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Everything posted by Yeknodathon

  1. I think donkeys are the highest form of animal. Donkey Donkey Donkey Oi! Oi! Oi! Honk!
  2. This one's power of observation is quite acute... Justicar material
  3. [galloping around the Paddock with ears and tail extended to form the approximate profile of a Mitsubishi A6M Zero]
  4. They are mere scratchings in the merciless grip of ChickenBoos chicken feet.
  5. Oh, its 2009. Thst's a surprise, I wasn't expecting 2009 as 2008 was as entertaining as a snail with a hormone imbalance. I don't suppose 2010 can arrive a little bit earlier?
  6. Although ChickenBoo appears to be beyond merely spooked and actually engaged in a hysterical fit (no doubt aided by the lack wings) he really hasn't understood what Christmas means, for chickens.
  7. I took a punt on this game too. Game play is good but I've only really scratched the surface. DRM is fairly seemless as described but I had a few niggles to get the game running (upgrade sound card drivers).
  8. ... and as the loose chickens of forboding slowly cluck themselves to unconsciousness in the gathering gloom of eveningtide something grey and heavy is slaking its thirst on two hoofs full of carefully measured, finest matured sprout juice in the company of its favourite toy. "Well, Mr Gnome, one should take every precaution if we are to be visted again. One can never tell if its surprise Brunhilde night... and that always saps ones clucose levels. [... and the recently comotosed chicken named ChickenBoo attempts to lift a leg, but fails and becomes rigid again]
  9. It can't get more Hitchcock than sharing the same bed with a bunch of spooked chickens and the Justicar attempting north by northwest but going a bit too much southerly for my liking.
  10. Oh, one of the loose chickens has decided enough is enough and stopped moving.
  11. Peng is ther dark crow to your worm, forever hungry, forever remorseless and quite likely to be hopping along a road.
  12. ... I can also reveal that the Justicar has barely a few variations on just one technique as a method of engagement. Obviously, these variations were somewhat stymied and fruitless against the rigid placement of a rubber gnome.
  13. Eh? Better make a note... "St Lawrence Seaway... why does it seem so small now?"
  14. ... my, someone was suprised with the discovery of fairly well concealed protective rubber gnome...
  15. ... indeed, I clearly recollect the Justicar bursting through the Paddock shed doors during some very dark, wintry nights and in the door way with arms akimbo and showing off a tight-fitting breastplate, helm and interesting high-platform leg-wear announcing to me "you ain't exactly white, but you'll do". And then manfully striding over the loose chickens to thrust a sweet carrot into my mouth to declare in one ear, "laddie, when we get up a good sweat", I recall that his whispers were electrical in the frost-ripe air with all the gritted determination of someone intent on their pleasure, "I want you to honk "Olde One""
  16. Can't think of any other way to get the little bugger into the vessel. Sort of a hindu sati death rite by Munchhauseen proxy.. or sumfink. Granted, different gender, religion but once lit I'm very sure these considerations will pale into insignificance as the frieght container of destiny bears down on the little kayak of futility.
  17. Oh, that won't do at all! To meet the gods for a drink one must have a burning kayak, drifting silently down the river with the faint smell of barbequed Gnome on the air, and the odd fizz and pop as various containers of alcohol light up.. and we would all stand and remember as the vessel drifts from our view and ponder on what might happen when yer mortal remains enters traffic in the St Lawrence Seaway.
  18. Oh... well, I suppose we could do worse than Boo. When does he start?
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