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Everything posted by Yeknodathon

  1. In deed, when literary talent, no matter how protean or miniscule in nature and size enters the MBT it is not only duty but our joy to nurture and encourage the wealth of endeavour being practised before our screens... I am encouraged by these small beginnings, greatness will arrive and flourish as a bloom across the oceans.. and what better start, I say, than "Knight of Ghosts and Shadows" ...where it cannot but be noticed on that seminal and informative Amazon Customer Reviews attains a very good rating. Comments indeed appear quite positive and helpful with certain warnings that: "flipping around got confusing. I found myself flipping around more than once trying to find out what was happening" ... and "One final caveat: there is a very small, miniscule amount of homosexuality in this book." ... and "Mercedes Lackey and Ellen Guon weave a wonderful web of Elves in the modern day world" ... not, that I should hasten to add, there is anything wrong with flipping urban Elves... but I most say I am waiting with some anticipation for the next offering to see how things have progressed.
  2. It's sort of Byron being channelled by Boo on crystal methamphetamine, or Emrys on very small grains of amphetamine or a Bard on a wrinkly whole potato...
  3. Er, exactly how is butter mown down? Surely it is spread?
  4. [Counting the calorie on one hoof...] Contemplating an Emrys does consume something... oh, there burns another one
  5. Net curtains or rather the lack of them... is so, so... well, rustic. Like a cranberry in a bog...
  6. Could have been flippers... [gazing longingly into the Paddock pond]... ...but why a sodding Nymph should want to get personal with a sodding self-obsessed sodden sodding dolphin with sodding dorsel appendages and sodding blasted sub-aqua squeaking Navy sodding mine-carrying intelligent water-bourne mammal is just plain sodding... [stamp, stamp, stamp] abysmal... [couging up some vegetable matter to skim a half digested sprout across the pond] ...just makes one want to eat unethically caught tuna all the time. Poipoise? Just as sodding bad... [gazing more longingly in the tranquil pond] ... one wants squid. Giant squid. Squid with a temper and lashing tentacles. Not some half-bloated, shrunken penguin with an phobia for pilchards...
  7. [... meanwhile something grey and heavy is galloping towards the most perfectly formed tiny sprout collapsed Emrys singularity placed at the other end of the Paddock and as a ton of prime donkey applies full frontal hoof stopping power as the event horizon of a crushing Emrys experience looms close the tiny sprout is snapped up and swallowed whole in the best anthropological way...] Take a trip round me digestive tract yer little begger...
  8. ... indeed, quite amazing what mental images thrust upon our minds with the prospect of Emrys rapier-like wit. Vast chasms and their echoes don't really come close... though the infinite expanding void of space where screams can't be heard...
  9. Yes, quite, very interesting. I'm a great fan of plate tectonics myself. Continental shifts? Fascinatining. Nothing like a volcano to brighten the day.. or night. And there can't be a gorge big enough to swallow some, I say, if they rise or fall or wriggle sideways or flip on their little submissive gorge backs. Nope, can't beat a rising gorge for breakfast with a steaming pile of freshly boiled sprouts on the side.. to go. Gorges are where its at... Gorgy, gorgy, gorgeous.
  10. Meanwhile, at the cocktail frank Paddock canning factory, something grey and heavy is trying to pack the most franks into the smallest tin...
  11. Meanwhile, something grey and heavy in a frantic whir of needles and wool, has started the Paddock Urban Woollen Revolution as part of the growing Yarnstormer Liberation Front... http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8098567.stm
  12. I should think quite a lot of those elements would be kangaroo as it could get quite lonely in the outback.
  13. [casually browsing through a mail order catalogue of ManKini 'R' Us while selecting a choice sprout] ... I want a DonKini... [.. and spotting the Justicar shuffling towards the local MBT WalMart outlet as the security guards prepare themselves for another fun-packed morning of detain and search]
  14. He always says that. [Hitching the spandex chaps up to show muscle tone]
  15. Bugger. That's all my street cred gone up in smoke with the spooked chickens. Please reconsider that last statement? Right, time for a sing song and one of my favourites too! From the Paddock Book of Golden Oldies Old McBattlefront had a Forum - E - I - E -I - O And on that Forum they had a Paul - A -U - A - U - O With a blindingly obvious statement here And a blindinglly obvious statement there Here a statement There a statement Everywhere a tedious statement Old McBattlefront had a Forum - E - I - E -I - O
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