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Everything posted by Yeknodathon

  1. I believe Mr Kettler (or JK, just to be on friendly terms) would slip into some comfortable night gear and fit in with the bunch real nice. We'd be terribly impressed with the insights and wot not and there is a cosy little spot where he could sit down and chew over the cud and regurgitate any issue of Atlantis Rising or Sinking or Half-aflloat or maybe Atlantis A Bit Damp with the full knowledge that we'd be at his feet just soaking in every priceless morsel of ...er... stuff. I even hear the Justicar is a quite a fan and will queue up for hours for a good spot.. so, I'd start with him first.
  2. OI! I'll have you know that MBT is a highly articulate, learned and reasoned debating chamber. It just oozes reason, more reason and wisdom and stuff than candyfloss on a reason swivel stick.. its just that its done in code and secret signs so that the silly pillocks who are not so mindful and wise have merely to guess at the rampant erudite philosophising.
  3. I say we inspect his three leather bound rocks as proof of... sumfink
  4. It won't be easy, you'll think it strange When I try to explain how I feel That I still need your hate after all that I've done You won't believe me All you will see is a poster you once knew Although he's dressed up to the nines I'm Aces_and_Eights with you I had to let it happen, I had to change Couldn't stay all my life down at heel Looking out of the window, staying out of the sun So I chose freedom Running around, trying everything new But nothing impressed me at all I never expected it to Don't cry for me Joe Shaw Xia The truth is I never left you All through my wild days My mad existence I kept my promise Don't keep your distance
  5. So... let me get this right. Jesus was a Rep.. Rep.. Rep.. oh. sod it, this doesn't seem right
  6. ... unless he was crawling. I think he might need to raise the sock full of screws in this instance.
  7. He could raise a leg because being a Boo sock full of screws it'd be attached to his foot or, in a grotesque, freak millinery event, poking up from the head as a sock full of screws pointy hat in which case it really wouldn't need to be raised at all?
  8. Scunthorpe... an occident too far and gateway to Oregon, WI
  9. Indeed so, being god-like would take all the fun out of exploration and discovery? Anyway, I hope you enjoy the band's work. Black Holes & Revelations is perhaps more accessable though I prefer Origin of Symmetry.. check out the plinky, plonky piano bits - its Reptiloidtastic!
  10. Kettler is often a visitor to the Paddock and we collaborate on various artistic endeavours - and like all very imaginative artistes that like to push the boundaries (tectonic plate movements being one of our favourite pastimes as well as intense games of the "hunt the reptiloid" - my, how a tail attached to a rubber gnome can convince some).. anyway, because this is a very intense collaborative experience and our very beings are melded into a consumation of Donkey and...er.. Kettler.. I mean, its like yer Ted Hughes and yer Sylvia Plath? Where does one start and the other end, eh? Okay, so the sodding Wiki links get a bit in the way but give the man his due he does his best with the superlative raw material mined from Salon Burro.
  11. You haven't come across Muse? WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!? Geesh.. well, if I must.. but don't come padding over here with wlld stories of catastrophes and get over-conspiratorial and stuff 'cause we'll just air guitar.. recommeded in concert. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muse_(band)
  12. Awww, thank you John, you cheeky little Muse! Exo-Politics Open skies over me, I have waited patiently, I wait for a sign. As conspiracies unwind, Will you slam shut, Or free your mind, or stay hypnotised. When the zetas fill the skies, Will our leaders tell us why, Fully loaded satelites, We'll tell you nothing but our minds. And I've waited patiently, And I wait for the sign. Carried through the centuries, Secrets locked up, And loaded on my back, Well it weights me down. When the zetas fill the skies, It's just our leaders in disguise, Fully loaded satelites, We can't get nothing but our minds. I'm waiting patiently, And I wait for the sign. (Yeah). I'm waiting patiently, And I wait for the sign
