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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Jack Carr

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Everything posted by Jack Carr

  1. I would like to download this mod and check it out. If I like what I hear in mp3 format, how do I convert the mp3's to wav files so that CMBB can use the new modded sounds? Thanks for any further assistance regarding this conversion process.
  2. I could be wrong but I think this is more of a Windows operating system feature than a CM feature. Also, If this doesn't work in CMAK then anyone running an 8XAGP Nvidia video card with certain settings switched on and newer drivers is going to be hard-pressed to see 2D text.
  3. Ok, now where is that none too bright, poster child for peace, War? </font>
  4. Good choice! I got to this thread a little late to give my two cents but that is exactly what I would have recommended. Glad to hear you are up and running CM.
  5. Yeah this CMBO and CMBB stuff is awfully good. Hard to believe but for me it just gets better the more I play. Hope you experience the same.
  6. Don't think too long brother. Just do it! Thanks.
  7. You've got a lower end machine?! You come out with all of these great mods and you're forced to downsample?! Uh-yuh-yuh...there is no justice in this world.
  8. Thanks for the feedback. Always appreciate your opinion and experience. I would love to drop the money on a high end P4 right now but with games like CMx2 and Battlefield Command coming out within the next year or two I'm very tempted to go 64 bit. Perhaps I'll wait a while and check some of the other game forums to see what "early adopters" are experiencing before I make a purchase. Thanks again.
  9. I think my next upgrade is going to be to the 64 bit world. I'm going to wait for Microsoft to release their Windows XP 64 bit operating system before I do it though. Anyone know of a reason why this may be a bad idea? Thanks for any feedback in advance.
  10. I would never use any other driver with an Nvidia card other than the 30.82 until Nvidia can come out with a driver with no problems from a CM perspective. There are CM fans that play other games as well, that want the newer, buggier drivers because they help their other games without any problems. I'm not one of those people but they have voiced their opinion here in the past.
  11. Thanks again Lord D. Received it in my e-mail last night.
  12. I would greatly appreciate that early war winter uniform mod if you could e-mail it to me. Thanks so much for your help Lord D!
  13. Enjoyed reading that article on the CMAK battle. I may just play alot of North Africa scenarios and QB's after all. Kinda neat that you can move vehicles behind the scenes to create dust clouds so that your opponent thinks something is going on. Gives CM a new twist it didn't have on the West and East fronts.
  14. Calling AndrewTF: Was there a winter uniform mod done for Heer early war? Or was there none done because the Germans didn't expect to be fighting in the winter time? I have many of the excellent winter uniform mods for Soviets, Finns, Germans, etc. but no early war German. Thanks for any responses on this one. I realize that with CMMODS just coming back up to speed that many of the winter mods that used to be there might not be there yet.
  15. If I had to guess about which war CMx2 will cover I would guess WWII. I think Battlefront has done so much research regarding weapons and equipment from WWII that they really wouldn't want to start from scratch from this perspective with another conflict. If they had to start getting factual data on another wars weapons AND write an entirely new game engine we would probably have to wait more than a year and a half to see the results.
  16. If I had to guess about which war CMx2 will cover I would guess WWII. I think Battlefront has done so much research regarding weapons and equipment from WWII that they really wouldn't want to start from scratch from this perspective with another conflict. If they had to start getting factual data on another wars weapons AND write an entirely new game engine we would probably have to wait more than a year and a half to see the results.
  17. Jack Carr's Top Ten List of ways to make CMBB more enjoyable: 1) Purchase and put on uniform of whichever side your playing and scream out loud when your men die. 2) Drink heavily while playing. 3) Play naked! 4) Get the whole damn neighborhood involved in a game or two. 5) Become emotionally attached to your men. 6) Pizza party and CMBB make a great combo! 7) Every time you get in your car to go somewhere pretend your on a CMBB map and look for good ambush spots on your way to wherever your going. 8) Yodel while you play. 9) Amputate a limb to get into the mood of the thing. 10) Line up Axis and Allied tanks on opposite ends of a blank, featureless, flat map and give all of the tanks fast commands to the other side of the map. Whoever gets the most tanks to the other side wins the war! Just kidding. CMBB is great so don't give up on it.
  18. The AI makes a good attacker when the odds are numerically in it's favor. Bump up the AI enemy troops and equipment and have at it. I especially like to play German defender QB's against a numerically superior Soviet AI attacker giving the Russians a +50% edge. Lots of fun and often times not as easy as you would think. I think I'll try a bigger bonus soon and see how zany it gets.
  19. Thanks for these mods. I'll be getting them as soon as I get a chance.
  20. Yeah. I can't get to it either. Hope this is maintenance and not another disaster.
  21. Thanks for the link. Very good website.
  22. Anyone know if CMAK will have Waffen SS troops. Wasn't the Leibstandarte and Reichsfuhrer-SS divisions in Italy at some point? I think Leibstandarte was there for rest and refit. Rescue of Mussolini at Gran Sasso? Who was that infamous Waffen SS guy...Skorzeny?
  23. Lucky, I'm glad to hear that because these Panther mods for CMBO that you've been coming out with are good. Really good!
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