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  1. When I DL'd the updated version on CMMODS, it is the same as before, no change to reformation.
  2. Honch, love the mod, nice work. Question: What is the purpose of the "loop" arrows on land? E.g. - "to Sudan" , "to Murmansk", etc. Is there future expansion of the map planned? Also the map is getting very congested with towns on each new version, not a big deficit to the overall experience but becoming a little much. JMHO, thanks!
  3. Did you change the Arty range for Version 3? If so I will stick with Version 2.....I can't imagine Arty being useful at range 1.
  4. I am excited as well, you should post this on the main forum as well for WaW.
  5. I have been crushed by Ivan Bukovec. Summary: After a strong start as Axis, Poland, Denmark, Benelux and France fall by May 1940. However he managed to inflict heavy casualties on my Luftwaffe, but for some insane reason I decided to try a late SeaLion in Aug. 1940, UK fell but it took until Spring of 1941, at this point the game was down hill and he had a forward defense in USSR, I attempted to surprise him with Para and Air in Turkey only to get stopped cold. The rest is history. Bad (risky) Strategy and Tactics on my part, but all the credit goes to Ivan for playing a flawless Allies campaign.
  6. zvonar - email me at ekmock@cox.net if you would like to play. I am wrapping up a game and have another one I just started, but can play 2 at once. I am still a newbie after playing ColinI, I learned.....
  7. I played Colin I last and he is quite good. We had a "unique" match to say the least.
  8. What is the French shuffle manuever and why is it used? If I may ask........
  9. I am rather new but would be interested in the regular tournament, don't think I could last against the "VETs", let me know if you need me to play someone, or if Ivan is new we could play.
  10. WOW!!!!!!! I am rather excited about this new expansion. Let the impatience begin.....
  11. I am game.....send turn 1, ekmock@cox.net
  12. anyone have an answer or want to look into this.... I want my Beta-tester Merit Badge
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