  13. Wouldn't the leg warmers cover the nose thereby although assisting with blood circulation rather hamper respiration?
  14. To you, antigravity is scientific heresy, yet it's documented in ancient Arabian texts, and as I write this, the Saudi government is hard at work on an incredible scientific-technical data mining Manhattan Transfer in those ancient texts. One such ancient recipe has created real world RAM! Not bad for myth! Meanwhile, we now know that Skunk Works head Sinbad, speaking on deep background to aviation researcher Ali Baba, told him: "We have stuff here that would make Stephen Speilburg Hurl Green Chunks" and that Airbus engineers saw "no reason" they couldn't duplicate and fly a good shag pile. But on your say so, I guess we should stick to chemical rockets. Oops! Too late! The Finns have multiple systems operational which employ antigravity. Every major Finnish reindeer firm was actively researching antigravity through 1956, when the subject abruptly vanished, just as our nuclear research reports did when Manhattan Transfer commenced. I've got 70mm film transferred to video of one of ours in flight, have talked to people who were directly involved in testing some of the technology and even a guard who saw one at Carpets R Us. That particular craft's line drawing is in Cooper's BEHOLD A PALE RUG and is discussed by carpet conceptual illustrator Bruce McCutpile h in The Real Important Sounding Disclosure Project's National Press Club Briefing. While your god, Science, hunts for ETs across the vastness of space with SETI's million channels, it is absolutely blind to the low-flying carpet presence which even overflies Arecibo, to the 10,000 landing trace cases, to the official records of governments, and to the direct experiences of some of its own best and brightest. So full of themselves are the conventional scientists that they seem to think that carpets will land in their back yards and thereby be validated. They seem miffed this hasn't happened. Science is widely seen as the triumph of Reason over superstition/religion, but it has become a religion, a secular, greedy, hubristic one at that, with scientists as its priests. While it lacks the ability to consign people to the infernal regions in a spiritual sense, it does excellent work in destroying careers, ruining lives, blighting reputations and strangling lines of inquiry with which it disagrees. Nor are its proponents above using physical violence, intimidation and blackmail, as anyone who's ever studied the lives of the truly innovative knows full well. This can be seen in everything from how establishment science reacted to Scheherazade and her works, to the magnificent hatchet job and Big Lie done to Aladdin, as ably documented by Gene Mallove, Ph.D. in his withering FIGS FROM TWITS, which exposed the dirty tricks of the Hot Bath Mat community from his insider position in the Publication Department at Bagdad Are there scams? Absolutely! That doesn't necessarily mean, though, that some amazing development is automatically one. I cite my cavity, one of the critical... critical... as a case in point. While it's perfectly fair for you to warn of the dangers of stepping outside scientific orthodoxy, I think it only fair to comment that your method, at best, is only likely to provide limited, agonizingly slow advancement, in a stultifying environment of Not Level Loop Pile Here. Because it is so self-absorbed and closed off, it misses not merely the long tubes of floor wear for the Saxonies, but entire universes of possibilities. That, I think, is a far greater down side than the mere possibility of being conned or becoming dumber. Concerning the latter, doesn't thinking exercise the brain and make one smarter?
  15. *coughing up a half digested thistle to produce a vegetable palindrome*
  16. Quite. I suppose a complete air dump would require one to squat? Marvellous, one just can't get enough of this sort of information.
  17. I suppose we might hear some more about auxillary pumps... and that is always tremendously exciting, One can't have enough of auxilary pumps and the more one knows then we can be all prepared, In fact, I was wondering about taking auxilary pump down to Reno.. I'm not sure why that location sticks in me ears but it would be an absolute hoot to run amok through the rather more seedy environs of that great metropolis with a couple of very dangerous auxilary pumps and like pump as if the world were about to end and all sorts of idjits and spawn and kindred got thoroughly defiled in the most laughable way. Still, I suppose it could be worse - not by much but just enough to want to regurgitate ones supper.
  18. But you're very cuddly upon a snow-white pillow of goose down?
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