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Everything posted by Yeknodathon

  1. *practicing a catatonic seizure to resist the slightest possibility of Boo mind control* [ April 15, 2007, 09:02 PM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  2. *peering moodily up at the black mind control satellites* Never find a Zeta when you want one...
  3. Something large and grey shuffles in the back of the paddock....there is a rustling and clinking noise....*ppssshhhrrrrpp*....*gulp* *gulp*....*hic*...
  4. Well, I should say that cheesecakes do not form on stalks. Besides, we are but the sullied plot, a muddied field from which emerges the stalk and from which blossoms a bunch of sprouts together closely entwined in a cheek-by-jowel commonwealth. And if one sprout should whither and fall or succumb to a sudden turpitude or corruption the commonwealth is disarrayed and the stalk sways this way and that until it is falls upon its own uneven weight. Or it might be some slight pestilence such as a Dorosh beetle nestling in the side of the plant or a dozing Prinzapillar nibbling along a leaf edge before metamorphosing into something very stupid. As such it is not illusion... it is metaphysics. *and with the skilled practice of a herbivore slices through the scalp of another sprout*
  5. I've become so desperate waiting for CMC that I... ... now roundhouse kick like Chuck Norris
  6. Yes, the red pointy hat isn't quite the same as a peaked cap.
  7. I suspect that he merely felt a little envious that his nom de plume wasn't Adolf GnomeGoring and felt impelled in a bout emotional projection to foist the full wrath of a full-on Teutonic polished knee-length boot worship on the nearest Bavarian beer festival putsch gathering that came his way. Except it did't really come out quite right.
  8. *honk* *honkety honk* *honkahonk* *honkety honkety ha-ha-ha-ha-honk* *snort* Justicar *honka* *honkety honk*
  9. Nah, a guy like him probably uses his tongue. Maybe even you could beat him, Joe. Michael </font>
  10. Justicadmium [ August 15, 2006, 08:56 AM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  11. Also, a musical language with rhythms and tones and juicy lumps of assonance and onomatopoeia that informs and extends beyond the meaning of the actual words... so the sound of "flatters to deceive" sort tells us what is meant with some initial fluttering and blustering then wimps out in a sort of stifled sneeze.
  12. I couldn't get into the barn to see the FAQ so I used a tank and now the barn and the FAQ have gone but I saw some livestock so they must have fed on the FAQ which is just so very, very poor. This sucks... fix it or do sumfink.
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