaller units like Anti-Tank and Artillery etc. After that the AI will also receive bonus Corps for Garrison duty in Russia but again only after the appropriate objectives are taken and only to once again free up stronger units to continue the Offensive. There are additional bonuses here and there like Destroyers in the Baltic to help the AI deal with the Soviet sub and an extra HQ here and there, like the one it receives in 1942 and so on. As mentioned before the goal with the WaW AI was to improve it on many levels and not necessarily just throw a ton of extra units in your face to give the illusion of a superior AI. The base AI from Blitzkrieg was pretty good and did perform well when it had enough units to do so and this was the general idea behind the Corps unit bonuses scripted in for WaW, i.e. free up the stronger units to give the human player an appropriate challenge but at the same time I also focused on many improvements to the general AI including the tactical portion as mentioned by Timskorn and others where the AI does a much better job attacking, defending, retreating and finishing off weak and exposed units etc. The other main improvement was simply towards how the AI makes its purchases and spends its MPPs and this will of course be very noticeable on the Expert levels where it receives additional MPP from plunder as well as from the end of turn collection. In this case it will definitely come at you with more units regardless of the scripts as the AI does not hoarde MPPs as it once did in Blitzkrieg. I'll be the first to admit there is some slight of hand with the AI unit bonuses but the goal was to make it reasonable throughout and only with the intent to improve gameplay in a coordinated and logical manner. In the next upgrade to the SC2 engine I will be including Global Variables as well as a #LEVEL flag for UNIT scripts etc. so this will allow better control of AI purchases, i.e. less likely to need bonus Corps for Garrison duty, as well as allow me to control just how many extra units such as in the case of the Barbarrosa reserve script the AI should receive per level. As a result it will make the overall setup that much more intuitive and reasonably controlled.
  20. vincere, Yes you can easily burn the download onto a CD and/or re-download your purchase as many times as you like. The game comes with a license key that allows you two full installations but I would recommend unlicensing from your old PC once you put it to pasture so you can re-install it on another computer without losing an installation. See the eLicense FAQ for more details: http://www.battlefront.com/elicense_faq.html
  21. emf, Ok I think I see the problem, Thrawn extracts to its own folder called European Theater. All you have to do is copy the two files located inside this folder, i.e. 'European Theatre.cgn' as well as a subfolder called '_European Theatre' and paste them inside the Campaigns folder found in your installation directory. If you do this it should work fine.
  22. Unfortunately nothing in the v1.01 changed that would create this type of issue. Can you try another MOD and see if it gives you the same error? Also, can you confirm that in the Campaigns folder you have a file called 'European Theatre.cgn' as well as a subfolder called '_European Theatre'?
  23. Not really sure what the problem might be emf, I just downloaded it and ran it in the Editor and everything ran fine... I am on XP as well. Are you sure you put both the campaign file and the subdirectory in the 'Campaigns' folder?
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