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Everything posted by Yeknodathon

  1. How does one exactly distribute pubic hair? Does it grow back?
  2. [meanwhile, something large and heavy in a nun's habit is doing something that does not involve the well-being of a rubber gnome but does result in some pleasure and large globules of duck fat spraying in a radius from the centre of activity...]
  3. [.. and in one movement nips out the little rubber fella in one swift movement while the tail thrashes around in every direction] *SNOOOORRRRT* Well, Mr G, you've not been just naughty, but very, very naughty...
  4. [... and then climbing on top to allow gusts of wind to lift the habit to reveal newly shaved, smooth legs and painted hooves...]
  5. [Running a hoof round the rim of the duck fat pot while considering all the possibilities... ]
  6. [slipping into a comfy nun's habit and then applying liberal amounts of duck fat to coat all the nooks and crannies a rubber Gnome might have ...] Slip 'n' slide, slip 'n' slide [...slathering copious amounts of more duck fat on the nobbly bits]
  7. [meanwhile, Restraint is being practiced in the Paddock and today's lesson involves nun's garments, a fresh pot of rendered down Paddock duck fat and an over-inflated rubber Gnome...]
  8. [demonstrating exemplary slow manoeuvring by sinking both fore-limbs into the ground and straining every muscle to a catatonic state of buttock-clenching inertia... much like an initial response to an Emrys post but maintaining good, safe and progressive ear signalling]
  9. Hey! Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me, I'm not sleepy and there is no place I'm going to. Hey! Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me, In the jingle jangle morning I'll come followin' you. Though I know that evenin's empire has returned into sand, Vanished from my hand, Left me blindly here to stand but still not sleeping. My weariness amazes me, I'm branded on my hooves, I have no one to meet And the ancient empty street's too dead for dreaming. Hey! Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me, I'm not sleepy and there is no place I'm going to. Hey! Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me, In the jingle jangle morning I'll come followin' you.
  10. ... bother and bugger in equal measuring cups... Australia is an advert of rational evolution; a lumpfish gasping onto the beach of civilisation since yesterday afternoon... obviously lost its way...
  11. Australia... an advert for Creationism in a Gnostic universe; a continent that dropped off the end of the world exactly 4,000 years ago
  12. I witness quite a lot of carrots... [propping a couple of suitable limp and scraggy examples, root-side up] ... take for example, the Emrys Daucus carota... not especially very appetizing.. [... addressing the first one with a slobbering snout..] ... rather mundane and somewhat rubbery... [... drawing back both lips...] ... but one must trust in a robust digestive tract when a little hunger pang takes seize... [... and with dental precision and dexterity each carrot is diced and sucked up to the gentle incisor and guttural buzz of vegetative Emrys carrot dismemberment]
  13. ... or The Hoff as said in the same context as "Justicar Baywatch", as in the fake, non-slip Hoff mullet might attract another Mormon wife...
  14. [...ripping noises from behind the Paddock shed as rather large amounts of velcro strapping are being adjusted...]
  15. [meanwhile, in the Paddock something grey and heavy is carefully removing all tree frogs and placing on the ground where a greater deity intended them to be...] Justicar, Justicar Don't like much un-fa-mil-li-ar When he wakes It all just grates Must protect the jug-u-lar
  16. Oh, for crying out loud he's woken up... look see [deep breath] The Tatin Custard not just alluded in any subtle way that may be lost on SOME but even wrote it down in plain pixels for ALL TO SEE to help, one must assume, with the more challenged Kannigets... So it was just so blatantly a reference.... Honkety, hoooooonk! Look, if you smear a some sprout mash on a hoof, it gets sticky, see? And a hoof can stick to a page? See? Do try to keep up...
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